Total coasters: 360

Rating (key) Roller coaster Amusement park
Adventure Express Kings Island
Afterburn Carowinds
Afterburner Fun Spot
Aftershock Silverwood
Alpengeist Busch Gardens Williamsburg
American Eagle Six Flags Great America
American Thunder Six Flags St. Louis
Anaconda Kings Dominion
Apocalypse the Ride Six Flags Magic Mountain
Apollo's Chariot Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Apple Zapple Kings Dominion
Backlot Stunt Coaster Kings Island
Backlot Stunt Coaster Canada's Wonderland
Backlot Stunt Coaster Kings Dominion
Banshee Kings Island
Barnstormer Magic Kingdom
Bat Lagoon
Bat, The Kings Island
Bat, The Canada's Wonderland
Batman and Robin: The Chiller (Batman) Six Flags Great Adventure
Batman: The Ride Six Flags Magic Mountain
Batman: The Ride Six Flags Great America
Batman: The Ride Six Flags Great Adventure
Batman: The Ride Six Flags St. Louis
Batwing Six Flags America
Beast, The Kings Island
Beaver Land Mine Ride Geauga Lake
Behemoth Canada's Wonderland
Big Bad Wolf, The Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Big Dipper Geauga Lake
Big Dipper Michigan's Adventure
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Disneyland
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Magic Kingdom
Blazing Fury Dollywood
Blue Streak Cedar Point
Boa Squeeze WonderPark
Bombora Lagoon
Boomerang Worlds of Fun
Boomerang Knott's Berry Farm
Boss, The Six Flags St. Louis
California Screamin' Disney California Adventure
Cannibal Lagoon
Canyon Blaster Six Flags Magic Mountain
Carolina Cyclone Carowinds
Carolina Gold Rusher Carowinds
Cedar Creek Mine Ride Cedar Point
Chang Kentucky Kingdom
Coast Rider Knott's Berry Farm
Colossus Lagoon
Comet Hersheypark
Comet Waldameer Park
Corkscrew Cedar Point
Corkscrew Michigan's Adventure
Corkscrew Valleyfair!
Corkscrew Silverwood
Cornball Express Indiana Beach
Cosmic Coaster Worlds of Fun
Cyclops Mount Olympus Theme Park
DarKoaster Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Deja Vu Six Flags Great America
Demon Six Flags Great America
Demon California's Great America
Diamondback Kings Island
Disaster Transport Cedar Point
Dominator Geauga Lake
Dominator Kings Dominion
Double Loop Geauga Lake
Dragon Fyre Canada's Wonderland
Electric Eel SeaWorld San Diego
Emperor SeaWorld San Diego
Escape from Gringotts Universal Studios Florida
Excalibur Valleyfair!
Expedition Everest Disney's Animal Kingdom
Exterminator, The Kennywood
Fahrenheit Hersheypark
Fairly Odd Coaster Nickelodeon Universe
Fire In The Hole Silver Dollar City
Firehawk Kings Island
Firehawk Kings Island
Firestorm Branson USA
Flight Deck Canada's Wonderland
Flight Deck California's Great America
Flight of Fear Kings Island
Flight of Fear Kings Dominion
Flight of the Hippogriff Islands of Adventure
Fly, The Canada's Wonderland
Flying ACE Aerial Chase Kings Island
Flying Cobras Carowinds
Flying Dragon Beech Bend Raceway Park
Freedom Flyer Fun Spot America
Freeway Coaster Adventure City
Full Throttle Six Flags Magic Mountain
Fury 325 Carowinds
Gadget's Go Coaster Disneyland
Galaxi Riverview Park & Waterworld
Galaxie Indiana Beach
GateKeeper Cedar Point
Gemini Cedar Point
Ghoster Coaster Canada's Wonderland
GhostRider Knott's Berry Farm
Giant Dipper Belmont Park
Gold Rusher Six Flags Magic Mountain
Gold Striker California's Great America
Goliath Six Flags Magic Mountain
Goliath Six Flags Great America
Goofy's Sky School Disney California Adventure
Grand Exposition Coaster Silver Dollar City
Great American Scream Machine Six Flags Great Adventure
Great Bear Hersheypark
Great Pumpkin Coaster Kings Island
Great Pumpkin Coaster Kings Dominion
Green Lantern: First Flight Six Flags Magic Mountain
Greezed Lightnin' Kentucky Kingdom
Griffon Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Grizzly, The California's Great America
Grizzly, The Kings Dominion
Grover's Express Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Hades Mount Olympus Theme Park
Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure Islands of Adventure
HangTime Knott's Berry Farm
Head Spin Geauga Lake
Hellcat Timber Falls
High Roller Valleyfair!
Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit Universal Studios Florida
Hoosier Hurricane Indiana Beach
Howler, The Holiday World
Hurler, The Carowinds
Hurler, The Kings Dominion
Hydra The Revenge Dorney Park
HyperSonic XLC Kings Dominion
Ice Breaker SeaWorld Orlando
Incredible Hulk, The Islands of Adventure
Intimidator 305 Kings Dominion
Invadr Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Invertigo Kings Island
Iron Dragon Cedar Point
Iron Wolf Six Flags Great America
Jack Rabbit Kennywood
Jack Rabbit Celebration City
Jaguar! Knott's Berry Farm
Jet Star II Lagoon
Jett Star Central Park Funland
Joker's Jinx Six Flags America
Jolly Rancher Remix Hersheypark
Kentucky Rumbler Beech Bend Raceway Park
Kiddy Hawk Carowinds
King Cobra Kings Island
Kombo Indianapolis Zoo
Kraken SeaWorld Orlando
Krazy Koaster Silverwood
Laff Trakk Hersheypark
Laser Dorney Park
Legend, The Holiday World
Leviathan Canada's Wonderland
Lightning Racer Hersheypark
Lightning Run Kentucky Kingdom
Little Dipper LeSourdsville Lake
Little Dipper Six Flags Great America
Little Dipper Little Amerricka
Little Dipper Memphis Kiddie Park
Little Titans Mount Olympus Theme Park
Loch Ness Monster, The Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Looping Star Beech Bend Raceway Park
Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain, The Indiana Beach
Mad Mouse Michigan's Adventure
Mad Mouse Valleyfair!
Mad Mouse Little Amerricka
Magnum XL-200 Cedar Point
Mako SeaWorld Orlando
Mamba Worlds of Fun
Manta SeaWorld Orlando
Manta SeaWorld San Diego
Mantis Cedar Point
Matterhorn Bobsleds Disneyland
Maverick Cedar Point
Mean Streak Cedar Point
Medusa Six Flags Great Adventure
Meteor Little Amerricka
Mighty Canadian Minebuster, The Canada's Wonderland
Millennium Force Cedar Point
Mind Eraser Six Flags America
Minor Mike Knucklehead's Bowling & Family Entertainment
Monster Mouse Fantasy Farm Amusement Park
Montezooma's Revenge Knott's Berry Farm
Mouse Coaster Riverview Park & Waterworld
Mr. Freeze: Reverse Blast Six Flags St. Louis
Mystery Mine Dollywood
Mystic Timbers Kings Island
Nighthawk Carowinds
Ninja Six Flags Magic Mountain
Ninja Six Flags St. Louis
Nitro Six Flags Great Adventure
Opa Mount Olympus Theme Park
Orient Express Riverview Park & Waterworld
Orion Kings Island
Ozark Wildcat Celebration City
Pandemonium Six Flags St. Louis
Pantheon Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Patriot Worlds of Fun
Pegasus Mount Olympus Theme Park
Pepsi Orange Streak Nickelodeon Universe
Phantom's Revenge Kennywood
Pony Express Knott's Berry Farm
Possessed Dorney Park
Powder Keg Silver Dollar City
Primeval Whirl Disney's Animal Kingdom
Primeval Whirl Disney's Animal Kingdom
Psycho Mouse California's Great America
Puff the Magic Dragon Lagoon
Python Coney Island
Python Pit Go Karts Plus
Racer 75 Kings Dominion
Racer, The Kings Island
Racer, The Kennywood
Ragin' Cajun Six Flags Great America
Raging Bull Six Flags Great America
Raging Wolf Bobs Geauga Lake
Raptor Cedar Point
Raven Holiday World
Ravine Flyer II Waldameer Park
Renegade Valleyfair!
Reptilian Kings Dominion
Revenge of the Mummy Universal Studios Florida
Revolution Six Flags Magic Mountain
Rewind Racers Adventure City
Ricochet Carowinds
Riddler's Revenge Six Flags Magic Mountain
River King Mine Train Six Flags St. Louis
Road Runner Express Six Flags Magic Mountain
Roadrunner Express Kentucky Kingdom
Roar Six Flags America
Rock-n-Roller Coaster Disney's Hollywood Studios
Roller Coaster Lagoon
Roller Coaster Fantasy Farm Amusement Park
Roller Skater Kentucky Kingdom
Roller Soaker Hersheypark
Rolling Thunder Six Flags Great Adventure
Rougarou Cedar Point
Runaway Train Six Flags Great Adventure
Scooby Doo's Ghoster Coaster Kings Island
Scream Six Flags Magic Mountain
Screamin' Eagle Six Flags St. Louis
Screechin' Eagle LeSourdsville Lake
Sea Dragon Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Sea Serpent Fun Spot America
Serpent LeSourdsville Lake
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Magic Kingdom
Shivering Timbers Michigan's Adventure
Shockwave Kings Dominion
Sideshow Spin Dollywood
Sierra Sidewinder Knott's Berry Farm
Silver Bullet Knott's Berry Farm
Silver Streak Canada's Wonderland
Skull Mountain Six Flags Great Adventure
Skyrider Canada's Wonderland
Skyrush Hersheypark
Slinky Dog Dash Disney's Hollywood Studios
Son of Beast Kings Island
sooperdooperlooper Hersheypark
Space Mountain Disneyland
Space Mountain Magic Kingdom
Speedy Gonzales Hot Rod Racers Six Flags Magic Mountain
Spinning Dragons Worlds of Fun
SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge Nickelodeon Universe
Steel Dragon Waldameer Park
Steel Force Dorney Park
Steel Venom Geauga Lake
Steel Venom Valleyfair!
Stinger Dorney Park
Storm Chaser Kentucky Kingdom
Storm Runner Hersheypark
Super Grover's Box Car Derby SeaWorld Orlando
Superman Escape From Krypton Six Flags Magic Mountain
Superman Ultimate Flight Six Flags Great Adventure
Superman Ultimate Flight Six Flags Great America
Superman: Ride of Steel Six Flags America
Swiss Toboggan Little Amerricka
T3 Kentucky Kingdom
Talon Dorney Park
Tatsu Six Flags Magic Mountain
Teddy Bear Stricker's Grove
Tempesto Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Tennessee Tornado Dollywood
The Dark Knight Six Flags Great America
The Runaway Mountain Coaster Branson USA
The Spider Lagoon
Thunder Run Canada's Wonderland
Thunder Run Kentucky Kingdom
Thunder Striker Carowinds
Thunderation Silver Dollar City
Thunderbird Holiday World
Thunderbolt Kennywood
Thunderbolt Celebration City
Thunderhawk Geauga Lake
Thunderhawk Michigan's Adventure
Thunderhawk Dorney Park
Thunderhead Dollywood
Tig'rr Indiana Beach
Tiger Terror Route 66 Carousel Park
Timber Terror Silverwood
Timber Wolf Worlds of Fun
Time Warp Canada's Wonderland
Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point
Tornado Stricker's Grove
Trailblazer Hersheypark
Tremors Silverwood
Triton Mount Olympus Theme Park
Trolls Trollercoaster Universal Studios Florida
Tsunami Scene 75
Tumbili Kings Dominion
Twisted Colossus Six Flags Magic Mountain
Twisted Sisters (Lola) Kentucky Kingdom
Twisted Sisters (Stella) Kentucky Kingdom
Twisted Timbers Kings Dominion
Two Face: The Flipside Six Flags America
Valravn Cedar Point
Velocicoaster Islands of Adventure
Verbolten Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Vertical Velocity Six Flags Great America
Villain, The Geauga Lake
Viper Six Flags Magic Mountain
Viper Six Flags Great America
Volcano: The Blast Coaster Kings Dominion
Vortex Kings Island
Vortex Canada's Wonderland
Vortex Carowinds
Vortex California's Great America
Voyage, The Holiday World
White Lightning Fun Spot America
Whizzer Six Flags Great America
Wicked Lagoon
Wicked Twister Cedar Point
Wild Mouse Hersheypark
Wild Mouse Lagoon
Wild Mouse Dorney Park
Wild Mouse Beech Bend Raceway Park
Wild One Six Flags America
Wild Thing Valleyfair!
Wildcat Cedar Point
Wildcat Hersheypark
Wildcat Adventure Park USA
Wilde Beast Canada's Wonderland
Wilde Maus Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wilderness Run Cedar Point
Wildfire Silver Dollar City
Wolverine Wildcat Michigan's Adventure
Wonder Mountain's Guardian Canada's Wonderland
Woodstock Express Cedar Point
Woodstock Express Kings Island
Woodstock Express Carowinds
Woodstock Express Kings Dominion
X-Flight Geauga Lake
X-Flight Six Flags Great America
X2 Six Flags Magic Mountain
Xcelerator Knott's Berry Farm
Yukon Striker Canada's Wonderland
Zach's Zoomer Michigan's Adventure
Zeus Mount Olympus Theme Park
Zyklon Fun Spot
Zyklon Branson USA