What's going to Sandusky for 2002?


I too, thought this when I first got into coasters...but I asure you, it doesn't exist.

I really do expect a Ghostrider "clone." I quoted clone, because I believe it will have the same 'L' shaped layout, but will be a bit different. I also think that a wild mouse,-possibly spinning cars- is likely too. Here's hoping...

"Johnny Rotten shot me with his BB-gun."
alton towers had a 3 b&m coaster contract with nemesis, olblivian, and now sw5. so there is a chance but wouldnt they have made it by now. i think so

"When I'm dead & in my grave, No more pot & whiskey will I crave, On my
tombstone it shall be seen. Here lie the bones of a smoking machine."

homepark=knotts berry farm (monte rules)
Knowing Cedar Point they like to Beat Records whenever they build something, I am wishing and preying for a CCI woodie, but its just not going to happen. If I had to guess from taking in all I'v heard from many different people, places, and web sites, I would have to say a S&S Thrust Air Ride, its just makes way too much sence.
--It can be fast, it can be tall, its can be called a coaster (add to CP's coaster count), it can be CHEEP, it will attract people becuase its rare, CF and S&S seem to have a good relation ship (can you say thrust towers?), It can be put in a small space.... theres more reason just forgot them =) As for a 4D or anything like this, way to much of a risk, it seems CF does not like to take huge risks like SF, but hey we never know.

Would be nice if they did a S&S and a CCI, wouldn't it, then they would beat SF =)

Raptor Rules The Sky! *** This post was edited by Relic on 5/8/2001. ***

bryang said:
"alton towers had a 3 b&m coaster contract with nemesis, olblivian, and now sw5. so there is a chance but wouldnt they have made it by now. i think so"

I don't think so, man. I just read a lengthy article by John Wardley (head of the Tussaud’s Group). He described his ongoing collaboration with B&M designing rides for Alton Towers. There was no mention of anything close to a "contract". Just because a park has built several coasters by the same manufacturer does not mean that there was any kind of contract. Wardley mentioned what a pleasure it was to work them and what a quality product they deliver. If one buys a nice car, and a few years later buys another of the same make, it doesn't mean that any kind of multi-car contract existed!

If anyone can provide an article or any proof of an existing multiple coaster contract between a park and a manufacturer I would REALLY REALLY like to see it! As Jeff said, it makes absolutely NO sense for a park to sign such a contract. That would be a VERY poor financial decision.

- Peabody

Relic said:
"Knowing Cedar Point they like to Beat Records whenever they build something, I am wishing and preying for a CCI woodie, but its just not going to happen.... As for a 4D or anything like this, way to much of a risk, it seems CF does not like to take huge risks like SF
Raptor Rules The Sky!

This is something I hear all the time. CP likes to be the best, the most innovative, etc. But at the same time people argue that CP doesn't take risks either. How can you be innovative without taking risks?
I'm not a CP buff-- has the park ever built a prototype?...
Honestly, the only thing close to prototypes are Magnum and MF, which were the first hyper and giga respectively, and even they were just an extention of what had been done before, just BIGGER! I can't think of any coaster at CP that was a real prototype, even from a LONG time ago.

- Peabody
No-one has mentioned the inverted stand-up! I was sure it would come up.

I think that CP is going to add something big, from the feeling I get when I am at the park, just seems like something strange, and big is going on. Does anyone else get that eerie feeling?

"Villain-Once You Drop, The Fun Don't Stop!"~SFWoA Rules In 2001~X Marks The Spot In 2001(SFWoA)~With SFWoA ANYTHING Is Possible!
I know what you are talking about. For one cp has one coaster left in the B+M contract. They also have a contract with arrow. But the way I see it, They are either going to add a B+M or a cci woody. If they add a woody it is going to be of mammoth porportion. If they add a B+M , who care, it is going to rock anyway. I personally think they are going to go with the woodie, but you really can't tell what cp is going to do next.
They will build what they want whenever they want - forget about contract's.


Parks and ride manufactures do not...
I repeat


have contracts with each other other than the initial ride that they purchased. I don't know where you people get this information from (speculation, word-of-mouth, rumors), but it's simply not true. I can't believe how many people still think parks have contracts with B&M, Arrow Dynamics, Vekoma, or Intamin on how many coasters they signed up for.

It's all false information.
They'll get a coaster when they get one.

I, for one, would NOT be surprised if Cedar Point didn't get a coaster in 2002. The main reason being the large gap between Mantis & Millennium Force (Only Power Tower I remember was added as the big ride/attraction during that time).

I don't know if this is a lot like computers...
At first, everything just seemed like a crawl in the 1980's. No major technical advances, no real power. In the early 1990's, things were looking up... but still slow.
Now, just a few years later... the computer technology is advancing soooooo fast, today's modern innovation game with high-res graphics and super textures is tomorrows 'has-been' & 'sub-par' games!!

Are parks similar to that concept?
Are they all of a sudden accelerating at a rate where they almost ALWAYS add a new major attraction every year, even if that includes a rollercoaster??
Somehow, I think so...

(In the 1980's, I don't remember too many parks getting more than 2 in that decade... in the 1990's, they might have gotten 10!!!!)

Thank you Dawg Byte.

"Johnny Rotten shot me with his BB-gun."
JORDON DUNHAM, where do you get that nonsense about a contract? If you can provide any proof I'd really like to see it!!!!!
I think that that CP's Arrow "contract" got canceled when they found out Magnum was sinking! ;)

- Peabody *** This post was edited by Peabody on 5/8/2001. ***
I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, but did anyone happen to guess last year that CP was getting a giga coaster, or even a 10 world record breaker? I'm just wondering what the likelyness of any of these rumors could be.

We are the keepers of the sacred words, Ni!, Peng!, and Nuuuuuwwwom!
john peck's avatar
I'll have to agree with Jeff on the capacity issue. Cedar Point runs more people through per hour than any one else. So whatever the MAJOR coaster may be, it will most likely run three trains of at least 28 guests.

My thoughts:
B&M flyer or Arrow 4D
S&S w/ large multiple trains

"They could have the queve line go to the midway"

Queve line?!?! Lets try queue line.
Oh and as for the three B&M contract, it wouldnt just go to Cedar Point, it would go to Cedar Fair. Plus, if they do have one, they have already used it, Raptor, Mantis, Talon.

Force312: i guessed it, a guy in the line for the magnum in front of me in 1999 worked for CP and he told me they were "thinking" about getting a 300 footer that would absolutely dwarf the magnum.

CP in 2002, get to the point
i think they will get a cci woodie for 2003 because of the sucess of ccis at their other parks, MA and KBF. i know they dont like woodies too much but i think it could happen. if they dont get one id say a xlc in 2002 and nothing till either 2004 or 2005(depending on economy and profit.) that wire magazine really gets me believing in the xlc but they can always change. and didnt alton towers get oblivion instead the flying saying that they will get the flying in four years. and how would u guys know there arent contracts? seems logical to me if its cheaper to buy in bulk.

"When I'm dead & in my grave, No more pot & whiskey will I crave, On my
tombstone it shall be seen. Here lie the bones of a smoking machine."

homepark=knotts berry farm (monte rules)
Actually, SmArtAce, if it was 1999, then the peson you were talking to was wrong. All of Cedar Point's major atractions are planned out 2 years in advance, so they obviously weren't just "thinking" about it.

Regarding the post above your second one, please don't be so critical over a single spelling error or word mis-interperation. If it were a sentence full of them it's understandable, but you kind of over reacted there.

"Johnny Rotten shot me with his BB-gun." *** This post was edited by Intamin2k on 5/8/2001. ***
Dawg Byte, well said, what kind of business deal would it be to liock themselves into a contract they wouldn't want to fulfill.

(Who at 16 years of age would be more than willing to pay a $15-$25 dollar subscription in order to keep this site running)
I think the big question is not what coaster will cp add next year but ..... HOW MANY Coasters !!!???

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