Powder Keg Announced

RatherGoodBear said:
So is the minimum height requirement based more on whether the body will physically fit into whatever restraint system is on a particular ride, and not necessarily the elements of that ride?

BINGO! Perfect example... Superman RoS (at SFNE anyway) has a max and min height. The forces of the ride have zero to do with it. That height is to ensure:

A. Your butt stays in the seat
B. Your legs don't get cut off (i.e. Dèjá Vu)

Mamoosh's avatar
Also, in the case of Deja Vu:

C. You can't reach up and touch the wheel assembly.

Its nice to see a new S&S/Arrow being built. It looks like it will be a fun ride. I am looking forward to reading the ride reviews.
rollergator's avatar
I am looking forward to Swoosh getting us some details! ;)

bill, doesn't *think* they'd spend on a back spike for theming OR for some (unnecessary?) redundant safety device...could be wrong, but I'm hoping for a backwards PUSH up that spike...:)

All right, here is the scoop. The spike is there for rollbacks. You can really tell by how steep this spike is and the blunt ends of the spike. They have a lot done on the ride, and without spamming my site you know where to go to see pics. They have also added a drop down from the old BSF lift hill into the helix that I had a photo of in the last update. This is going to be one heck of a ride.

Mamoosh's avatar
Hey Swoosh...the last pic on this page doesn't load.
rollergator's avatar
ROFL....I barely even got that out before Swoosh *dashed* my hopes...

Thanks D...;) /sarcasm....:)

matt.'s avatar
This looks like a ton of fun, so far, but certainly one of the *weirdest* coaster installations ever.
Matthew - I checked it out and somehow that file corrupted itself during the upload. I will get that fixed tonite when I get home. I'll give you notice when it is fixed.

Bill - Yes I was disappointed too by the news. That would have been so much fun blasting backwards then forwards. I wonder why S&S couldn't have devised something different to take care of unlikely rollbacks.

The question that remains, how is the car going to get to the top of the old lift hill? I highly doubt it will still have enough momentum to get up there.

Using the old chain? There's not much banking on the turn after the lift so the train will go over the top pretty slow and then gain speed during the dip and then some amount of airtime down the main drop.
It's a little bit weird that S&S only intend to use the backspike as an backup in case of a roll back, on one of their other design the backspike goes beyond vertical. What's the point of that if it's only a safety device?
Matthew, the problem is now corrected and you should be able to see that picture now.

olov, there are rumors about a second launch, but I am going with a chain. I would imagine that momentum will take it about all of the way up the hill and then the chain will take it up the rest. That's what they did with BSF. As for the spike, it is what it is. By going beyond vertical, it makes the momentum slow that much faster.

BSF had brakes D-Ho, right before the lift, which stopped the train and the lift took over. I still wish they kept those brakes and made another launch, themed to a getaway up the lift and a drop.


its in the woods.........
The brakes only trimmed it, but it still had quite the momentum going up into the lift.

Moosh & Bill - per your request, here is the OFFICIAL layout as shown at the press event. Finally got the pictures that one of my staff members took while they attended.


Mamoosh's avatar
Rentzy - Swoosh spoke to officials at the park. Its already been established that the spike is a back-up safety device should brakes fail during a rollback.

Swoosh - thanks for the layout.

*** Edited 11/16/2004 5:24:09 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

rollergator's avatar
Thanks D...:)

Still seems *awful unusual* to have THAT kind of (expensive) arrangement for rollback issues....but hey, HFEC's been doing this longer than I have, LOL...;)

I gots some goodies for youse guys. Like I stated before one of my staff members got to go to the PowderKeg Press Event and they had a hard hat tour of the construction site. You have to see these pictures of how the transfer track will work. Also they got a closeup of that rear spike.

I'm really excited now. :)


It looks like S&S is using Arrow Dynamics track design on this coaster.


Mamoosh's avatar
You know why that is, right Jacob?

Swoosh- thanks for the update and pics ;)

Yeah, because of S&S buying Arrow Dynamics. I thought it was wierd because we haven't seen them use it since they bought Arrow.


Jeff's avatar
Swoosh: If you're going to have thumbnails, then make thumbnails. A 271k JPEG is not a thumbnail, and that's bigger than the actual image. Then one actual image was 1.3 MB. You'll kill the dial-up people. *** Edited 11/17/2004 2:42:10 AM UTC by Jeff***

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

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