Powder Keg Announced

They are so close to testing this sucker! I cant wait, I'll be there for opening day!


its in the woods.........
Mamoosh's avatar
They are? From Swoosh's pics the launch track was totally missing.
Thank you jeff! I have dialup and couldn't download any pix there Shaddy! And I want to see Powder Keg, darn it;)

Oops. Sorry dial-up people. The problem should be fixed now. I forget that not all people have DSL yet. ;)

Its not that I haven't tried for DSL, had it in Fairmont, but I live on a mountain, and we don't know if we're in the area of DSL or not. Having them check next month, so I pray:).
Mamoosh's avatar
Mountain boy! ;)
Tekno - does it load for you now?

Matthew - do you live in the San Andres Mountain area? I can't talk as I live in the Ozarks Mountain region. :)

Mamoosh's avatar
Swoosh - I live 300 feet from the Pacific Ocean. None of the mountains near LA are called the "San Andreas Mountains." In fact the only such mountains I found in a search are in New Mexico ;)
But it's not his "fault."

Ba-da-boom! Sorry pun of the day.

Oops, I meant San Gabriel mountains. See that's what happens when you have too many "Sans" in one area. **** Californians. ;)


rollergator's avatar
Where I live, we're *sans montanas*....;)

Sorry, just HAD to....bored at work today I guess...:)

Mamoosh's avatar
LOL...no Swoosh, I'm about 30 miles from the San Gabriel Mtns. The closest to me are the Santa Monica Mtns, about 10 miles west [the part of the coast I live at actually faces South, not West].
Swoosh: Yes, thanks!

Moosh: See, here in WV, we just call all of our mountians 'mountains'. Naming them is just stupid.

This just in, Tekno was just informed that he lives in the Appalachian mountain range, specifically in the Blue Ridge mountain area. Please disregard any other posts as they don't even amount to a hill of beans.

Now back to your regularly scheduled Powder Keg thread.

Bill - phooey on you. :)

Country rooooooads, take me hoooooome, to the place where I belooooooong West Virginia... Sorry Tekno, couldn't resist it. ;)

Moosh where the heck do you live in the metro area? I'm just plain confused now. :) You know MiG is actually planning on invading SoCal next summer so watch out. ;)

Mamoosh's avatar
Swoosh - Playa del Rey. Or, if you're gonna do a map search, try zipcode 90293.
Playa del Ray Bans is a great destination resort full of dangerous roaring wavepools and endless amounts of grainy sarcasm and wit. Don't forget the sunscreen and drink a lot of fluids. Heated discussions are a must.


Actually, Swoosh, if you've ever seen me @ a WVU game (esp. if we're winning), then you'll hear me sing the whole song:). Granted, I'll be off tune and pretty toasted, but its still fun...;)
Tekno - Well if you have ever seen a MIZZOU football or basketball game on TV then you probably have seen me as I play trumpet in Marching Mizzou and Mini Mizzou. :) We like to play the Missouri Waltz here.

Well that makes a little more sense Moosh. For some reason I thought you were more north.

Well all I know is that the mountains outside my windows are bigger than all yours. So ha ha. ;)

Swoosh, you travel with the basketball team? I plan on being at the game in Boulder against CU. I'm not a Mizzou alum, but growing up in StL they became my team. Considering I went to a Division 3 school, Mizzou is still my team.

KU=#1 hands down.


its in the woods.........

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