Powder Keg Announced



Uh, yeah, the animated video certainly leaves a lot to be desired if you wanted to know the track layout!

Other than that, sounds like a very cool ride. Can't wait to see some construction pics when it gets closer to completion.


OMG I have a new sig!!!


So I take it Keith didn't do it then? Why dosen't the industry learn? If you want the best, you have to hire the best...

Edit: Upon going back and watching it, I must say, the animation itself isn't actually bad (infact it looks a little too real), but I would have rather had a VIP Animation of the entire layout. The rollingstock looks cool, adn it would be cool if they have explosive themeing when it launches like that. Looks like the train was moved into place on the launch track. I wonder if this is still considered a TA2K? *** Edited 11/6/2004 5:53:22 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion***



Yeah the animation itself wasn't bad, just what SDC told the company to animate was slim pickins, I guess.

The stats say 16 passenger trains, but in the animation there are blatantly 5 cars with four riders (20 peeps). Hopefully it's the latter as this seems like a long ride, and that would equate to pretty low capacity, even with the three trains.


OMG I have a new sig!!!


Mamoosh's avatar
Animation shows cars moving horizontally to launch track, which matched the layout from First Drop...cool ;)

*** Edited 11/6/2004 6:04:50 AM UTC by Mamoosh***



Did you listen to the video. It says 0-58 in under 3 sec. but the stat page says 53 mph launch. Which is it and what is a dragonfly turn?

Just a couple of G-Force junkies!



I am sure they were way overcharged for that video :).

Personally I think the animation did nothing to enhance the press release, and to me, reading the stats is more exciting that watching the video...

-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen



While I don't think it enhanced the press release, I'd say they'll probably use it for advertising. Not a knock on you at all keith (I refuse to call you Keifington, Keefey, or anything else till I meet ya;)), but after watching it, I have to say it was very realisitc. I just left wanting more, and not the good wanting more, the "I didn't get a good enough taste to know if I want more" wanting more:).

Regardless, the ride looks pretty decent, glad there is another TA2K(?) being built, even if I've A) never been on one, and B)probably won't be on this one, atleast for quite a while.



http://www.midwestinfoguide.com/silver/102704/9.jpg That.


its in the woods.........


Mamoosh's avatar
OzCatter - you sure about that link?


Tekno - I never said anything about the quality of the animation ;). Although, the shots they chose aren't very 3d, or in other words, the shots are easy to make look realistic using 2d images if that makes any sense. There may be a longer version somewhere though, who knows...

-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen



...Or at least a version that hasn't been run through the QuickTime "film noise" and "color tint" filters...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.


Six Flags Over Nebraska

Cal's link is right, but you need to copy and paste it. Something is weird with Swoosh's site and that's always been the case.


Mamoosh's avatar
Ah...thx, SFON ;)

The Mole

The Mole's avatar
Love how they state that this ride is a family coaster...

Any news on the restraints?



Lapbars, havent seen what they look like though.


its in the woods.........


Keith-Right. Actually, it does make sense to me:). But, you know, you can still do an animation for that wonderful site you have when the ride comes out, sense that's as close as I'm going to get to it for quite some time;).


The airtime hills sound nice. I think I may go try this one next year.


The reason why the link did not work is because I caught another site hyperlinking pictures off of my site, so I merely turned the hyperlink protection on.

The layout from First Drop is 100% accurate. You get blasted backwards then you go forward and the around and so. The train is transfered between the two tracks much like the video shows. The reason why it looks so "tinted" and blah blah blah is because they wanted to make it look old to fit with the theme of SDC.

I will have more pictures after this coming weekend. They now have some of the launch area done.




Swoosh, since first time I saw the layout I have known about that backspike but always wondered how it's gonna work. If they're using the same technology with using cables and a pushing sled, wouldn't that make it awefully difficult for it to get the train launched up backwards on a backspike?
Any ideas how it'll work?


Wait....I'm really confused how this launch works. Can someone spell it out simply please? :)

You get launched backward up a spike (similar to the reverse spikes on old Schwarzkopfs?) Then head out through the course. Later there is a second launch?

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce

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