DDR bug has hit hard

Kick The Sky's avatar
Just got back from my annual Florida trip and I played a Disney machine by the exit to Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom. Having only played the original Dance Dance Revolution on PSX I was surprised how easy this game was. They must make the Disney versions much easier because the first game I got a couple of misses and boos and still managed an SS (or a AAA). If I would do that on DDR on the PSX I would have a D. Anyhoo, I managed to pick up a PSX version of the Disney game in Downtown Disney and it is just as easy but I think it will be a nice game to play from time to time. Some great songs and I like that your grade is always on the screen so you know when it changes.

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 21 pounds since 1-1-2003

Jeff's avatar
You must've played easy songs! Granted, I'm much better now than I was in November, but Electric Light Parade nearly kicked my ass! It's also strange because the arrows are more spaced out.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM

BullGuy's avatar
I'm joining this discussion just a 'lil late. ;) I've been playing max for ps2 for about 3 weeks now, and though I've gotten better, I can't beat songs like orion and era on light. I've beaten some songs on standard, but every time I try these songs, it ain't pretty. It's the 1/8 steps that mess me up, not because I can't do them, but because they take me out of my rhythm, like in this song .
Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.
*** This post was edited by BullGuy 3/3/2003 12:17:56 PM ***
BullGuy - If you're learning 8th notes, Orion is not a good song to start on! It's way too fast. Try some of the slower songs on standard, such as Sana Morette Ne Ente (good for learning eighth notes) or Ordinary World (good for learning freezes) or Rhythm and Police (good for learning jumps). Or try Holic light (if you have it), as the weird rhythm forces you to think about the eighth notes a little more...

Good luck!

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Jeff's avatar
I honestly find that the easier standard songs teach those things faster. The problem is the psychological barrier of actually choosing standard mode and going for it.

One other thing, you'd be surprised at how much better you can read the arrows after playing doubles.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM

The Disney versions are a nice break from the other versions now and then. Disney's Rave at the Space Mountain arcade was my first game of DDR ever, so I have kind of an affection for it.

My first song was the easier Mickey Mouse Club March, and my second (my first failing song) was Main Street Electrical Parade/Electric Light Parade (whichever it's called).

- John
Dag, yo
Support Rob in the Great DDR Challenge!

Kick The Sky's avatar
I found it interesting that the version of the game at Space Mountain was Japanese. I wonder why they never bothered to put an English version in there?

Jeff: I know the game is easier because at home I play 2 and 3 footers and that is what I played on the Disney Machine and found it soooo much easier. I think Electric Light Parade would be waaaaay beyond my abilities.

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 21 pounds since 1-1-2003

BullGuy, don't get discouraged. When this thread started, I was about at your level. Now I can pretty much pass every song on heavy on MAX, most with an A or B. I find that you can make slow but consistent improvement until you can pass pretty much any 8-foot song. If you just play on average 20 minutes a day, you can probably get up to this level in 2-3 months. Once you get to the 9's and 10's, it becomes much harder to improve, IMO. I also picked up doubles less than a month ago, and can already do pretty much everything up to 6 and 7 inclusive. And don't be afraid to try doubles just because you haven't mastered singles yet--I wish I had taken doubles up earlier.

Sean Paul
CP 'Screw Crew 2003

Sean, I know this is crazy off topic, but are you working at the Point this summer? If so, you'll have to let me know how it is. I'm thinking about spending the summer there in 2004.

Jonathan Hawkins
"There is a cluster of bees at the top of the lift. Sorry for the inconvenience."

CPLady's avatar
I didn't start playing regularly until September, and I'm finally at the point where I can pass 4 footers on any level, some 5-6 footers on standard, and a couple of heavy 5 footers. I still have a little trouble with the 1/8 notes, and gallops can do me in.

I have noticed that once I started forcing myself to play the standards, I got much better much faster. It was my son who put me on Sane Morette standard on Thanksgiving and had me do it over and over from 10 pm until midnight "until you get at least a C, mom"
I'm happy to report I get a B regularly, and can sometimes ace it.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I'm trying to remember the "timeline" of how I got to where I am. I know I played for the first time last August, and I followed that up with several weekends in a row of 4-hour playing sessions, on light mode only.

I know I started taking advice from other people at the arcades, which certainly helped the learning curve. I started on standard stuff when I got Konamix in like October. When I got DDR MAX at Christmastime, I could do most 7-foot heavy songs on Konamix and at home with ease but 8-footers required much practice.

About a month ago I found that I could now do 8-footers with ease, but 9-footers required practice. Just as of last week, I'm finding that I no longer struggle even with some 9-footers. I look back in amazement when I remember how many times I failed Nori Nori Nori trick last fall, but now I can beat Healing Vision Angelic Mix with an A no problem. :)

/end Den's DDR evolution

The thing that is so cool about DDR is (I think) there are no "walls." For example I have recently been playing Gradius IV for PS2, but I have tried to get past the third level so many times and failed so many times that I've gotten discouraged and given up. With DDR, you'll always get better and better so you can leap over those walls...

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.


There's no English Disney version for the arcade, hence, all Disney arcade versions are imports from the Land of the Rising Sun.

- John
Dag, yo
Support Rob in the Great DDR Challenge!

I tried some new songs today, like Tsugaru Apple Mix, and Afronova Oni mix, and i surprised myself...i also tried trip machine survivor....well...that didn't go well ^^;;; But i'll get it

*still can't believe how well Den could pass HV:AM* @_@

Rolla coasta lova, and a DDR maniac

I've been cursed by the first-time-only, erm, curse. I tried HV:AM on Standard, and passed it with a C for the first time at the "local" Extreme machine a few days ago. I tried today 3 times on the more-local MAX2 machine and couldn't pass it whatsoever (luckily it was $.50/3 songs, good deal).

In my personal DDR quest, I've noticed that I don't pay attention to the foot-ratings. For example, today I just noticed that Nori Nori Nori Heavy was a 7 foot, and Healing Vision Heavy was an 8 (both of which I can pass with an A). I'm down to playing whatever song sounds good (Burning Heat, baby!)

Tommy Penner - YoYoBaybeeMan
The Beginning, The Past, The Present, The Future

"DDR looks too intense for me."

Take Me Higher

ROFLMAO, Takemehigher. My thoughts exactly!

I enjoy watching others DDR the night away, but there is no way in hell you're getting this "white boy with no sense of rhythm and two left feet" on a DDR machine...

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...
Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

joe.'s avatar
Redman, I thought the same thing... I haven't fully been bitten, but next time I see a DDR machine where people aren't crowded, I'm on it. I have no rhythm, but it's still fun as hell.

CBClub member #30 and #364 (renewal)

The Number One key to enjoying DDR is not worrying about how you look. If you let your mind wander for one second and think about how stupid you look, you'll get embarrassed and fail. And believe me, you *will* look stupid, especially if you are attempting to freestyle to like Dynamite Rave Light or something.

Kel - how is Tsugaru Apple Mix? I haven't seen anyone playing it. Harder than the original?

I believe I'll be playing some Extreme tomorrow after work. I'm going to try HV:AM for the first time in the arcade. 'cause we all know it's one thing to get an A on that song at home, but another at the arcade!

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Wow, surprised to see this forum,

DDR is my off-season passion. Can pass almost anything on heavy and nearly can pass Max 300. If any of you guys live near the Hazleton, PA, let me know, I'd love to meet ya at our machine sometime.

Nope, i live no where near PA...in fact i'm on the other side of the country in So. Cali ^^;;

Den - Actually, Apple Mix's steps aren't all that different from he origiinal Tsugaru. There's just no freeze at the beginning. I'm sure you could pass it with a B at least on your first try.
Rolla coasta lova, and a DDR maniac
*** This post was edited by Kel 3/5/2003 12:41:59 PM ***

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