DDR bug has hit hard

SFNE Freak - i would lol...first time i ever did it at the mall i was horrible. then i got the ps2 game / pad and now im pretty good. unless there's nobody around you though or you dont mind looking like a fool in public id practice with the home version.

Albany Entertainment
Great Escape Online Guide Coming Soon!

I had the chance to play DDR Extreme this afternoon at the Columbus Square Bowling Palace, so here's my report.

First I could not believe how many songs there are. I don't think there's even an option that shows them all at once, because that would be too many. You can sort them by what mix they came from.

I did not play any new songs, because I only had time to play two games, and there was a huge crowd there, and I didn't want to embarrass myself. I played Maxx Unlimited, B4U, Tsugaru, Burning Heat, Abyss and.. er, one other that I can't remember.

I saw some other people play songs that looked cool, including the new "Paranoia Survivor," which had some really excellent tempo changes. Also saw "A" (yes the song's title is A), lots of jumps and then it speeds up and gets really hard. Another song had the word "Ska" in the title and the ending was insane - something like 16 straight measures of nonstop 16th notes (thankfully all back and forth between two feet).

Also saw someone play "We Will Rock You," which looked really lame. I saw "Saints Go Marching" for the first time but I know it's not new. No one played "Bag," which at 65 bpm is I think the slowest DDR song ever.

I didn't see "The Legend of Max" on there, so maybe it's not unlocked yet.

For some reason the bowling alley did not get a new marquee with the upgrade, so don't be fooled, the marquee still says DDRMAX2 but it's Extreme.

I hope to get back later this week when it's less crowded and play some of those new songs....

EDIT: Remembered the other song I played. It was "Dam Dariam." I had never played that one.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

*** This post was edited by Den on 1/13/2003. ***

SFNE Freak - hop onto a machine with someone that's experienced, that way if you do bad, they can carry you through. :)

Tommy Penner
"Don't be fooled by the car that I got, I'm still Tommy from the block."
Variable X - Personal Rants

Sounds great Den! Did the newer songs look harder than the older ones? I can't wait to get my hands on one. Anyone know if ones coming to the Nashville area anytime soon?!

-Charlie (who will now let this thread die)

Darth - actually yes, Paranoia Survivor looked much faster and harder than any of the others. The tempo changes came out of the blue and most of them had lots of 16th notes; during the fast part it was nonstop.

btw if anyone has not seen the step chart to Bag maniac, it is something to behold. Check it out: http://www.hx.sakura.ne.jp/~zyx-19/ddrextreme/text/bag_4hc.html

-Dennis (who, as he said in like page 7 of this thread, will *never* let this thread die)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Have you gone back to try any of the new songs? That Bag maniac looks insane! Is there a site where you can get all of the step charts(or atleast most)? I would like to compare my best to maniac ones. It'll be brutal. heh.

Let's keep this going, Den!

Edit: I just realized that DDRfreak has them. Also, if I were to get a pad, which one would be best? I'd plan on using it a lot.

*** This post was edited by Darth Saambe on 1/14/2003. ***

Darth - the site that I linked above has a lot more step charts than ddrfreak does. No, I have not been back to play more yet. I'm thinking of going this Friday before work and/or at lunch time, when there will be no one there.

As for a pad, if you want a soft pad, the best can be ordered from the link at the bottom of the first page of this thread. That's the soft pad I have. If you want a metal pad, you'll have to take your chances on eBay, but I got off pretty well with mine.

So Darth - apparently we're the only ones posting on this thread anymore. ;)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I'm still reading!...Look out, my pads came UPS yesterday.
Just generics, but from ebay what'dya expect?

"The moose says you're closed, I say you're open!" - Clark W. Griswold
Proud member of the Walley World Park Security

Latest Den-MAX status report: I finally beat Lesson Oni last night; however I only ended up with 92%. So I guess that number must refer to the number of perfects you get. I thought it was the percentage of the songs you had left, but it's not.

Song I'm into right now: AM-3P heavy. These steps are just perfect. You start with the loooooong string of eighth-note turns, move into the pseudo-triplet section, throw in a measure of gallops, a long off-beat section, and then the perfect ending that moves you across the pad diagonally. Very nice. http://www.hx.sakura.ne.jp/~zyx-19/ddrmax2/text/am3p_4hc.html

I think I'm going to play Extreme at lunch today, so perhaps I'll have a report on some new songs.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

*** This post was edited by Den on 1/16/2003. ***

DDRFreak! :P

I read the thread, don't reply much now... Not many accomplishments either. I beat Max300 (light) the other day, and signed up for a tournament at the local LaserQuest in the light division.

Tommy Penner
"Don't be fooled by the car that I got, I'm still Tommy from the block."
Variable X - Personal Rants

CPLady's avatar
Tournaments?? I would only do that if they had age divisions as well.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I wish they had tournaments around here, but most of the Ohio DDR players seem to be focused in Dayton and Toledo.

I played some Extreme at lunch as expected... 3-2-1 Stars may end up being one of my new favorites. Very cool. I played Bag but even on standard I couldn't read it and failed in a matter of seconds. Song sounded cool though. Cartoon Heroes is excellent. Ska a Go Go, even in standard, ends with the loooong run of 16th notes, very fun. I even played We Will Rock You and on heavy it's decent.

Also played Saints Go Marching and A (both cool) and tried Maxx Unlimited on standard (failed). It didn't help that I'm wearing my dress shoes, which are hella slippery.

I still couldn't find Legend of Max or Paranoia Survivor, which I swear I saw some guy playing the other night. Can a song get "relocked"??

EDIT: Oh, one more little piece of information I learned today: DDRMAX2 out for PS2 in May!! As well as Gradius 5 and a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Too cool.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

*** This post was edited by Den on 1/16/2003. ***

Jeff's avatar

Good to hear about MAX2, but it has better actually have the songs! I don't understand how they pack hundreds of songs on to the CD's of the arcade games, but only do 70 on the home version (which is on a DVD!).

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com Rave Cam 1/18

CPLady said:
Tournaments?? I would only do that if they had age divisions as well.

CPLady's strategy...winning by default!

Of course, I'd like to see her win too. I'd prefer that to a no-holds-barred Shattered Hip Duel anyday.


(who once again could not resist)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 1/16/2003. ***

Jeff - if they put all the songs on one PS2 game, then they'd have to make up *new* songs for the sequel. :)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.


I don't think they'd have to make up *new* songs. All the ones they use are songs prewritten by actual musicians.

Darth - I don't think so. All the songs on Konamix were written by guys who work as music guys at Konami, as far as I know.

But my point was, the less songs they put on each game, the more they can save for later versions.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I understand what you're saying. I didn't know we were talking about Konamix, though. I know the songs they use in the arcade games, are actual ones though. Atleast I think most are. I haven't been able to look at them all.

Den said:

I wish they had tournaments around here, but most of the Ohio DDR players seem to be focused in Dayton and Toledo.

*...and Cincinnati. We have tournies every 3 or 4 months. We just got our Extreme machine locally. That makes 4 in Ohio (Dayton, Cincy, 2 in C-bus). Check Ohioddr.com for tourney info, since I hear C-bus may be having a tourney sometime soon.*

I played some Extreme at lunch as expected... 3-2-1 Stars may end up being one of my new favorites. Very cool. I played Bag but even on standard I couldn't read it and failed in a matter of seconds. Song sounded cool though. Cartoon Heroes is excellent. Ska a Go Go, even in standard, ends with the loooong run of 16th notes, very fun. I even played We Will Rock You and on heavy it's decent.

Also played Saints Go Marching and A (both cool) and tried Maxx Unlimited on standard (failed). It didn't help that I'm wearing my dress shoes, which are hella slippery.

I still couldn't find Legend of Max or Paranoia Survivor, which I swear I saw some guy playing the other night. Can a song get "relocked"??

*Legend of Max can only be played via Roulette until its unlocked OR if you AA a Heavy song as your third song, you can play it as your 'Extra Stage'. Paranoia Survivor should be selectable, but only as your third song....until it becomes unlocked that is.*


MAX2 for PS2? I was just about to buy MAX, maybe I should wait...

Den, where did ya get the information about that?

Tommy Penner
"Don't be fooled by the car that I got, I'm still Tommy from the block."
Variable X - Personal Rants

Closed topic. Archived.

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