Wicked Twister

Even tho I wasnt all that happy with Cp annoucment about the Impulse . ( CCI !  CCI ! ) I think it will do both CP & SFWOA good.  The GP that do go to amusement parks will recognise this coaster as the superman form SFWOA but with a Diffrent  " Twist " So they may go back and forth to CP to SFWOA, to see the diffrences.   I think this may apply to those folks in Chi town becuase V2 is out there also.   who Knows ?

But Bitchin about it WONT change a thing.

Livin in cleveland with the cleveland browns  there is an old saying

 " There's  always  next year "

You really need to get some more BRAN in your diet

Jeff's avatar

wahoo skipper said:
"I am not Jeff's yes-man though.  I do believe that SFWOA has the capability of becoming a much more aggressive competitor with the Point in the coming years."
I don't disagree there. Certainly they've got a geographic advantage and disadvantage. They're right between Cleveland and Akron, so that's a plus, but right now their sphere of influence doesn't extend much beyond a hundred miles in any direction. Cedar Point draws people two hours from Detroit and three (or something like that) from Ft. Wayne. They have a greater reach to the west I suppose because there isn't any competition in that direction.

The make-or-break thing with SFWOA will be management. There are too many parks in the chain run by bankers and not amusement people, and it shows. Combine that with the infrastructure crisis around the park and there's no room to grow. It's unfortunate, but these issues need to be addressed.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

You hit the nail on the head.
After reading all these posts I find that their are a lot of things that are left unsaid.   First, this a very heated debate about 1 coaster being better than another even though 1 coaster hasn't been built yet.  personally I thik everyone needs to settle down a bit.  Personally, I don't think 40 ft. and 3 mph will be all that exciting, ad I think that the hold on Superman is a very important part of it's appeal, but I haen't riddenwt yet so I won't say which is better till I have.  ow, Cedar Fair might say they can get 1000 pph, but they are fooling themselves.  Taking Jeff's calculations, in order to put 1000 pph a train wuld have to be dispatched every 1:55.  Taking a minute for cycle time, that only leaves 55 seconds to load, unload, and cool them lims... the ride won't be ready for dispatch for 60 seconds afte parking from a mechanical standpoint, whether the guests are loaded or not, there has to be sixty seconds betweenfires in order to properly cool the lims, shortening the cool down time could melt vital internal parts, literaly, in one operating day, That's not a risk I think CP is willing to take,but I am not park management, I could be wrong.  Also, Thinkgs happen, people don't know where to go right away or where to put their stuff or how to get in teir seats etc.... That might even be too much for 6 crew members to overcome.  And about the park attendance debate, A park not meeting it's expectations and a park goin down in attendance are two entierly different things.  While I can tell you that the park did not eet it's expectations, it's attendance was not down from last year, and that is taking into accoun the addition of the new park (I.E. sea worlds previos year attendance plus sfo's previous year attendance is where calculations were done.  all in all, my opinion will is that Superman and Twister will probably be too similar for the gp to care or notice the difference's between the two, it was something cp needed, they put it in and enthusiasts fighting about it is futile, it won't change cp's plans or opinions.  p.s. someone once asked to see figures and research that SFWOA stole attendance from cp, I think it is safe to assume, judging from 2000's figures, not 2001, that when cp's atendance goes down, and SFO's goes up, that people went to SFO rather than CP. but that' just my opinion, I could be wrong.
215 ft - 185ft/73mph-70mph/ two twists nd no hold-one twist and 1 vertical hold/ yellowand teal-blue and red.... I thik it's too cose to call folks, give it up , and by the way how does CPhave room to grow when it is surrounded by water, but SF doesn't when it surrounds water?
A wise man once said, "Bankers make money, enthusiasts don't"

*** This post was edited by GeaugaDog on 11/30/2001. ***

Dude, get comfortable with paragraphs.  That post was rough on the eyes!
I agree with you in one regard, though.  Both CP and SFWOA have plenty of room to grow for the forseeable future.  Look at the Wild Life Side.  You could put parking garages in that existing lot and expand the Wild Ride side into the existing Wild Rides parking lot.  That would create a ton of room.

*** This post was edited by wahoo skipper on 11/30/2001. ***

Jeff's avatar
This stuff about cooling the ride is urban legend. Just because a coil is hot doesn't mean it can't conduct electricity and generate a magnetic field. Even if there was a heating problem, they've been through it enough times to know how to deal with it now.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

ShiveringTim's avatar
The only difference I notice so far is the number of operators CP will put on WT.  Just having more than two operators check lapbars will improve throughput drastically compared to SUE.  CP's operational standards should be enough to get 1000 pph consistantly.
Scott W. Short
john peck's avatar
I wonder if they are going to go with a side mounted seatbelt or a front belt. Its probally easier to check a side-mounted one. I have found that I have problems fastening mine at Geauga Lake since I am so buff.

john peck said:
since I am so buff.

I have no idea if you are buff or not, but that was damn funny anyways. 

Kicking screamin' Gucci little siggy.

I think the ride is gonna be a sucess because non other park has one Cedar Point is the first park to have the Impulse with 2 spirals.

Not to sound stupid but what is a CCI I'v never haerd of one.

"They say a twister is headed for Cedar Point and they says its gonna be a wicked one."

Wicked Twister headed to Cedar Point in May of 2002

CCI is Custom Coasters International.  They make some fine mid-sized wooden coasters.

Jeff said:
This stuff about cooling the ride is urban legend. Just because a coil is hot doesn't mean it can't conduct electricity and generate a magnetic field. Even if there was a heating problem, they've been through it enough times to know how to deal with it now.
Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Have you operated the ride? Are you familiar with the control systems?  Have you discussed theissue with the makers of the ride Intamin, and the designer of the ride's control systems?  If you have, I appauld you, but so have I and cooling is not a myth, trust me, I know.  And I would appreciate more constructive criticism than, use more paragraphs.  If you have a comment on the content, I'd like to hear it, but te paragraph comment is useless.

Just a fair warning, Jeff knows whjat he is talking about and he is not to be disrespected. Lims do not have to be fully cooled down to operate again, even though its more "wear and tear" the lims can now take that kind of abuse. Its been proven with Intamins V2, especially with the one by me at SFGAm. Intamin has designed a better control and cooling system for LIMs and they are probably installing it on WT because they are replacing them on V2 at SFGAm right now.
I may be from IL, but i sure can't get enough of the FORCE. MF!!!

john peck said:
 I have found that I have problems fastening mine at Geauga Lake since I am so buff.

I have the same problem, but it's because I am so "puff". ;)

Without the chaindog, you'd never get up the lifthill...

I have no doubt Jeff may know people, I'm just saying that in this case, my source is a little more inside and more reliable than his.  I'm not disrespecting him, I'm just saing he is wrong, The cooling of the lims is not an urban legend.  And by the way, I never said the lims have to cool all the way, they just have to cool down some, there is a 60 second delay in between cycle times, That is what I said.

*** This post was edited by GeaugaDog on 12/1/2001. ***

john peck's avatar
Actually, I am more shaped like a pear.
I think CP could have made the design so that on the back tower it would rotate 180* and then have lim magnet hold on the straight section after the twisting.
Six Flags New England loses its "floor" for 2002!!!
Visit www.geocities.com/sfneguy for info. about SFNE!!!
Jeff's avatar
60 seconds is an arbitrary number that has little to do with the actual time required to keep temperatures at a minimum. I don't care who at the park told you or even if it was an Intamin field rep. With this ride it will be a non-issue, and that's from People Who Know(TM).

Of course, if you wanted to dispatch every 25 seconds, or whatever it is at DCA, you could just hose them down between launches. :)

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I'm happy with the new coaster, I think it is better for a park to differentiate between its rides, and an Impulse is different. As much as I would like a CCI or a 4D, I like the fact that instead Cedar Point got something different from what expected and people will ride this coaster because it looks different from other coasters. Wether they like it or not, the impulse will give them something different instead of a standard ride from Cedar Point. And thats the difference, lol. Thats just my 2 cents.
So Jeff, you're saying that WT will *not* have a cool down period? 

If so, that's great news!  Because at SFGAm, while it was difficult, you could still be done checking and still have a few seconds left before the 60 second cool down period was up.  And that was with only four people checking, I'd imagine it would be much easier with six ops.

If there is no cool down period, and the train can be launched as soon as the ops are done checking, then WT could definitely reach the 900 - 1,000pph, I think.

Only thing is, they have to be hitting that interval *each and every time* and each and every seat should be filled.

"That's BS you MF! They're WT!" -- CP's R&D team

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