Why is Coasterbuzz advertising Porn?

Honestly, I'm indifferent about the porn pop-up. I do understand that some people fear any consequences that would result in the pop-up. However, if it really has nothing to do with porn, than I would think it's fine.

Playa': Once again I don't understand. Call me stupid, degrade me, whatever. Myself and others on this site are used to it. What's with the english thing? So what if my sentences are short. When I said gibberish I meant what I said. You couldn't even read that post. If you want to make a point fine. Just do it so people can understand.

Jeff: What are your views on making this a site where everyone must pay? Do you think it will turn people away? I understand this site causes a financial burden, but wouldn't this be a possible solution?

Thank You.


Actually, if you've noticed, Burst (Jeff's ad agency) has not been serving many pop-up/under ads lately. And those are basically the only type that result in a decent amount of revenue.

When you have a large percentage of users blocking these limited ads, it creates a major problem for webmasters shelling out big bucks to keep the site up and running.



I have been visting this site for a few years now but am mostly a lurker. I like the the site and enjoy the bantering back and forth among many of the arrogant members. Very amusing. However, if this site ever went to a strictly pay site I wouldn't miss it. There are other sites out there where I could get my fix. Now Jeff, don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate what you do and money that you pump into this site. I think that you have a lot more drive, ambition, and patience than most people would have when it comes to running a site like this. I think that most people who start something like this are smart enough going in that if they are lucky they will break even and and most know they will lose money. While I don't know Jeff, I believe what is keeping this site afloat is his love for coasters and amusement park industry. I really don't think this site will ever go strictly to a pay site because part of the lure of becoming a member is to get rid of the pop-ups. You get rid of all the pop-ups and there goes a portion of your money. The solution would be to allow pop-ups even to those who are members. How many members would you lose because of this? I'm sure I'll get flamed for this. Thats O.K. I'll get a chuckle out of your responses.

Low-Rentzy district: Snoooooorrrrrrre.

GiantwheelJay: Did you post that while tying a pancake-eating salmon's shoe?

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 1/11/2003. ***


and it all makes sense now....


*** This post was edited by rentzy387 on 1/11/2003. ***

I don't recall communicating to anyone except to GiantWheelJay...and his well-stocked pond.

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

'Playa: First off, let me state clearly that I am totally with you and Jeff on the issues of pop-ups. I appreciate what Jeff does here, and would never think of blocking his adds. I would join in a heartbeat if I was sure of being able to wear clean clothes at the end of the term (I'm woking on this, but jobs are scarce on this campus).

CoastaPlaya said:

Uhhhh--like you yourself said, Jeff already explained why it was stealing. You really should find rentzy's response beyond thoughtless or ungrateful. It was flat-out worthy of contempt.

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but the intention here is to get rentzy to understand why blocking pop-ups is wrong, so that he will un-block them and start earning Jeff money again. Now, you are right: Jeff has already explained why blocking pop-ups is wrong. Obviously, rentzy did not understand him at that time. The way I see it, there are two possible reasons for this.

1.Rentzy is a total, utter moron, who can't really read, and doesn't deserve to use a computer on his own (perhaps a bit of an exageration, but it seems to be the option you have accepted).

2.For some reason, probably because it wasn't directed squarely at him, rentzy did not read, or merely glossed over Jeff's explanation. Whether intentional or not, this would obviously be a mistake on his part, and a stupid one at that. But who doesn't make stupid mistakes?

In the first case, it's hopeless. In the second, the situation can be rectified merely by re-stating Jeff's post, this time directed squarely at him. Because I believed it was the second possibility, I decided to try it. The way I see it, even if it was the first possibility, it doesn't hurt to try and explain it to him. If we try and fail, well, at least we know for sure. And, if you look at his response, you will se that I was right: For whatever reason, he missed Jeff's explanation. After I hit him with it upside the head, he saw the logic and decided to un-block the adds. What was obvious to you and me was finally made obvious to him.

One final note: When did I call anything you said giberish? I believe I understood your post quite well: It was an expression of that contempt you said I ought to have for rentzy, nothing more.

*** This post was edited by (SF)Great American on 1/12/2003. ***

Playa, don't be messin' with my salmon pancakes. Don't mess with my food. Don't do it. However, be nice I and I might let you come over and fish.

*** This post was edited by Giantwheeljay on 1/12/2003. ***

Yeah, okay, thanks for making me look like I have the IQ of a frog with that last statement (SF) Great American.

I'm sorry I don't stare at my computer screen trying to analyze everything. I'm usually pretty busy and have things to do. Because of this, I quickly check over what is read and respond. All I wanted to know was if blocking pop-ups would affect anything. All I got was a "nothing is free" speech by Jeff that, oh well, call me stupid, wasn't too clear to me.

I'm not stupid. You would be suprised to know how intelligent I am. I just asked for an answer and, in more words than I wanted, I suppose I got one.

Also, the gibberish thing was never directed at you. That was between Playa' and I.


Jeff said:

If you're blocking pop-ups, what few there even are, you're a theif. You're freeloading and taking money away from me.

Nothing personal against this site, but there are so many obtrusive pop-ups all over the web these days that it's impractical not to run a pop-up stopper as a general practice (not to mention a security hazard with all the holes they keep finding in Internet Explorer, etc). Too many places will hijack the browser and open a dozen windows, and a great many of them don't make the moral stand you've got not to run porn pop-ups. It's gotten so bad that browsers and ISP's are starting to come with the feature built in as a selling point (eg. Apple's new Safari, Earthlink ISP, etc). If you've got to run ads, use banners because the pop-ups are so distatefully irritating that people are going to block them.

Fierce Pancake has just reminded me of why I started using a pop-up blocker in the first place. My site was hosted by http://hostultra.com back in the summer of 2002 and it had some of the most intrusive pop-ups known to man but it also offered some very nice services that I couldn't pass up at the time.

Yes, I do use a pop-up blocker; why? Because I can. Its my computer and if you don't like the fact that a lot of people use them install a pop-up blocker blocker. It will solve your issues and you've brought it up before yet never follow through.

Yes, along with the fact that I use a pop-up blocker I am also willing to buy into exclusive memberships that a site offers. For example, I am a member of ACN Premium. Why? Because they had something that appealed to me: coaster videos. I can't travel to all your 'Buzz events so the Club membership is basically useless to me unless you offer more perks (which I'm aware you can't do because the events probably cost you a pretty penny also). Does Jeff (ACN) care that I bought ACN Premium for the movies? No, he doesn't care what I bought it for, he's just glad that I got it at all and that I'm helping support the site. Maybe in the future when I have a more steady paying job than a paper route I will buy CB to help support the site but for right now I'm happy as is.

SFNE Central- Online Six Flags New England Resource
Devoted Intamin Lover for Life!

What popups? I didn't know CB ran popups????

oops, forgot I had my POPUP BLOCKER running!

How is it our responsibility to pay for your site? You're the webmaster, you should pay for it yourself. We're just here to help out if we want to. That's like saying going into Best Buy and looking at stuff, but not buying anything is stealing.

http://www.houstonthrills.com - New Site Design!

Also, why do you expect us to buy your mebership, when you belittle and cut down your PAYING members every chance you get?

Cameron Willis
"You mean I can't pay with all pennies?" Six Flags Execs. buying coaster after emptying all the wishing ponds.

Jeff's avatar

I've said it before... the club is not about the events. I don't get your logic, SFNE Freak, ACN (which is well worth the money, by the way) doesn't even have events, but you do support the site. What do you think it is if you join the club? It's just another way of supporting the site.

Interesting stats for you... only 23% of club members attended CBCon at PKI last year. With two events this year, I expect those numbers will be about the same for both.

90% of club members have never even made a single post. If you think I'm cutting on "paying members," you're sadly mistaken. Besides, some people can't grasp the difference between differing opinions and "bashing." If you put yourself in public, get ready to deal with the reactions.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com

Jeff, I still "pay" for your site anyways, you 20 banner ads per page still make it to my browser...

90% of members have never made a post?

That doesn't sound right. How is that possible?


*** This post was edited by rentzy387 on 1/12/2003. ***

I support ACN because they have something useful to me. When I can drive next year you bet your ass I'll be a member of the CB Club but for now $20 for a year just doesn't seem worthy of ad-free surfing to me. I know I should do it to support the site but until I get a job that pays more than $12 a week its not worth it. And no, my parents DON'T just fork over money like other parents do. My parents make me earn what I want.

I'm still pondering why you haven't installed a pop-up blocker blocker. I'm sure that you would make more ad revenue if you did and I'm sure I would turn off my pop-up blocker if you did follow through. I just don't see the point in whining about people stealing from you when you have the capability of stopping it yet choose not to.

SFNE Central- Online Six Flags New England Resource
Devoted Intamin Lover for Life!

*** This post was edited by SFNE Freak on 1/12/2003. ***

Jeff said:

...Besides, some people can't grasp the difference between differing opinions and "bashing." If you put yourself in public, get ready to deal with the reactions.

I think that's funny because you consistantly pretend like you are always in the right, and that no one has a right to a differing opinion.

I'm sure it costs money to buy a pop-up blocker blocker (or whatever they're called). However, in the end I'm sure it'll be advantageous for the site.


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