Valleyfair getting a new coaster or not???

They are going to make the announcement very soon as they want to push season passport sales for next season.
Their last announcement was on 9/23 so very soon would be just about right for them. It is too bad they did not already announce because they already did the season pass mailer and it just says, "Something BIG is coming in 2007!" I am not sure why they need to wait a couple more weeks when they could have taken advantage of those advertising dollars.
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
So Swoosh; does the style of the new "attraction" at VF rhyme with the word, "goodie"? ;) ;) :)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

I already said it rhymed with GCII.
Well yeah, we pretty much know as much as we can know before an announcement that it is a GCII. The real question is are they going to try to make a Thunderhead-like ride, or are they going to pull a "Valleyfair!" and put the kibosh on the airtime?
I think... a lot of airtime and a more spread out GCI.
I think it will probably be a huge lift hill with a brake on the firstdrop which goes into a funky figure-8 and then a few rough bunny hops back into the station... what they already have one of those? ;)
Whatever. You're just mad that just the chance of us getting a good GCII next year already makes VF a much better park than WoF. ;)
Ah... Yeah!
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
What rhymes with GCII? ;)

Still can't believe this be true.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

RavenTTD said:
Whatever. You're just mad that just the chance of us getting a good GCII next year already makes VF a much better park than WoF.

With you adding the winkie face that discredits your entire post and lets everyone on the board know that even YOU don't believe that comment. :)

It won't make it a better park, but it might help give the park at least one decent coaster that makes it worth the drive up to VF! for something other than being a detour on the way to MOA. :)

Besides who says that we aren't getting another coaster soon anyway -- we are hosting Coaster Con here in a couple of years.

rollergator's avatar
Run High Roller brakeless, add in the new GCII, make sure Como Town is dry for the week before I arrive (grumble *tire drive*), keep Cyclops and Avalanche *as is* (are?), make sure the backwards seats remain on the Kite-eating Tree, and I just might have to show up for that Con...
I think they will pull a "Valleyfair" and put the kibosh on the airtime but I hope I am wrong about this! Will this be the first GCI with trims?

It is a FACT that The Voyage is the greatest thing on the planet!!
Trims? That is an interesting thought. Can you put trims on a turn? GCII's need to turn vs. Valleyfair!'s need to trim. It's like Alien vs. Preditor only I hope it's good.

And Swoosh, Thunderhead by itself is better than WoF and VF combined so don't count us out if we are indeed getting a GCII. That is why if VF has the balls to make a good coaster or if they have to make it suck for the families is the key question.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Alien vs. Predator was awesome!

I have yet ro ride a GCI that has as much airtime as High Roller does when the trims are off. In other words, I don't expect the coaster will have enough airtime to scare Vallefair into trimming it.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

rollergator's avatar
^ You've ridden HR brakeless? I knew there was something about you I didn't like... ;)

Seriously, though, the thing felt like it had Schmeck-like potential...and CF "preventative maintenance".

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
LOL Bill. Yes, I have and on two different occasions. Once I got the last ride of the night and for some reaosn they dropped the skid trims (back when they had those). And the other time was actually durring ERT at an event for Wild Thing (opening year I think). Let me tell you, it was crazy good!

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

I like Gravity Group alot better than GCI because of the air time factor. I don't think GDI is into air time ther into twister coasters and we got one of them already with MS
I'll take either GCI or GG.


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