Progress Reports and Accomplishments

Oh... I should add my accomplishments in the last two weeks:

I now have 55 arcade AA's, including my first 9-footer, My Summer Love, with 23 greats.

I'm going for a four-hour session Saturday morning, and hopefully I'll have the machine to myself and can get at least 20 more AA's. I've searched the DDRfreak stepcharts and I have a list of easier ones that I think I can get. Hopefully my second 9-footer will be Twilight Zone... lots of freezes = easy AA. :)

Sorry for the double post.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Yeah i love Twilight Zone. The step pattern is just about perfect for the song. Good Luck, Den! Lemme know how ya do. ^^

Hey, here's a lil tip on how to PA better at the arcade:

I dunno how big the change is between the arcade pads and all your home pads, but at the arcade from what i heard there's a smaller window of time. So, with that said, the trick is to not stomp on the pad, but step hard enough so you can hear your step on the pad. In fact, you don't even have to step that hard, just enough so you can hear yourself.

Now once you've got that down, all you need to do is just keep your rhythm, and the way i keep my rhythm is to step on an arrow when i don't need to, but i step to beat of the song. I think it works wonders for me, especially when there's a gap in the arrows. It also helps when you start stepping to the beat of the song when it begins, before it says "here we go". That just helps me to 'feel' the beat of the song, and carry it as best as i can throughout the song.

Because AAAing at the arcade is basically equivelant to performing as a machine for a minute and a half and it takes practice to keep the EXACT same tempo througout the hundreds of steps.

Hope this helped. ^^;

Your friendly neighborhood DDRtist :)

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
OK, I got 11 more arcade AA's Saturday -- yes, including Twilight Zone, first try -- so that takes me to 66.

I'm sure I could get a lot more, if only I could have the machine to myself longer. After about 45 minutes, some people came in, and then you can't be playing "Put Your Faith In Me" or whatever when someone else is there. :) Plus, everyone always wants to play 9- and 10-footers, and I get tired way too quickly.

ANYhoo... I used to pride myself on almost always using no mods, but since I've starting working on getting AA's, I use x1.5 or x2 every time now (unless the BPM is over 200). Everyone was right - mods really do help your PA.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Den has seen the light! ^^;

Lately i've been workin on my Full Comboes, especially on the harder 9fters (R&P, HV:AM, etc. etc.) because yeah i can AA them no problem, but i always seem to miss 1 step, or get a good on 1 step and it's frustrating.

Hey Den, a good way to build your stamina for 9's and 10's is to just play them frequently. And you'll find that you won't actually gain stamina but you'll discover little energy saving tricks. =D

And speaking of Put Your Faith In Me. Are there still 0 freestylers there, Den?

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Kel, I can't remember the last time I saw a freestyler in Columbus. PA rules here.

I usually do end up playing all 9-footers, because most people here have AA'd or AAA'd everything else. Saturday, in about 15 minutes (two games), I was forced :) to play Paranoia Rebirth twice, Stoic, End of the Century, Afronova, HVAM, Breakdown, V heavy and R&P. I sat out the last extra stage, which was Paranoia Survivor. :) Guess that's what I get for letting the other guy pick all the songs.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I got Kick the Can down to 4 greats today. I think I may just AAA my first song pretty soon....oh yeah, that's my first SDG too.

I still wish Chattanooga had one DDR machine. We have two PIU machines though, so I really need to get good on that.

Current PIU level:5-6

Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!
pinkdoom - how far are you from Nashville? There's an arcade there called Dance Beat arcade that has mostly music games. Sounds pretty awesome.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I'm a good two hours+ from that arcade. I almost went there for a day trip last week, but I don't have a car, and things didn't work out. :(

I'm much closer to all the stuff in Knoxville. In fact, I'm going to West Town mall arcade on Friday.

Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!
I bet Gatlinburg/Pigeon Force is packed with DDR machines. I used to love the arcades there, even before DDR.

Probably an awesome place to crowd-whore.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I got DDR Extreme on Friday. (very fun)

I have all A's in Begginer mode, from what songs I have unlocked.

And I got 2 AAA's in beginner mode today! I feel, and Kick the Can.

I have Maxx Unlimited up to a C grade, Max 300 with a B grade at home, and C at Arcade.

I have 6 more songs left in Max2 that I don't have an A on.

I now have Three SDG's-Kick the Can, Look to the Sky(The Remix on Max1), and Dive(more deep and deeper style).

I can beat Sakura, Bax on x3, and I FC'd 1998 at the Arcade.

I'm also trying to get Stepmania to work on my computer, I think it's the soundcard that's the problem.

Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!
I played about 5 minutes of DDR yesterday, just for kicks. I wasn't really planning on trying to PA or anything, but a handful of people were already there just hangin' out so i thought "eh, why not". I ended up with 4 greats on Last Message, 8 on Irresistiblement (new record), and 3 on Spin the Disc EX Stage. Those were at least the notable accomplishments.

It's weird though, how much a crowd can affect my performance, like i thrive on them or something. o.O;;

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Its the same way for me, when I play at Cedar Point, I do really really good for some reason. My favorite songs on DDR Extreme arcade are Senorita Speedy Mix, I was one good away from AA that song, 321 Stars, also really close to AAing that. Paranoia KCET the highest I can get on that is a B, and Holic is fun too. I've improved a ton in the past month or so. I got a B on Paranoia Eternal today, I thought that was pretty good also. (on the home version)

Edit: I didnt wanna double post, so I edited. My friend brought over DDR Max today, that version is pretty good. I got an A on Rhythm and Police 1.5 hvy, I love the cross overs on that song, theres so many, and alot of other good scores but thats the one i'm proudest of. Or most proud, or whatever. *** Edited 11/1/2004 3:16:58 AM UTC by ddrxttd***

Previously known as xTTDx
Ok, I had to make a new post for this one. C on LOM!! It only took me like two tries too. It was a home score, but I still think it's pretty good.

Previously known as xTTDx
Wait wait wait.... you get a B on KCET, you can't AA 321 Stars... yet you pass LoM on your second try? WTF?!? I AA 321 Stars every time and I can't even get to the freeze on LoM! Even at home!

Unless you're talking about standard. If so, never mind.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I think he does mean standard, because I can AA KCET, but I've only passed LoM once and that was a D.

If it is heavy, I don't think I can believe that one...

As for me, I haven't been able to play in a week, I cracked an arrow in half. So much for these "indestructable arrows." Now I have to remake my own out of plexiglass(sp?).

No I mean Heavy. I always get either too many greats, or like 4 goodson 321 Stars, and I think Paranoia KCET is really easy for some reason.

Edit: Sorry you guys dont belive me, but I wouldnt lie about that. *** Edited 11/3/2004 3:38:36 AM UTC by ddrxttd***

Edit again: If I had a digital camera I would take pictures. Maybe I can borrow one from a friend then find somewhere to host it. *** Edited 11/3/2004 3:39:46 AM UTC by ddrxttd***

Previously known as xTTDx
I had a pretty good day today, a C on LOM again, even though no one believes me :( I'm trying to get my hands on a camera so i'll put the pic on here as soon as I can, AA kick the Can with 24 greats, A 321 Stars, and A on Maximizer.

Previously known as xTTDx
You know when you stop playing a song for a while, then you go back to it and you suprisingly suck at it...well maybe you don't but it's happened to me.

I'm no longer able to beat Legend of Max. At all. And it's frustrating...but i guess it's 'cuz i've been away from it for so long because i really have no desire in trying to constantly play it. But now that i can't beat it, i need to get back to playing it so i can get my groove back...I'll try later today. Wish me luck, friends. =D =D

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
I black flagged Kick the Can yesterday at home.

And I got ten greats on Drop Out, even though it was still an A thanks to the Grading system.

Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!

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