Poll: Line Skipping

1. Never. It's plain wrong. Besides, I get too mad at people who do it to attempt to do it myself.

2. Absolutely. We're all equal where waiting in line is concerned.

3. Absolutely. It's a clearly marked policy. Let the crackdowns begin!

Awww, bad day? Take a different perspective on things. Try upside down, a barrel roll, a cobra roll or a corkscrew. Life can't be all that bad when your feet are over your head!

What would you do in a case where people merged in line after pretending to be "with" someone else already in line, but it was very clear and obvious that they had never even met before? This happened once....what was so stupid was the people already in line went along with it and pretended to know the guys after everyone behind them started getting mad, so what could we do. Once in line, they never spoke to each other and afterwards they went their own ways. I don't care if they did know each other, they still should not have gotten in line in front of other people. Does the park consider this a form of line jumping and will they ask them to move back?

Crazy Over 8

I personally think its dumb to line jump. How much would it improve your wait by? 2 minutes at the most maybe?

1. No

2. Yes

3. No/Yes everyone deserves a second chance. People make mistakes. But if they do it again then yes, they should be removed from the line, if not the entire park.

As for the people who think they have a legitimate handicap when they have a broken foot. That is just plain stupid. If you are paralyzed then that would be a legitimate excuse not to wait in line for 3 hours.

I personally think its dumb to line jump. How much would it improve your wait by? 2 minutes at the most maybe?

1. No

2. Yes

3. No/Yes everyone deserves a second chance. People make mistakes. But if they do it again then yes, they should be removed from the line, if not the entire park.

As for the people who think they have a legitimate handicap when they have a broken foot. That is just plain stupid. If you are paralyzed then that would be a legitimate excuse not to wait in line for 3 hours.

I personally think its dumb to line jump. How much would it improve your wait by? 2 minutes at the most maybe?

1. No

2. Yes

3. No/Yes everyone deserves a second chance. People make mistakes. But if they do it again then yes, they should be removed from the line, if not the entire park.

As for the people who think they have a legitimate handicap when they have a broken foot. That is just plain stupid. If you are paralyzed then that would be a legitimate excuse not to wait in line for 3 hours.

DEK said:
Do you also cut in front of people in the grocery store? Or at a department store?

Why is it OK to do it at a park?

Yes. Yes. For the same reasons it is OK to do it in the grocery store or a department store.

Since I answered your questions, answer mine: If there are two people in the grocery store waiting in line together in front of you and one of them leaves to get a loaf of bread, do you prevent them from returning to their previous place when they return?

If a wife is alone in line in front of you at Sears and her husband runs up with a pair of pliers at the last minute, do you demand that he go to the back of the line and his wife join him if they want to check out together?

Why is it OK to do it at a park?

lata, jeremy
--who thinks some park rules are out of touch with the rest of society

If I had a two hour wait to get to the register at a store, then perhap's I'd have an issue with your examples, Jeremy...

But more times than not when at a park and I see someone linejumping to "get to a friend" they jump as far as they can get without being seen/detected by rideops/security personnel. THey are not catching up to a friend, they are just using that lame excuse knowing that 99% of the people at parks are sheeps and will not confront them on it. Too bad for them, I am that 1% and will take a stand against it and if they do get past me, I make QUITE the scene of it in order to catch the attention of ride personnel.

--George H
---Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

No. I have never cut in line.

Yes, I do think line jumbing is wrong, but I do think that there should be a way for you to leave a long line to use the restroom and return without loosing your spot. Especially now that most parks have vending machines in lines. People buy bottles of pop or water to drink and then really have to go before they get onto the ride.

Yes, someone who cuts in line should be booted from the park without a refund. It is only fair to the other guests who are patiently waiting for their turn.

Lets go Drag racing.



3.Give them one chance, then they should be kicked out.

I will admit that when my friend severely sprained his ankle and had to wear a boot I thought about using him to get to the front of the line.I believe if you have a serious injury and have to be in a wheelchair, then you should go to the front.

I am getting tired of people faking it though. Yesterday at SFGAm I saw 5 people who put a wrap around their knee to get to the front, and a girl with a duct tape cast. How could you believe these people.

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1) No.

2) Yes.

3) It depends on the circumstances. I've seen small children (8 - 10 years old) skip line becuase their friends were asking them to join. These kids obviously didn't know better. They need to be asked to go to the back of the line but nothing more serious than that.

However by the time you're in your middle teens if you haven't learned the difference between right and wrong then I've got a serious problem with that. Not only do I believe you should be kicked out of the park but I think you should be paraded in front of the public in a golf cart with the words "I'm a Line Jumper" printed on the side in bright lime green letters, taken to an office where you are forced to apologise to the public over the loud speaker, have your season pass revoked (if you have one), and recieve an indelible stamp printed on your hand that more or less ensures you cannot renenter the park the rest of the week.

That would be my solution if I were managing one of these parks.

Kevin Stone
NoLimits Roller Coaster Simulator

Since I answered your questions, answer mine: If there are two people in the grocery store waiting in line together in front of you and one of them leaves to get a loaf of bread, do you prevent them from returning to their previous place when they return?

That's not what we're talking about. At most parks people are allowed to leave the line in emergencies with a place holder, and allowed to reenter without a problem. We did this on Millennium Force when we learned that we had to dispose of a camera my brother was holding. It was no big deal becuase he was already in line, had already waited in line, and wasn't wasting anyones time. More importantly we got the attention of a security guard so that he knew what was going on.

If a wife is alone in line in front of you at Sears and her husband runs up with a pair of pliers at the last minute, do you demand that he go to the back of the line and his wife join him if they want to check out together?

Bad analogy. The lines at Sears aren't an hour and a half long.

Kevin Stone
NoLimits Roller Coaster Simulator

1. no

2. yes

3. no, they should be decapitated. repeat offenders should be kicked out.

Phyter: You are wrong, most parks state that leaving the line FOR ANY REASON is considered line jumping. But dont take my word for it, read it yourself from Cedar Point

And if you dont like Sears, try Walmart or Target. And dont you DARE say that lines cant get long in a place like that. If you doubt it go to one of these places on a Saturday in a major metropolitan area. Those lines are unruly!

And redman (and by extension phyter too) why even bring up the issue of how long the wait is? Be honest! You'd be upset with line jumping at the parks even if the line were only 10-15 minutes (a time length comparable with a moderately busy supermarket). I *know* you will not cop to line jumping as being "okay" if the line is short, so there is really no reason to bring up the time thing.

And I'd actually argue the opposite point. I submitt that the vast majority of people that want to "catch up with a friend" actually ARE trying to catch up with a friend. TRUE, there is a significant portion who are simply scamming thru the line, but I dont believe that they are even in the majority.

lata, jeremy

--believe what you want. I believe the "Zero Tolerance" rule is inappropriate.

I've never actually skipped a line myself, but at Physics day '01 at Great America, we let two girls from our school jump in with us - they were in the line, but farther back. We all rode the front together after that... 'twas a nice ride.

One idea that may work very well is that when you go to a park, you get a scannable wristband - for re-entry, they scan the band, and then to get back in, they scan it again, see it was scanned for re-entry, and let you back in. This could also be useful for line jumpers - they need a band to get on the ride, and if they got their band scanned into a "No-Ride" list they wouldn't be let on the ride. This would be a somewhat easy system to foil, for people who really want to, but a check to see if bands were switched wouldn't be too hard, I don't think - especially if they were like the ones they have at Noah's Ark (and, I assume, other water parks/even non-park places) - they can't really be torn off, the only alternative is to cut it off - but that'd be a sure sign of wristband switching/trading/modifying if they tried to use it after they got it off.

« adix@nedesigns.com »

First Rider in Best Spot on the Best Train of the Best Ride in the Best SF Park in the Midwest - First Rider, Back Right, Teal Train, Raging Bull, SF Great America [6/16/03]
*** This post was edited by Adix 6/17/2003 1:40:52 PM ***

1.) Let me give the politians answer, "I don't recall" Actually, since I have become an adult, I can say without question that I have never jumped a line. However, I do not recall if I ever did as a child...I don't think so, but I can't say for sure.

2.) It is absolutely wrong!!! Breaking the rules is never right, even if it's a dumb rule!

3.) If that is the policy of the park and the park has posted that policy, then they should absolutely be removed from the park. No second chances (what are you going to do, have a ride op stamp a line jumpers hand...you would have to monitor it somehow). I don't care if it is an 8 year old child. The child should be supervised and their supervisor should have informed them of the rules. If you can read the rules, you are obligated to them. If you can't you should be there with someone who can read them and therefore you are still obligated to them.

I am on board with those who have mentioned issues with fake/minor injuries. I once waited in line for a front seat on S:RoS during a one train operation. The line for the front seat alone was about 20 minutes. But 4 boys, only one of which had an apparent ankle injury, hopped on the front seat without waiting TWICE while I was waiting in line for the front seat.


"Ever hear of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates...Morons!"


First, you're adding a situation that can't happen at a park. Unless I'm missing something there's no need to leave a ride queue at a park. I'm using the store example in it's basic form - you are either in line or not. Adding the extenuating circumstances of getting out of line to add items is irrelevant to the ride situation.

Yes, you may need to leave the line to get something to eat or go to the bathroom; but from my perspective, if you do, you're out of line and you go to the end. You can see when the lines are long; so, go to the bathroom before getting in line. And eat before or after the ride. If you wait until after the ride I promise you won't starve. Or eat in line. My lovely wife and I will often share a pretzel and pop while waiting in those 2+ hour M.F. lines.

Now, just for fun, I'll answer your questions...

The first time, no, I wouldn't make the person go to the end of the line. But if they continued to do it; then yes. I've seen it many times where people get in a long line then send their kids to go get a loaf of bread, a six-pack of pop, bags of chips, etc. The next thing you know they're doing all their shopping from the line. As an aside, I worked at a grocery store for 7 years and when this would happen we would ask the people to leave the line as a courtesy to other customers. Kind of like the people that get in the 10 Items or Less lines with 20 items. :)

And my answer would be the same for the husband and wife tag-team shoppers.

Obviously, you disagree with this and I'm sorry to hear you feel this way. I can only hope we're never put in this situation together. I really would hate to see you kicked out of the park. :) or should I should I say :(

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein




My opinion on it is that if you are in a long line and there is a chance that you can pass up some of it, why not take advantage. Sometimes you have to go in front of people who are holding up the line or who have left a big gap in it. That's just my opinion.

I wouldn't agree to disagree. I don't see how its possible that you can think that there's nothing wrong with saying "excuse me" to the front of a line, no matter how long it is? So what you're saying is that every time you go to a park, you push and shove your way to the fronts of lines, you cut in front of old ladies and families at the department and grocery stores, no matter what the line size, and you feel no regret for that? I feel bad for you ...

"As soon as you design something that's idiot-proof, the world will go and design a better idiot."

Mike E. said:



My opinion on it is that if you are in a long line and there is a chance that you can pass up some of it, why not take advantage. Sometimes you have to go in front of people who are holding up the line or who have left a big gap in it. That's just my opinion.

I'd really like a detailed explanation (with charts!) that shows how people who don't have standing sex with the person in front of them do anything to make wait times longer.

The fact is that when I leave a gap in front of me, it's not an invitation for you and your friends to come fill up the space. It's my space. You won't have to wait any longer to experience the attraction because I don't shuffle forward 1.34" every time the line moves.

That fallacy is probably my biggest amusement park pet peeve. If you want to cut in line, have the guts to ask for permission. Chances are, I'll let you because 4 people in front of me doesn't really make my wait longer, either. But, I'll probably also make you ask everyone behind me.

"yes I am on the online street team"
Wha? Online. . .street. Online. . . street.

Mike E. How do you feel when others cut in front of you? Do you willingly let others cut in front of you after you have waited for a long time?

Big gaps in the line? Gaps form as people watch the rides in operation, Lots of gaps form in Dragsters line, but it does not give you the right to cut in front of them. Just politely ask them to move up or just motion to them that the line is moving. What's the hold up if you still have an hour or more to wait?

Boot the line jumpers!

Lets go Drag racing.

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