Poll: Line Skipping

Yeah, I've noticed that at SFMM, almost every time I see a disabled person come in through the exit to bypass the line, they almost *never* let them get on the next cycle. In fact, in most cases, I've seen people wait on the unload side of the station for about the same length of time they would have for a normal ride. Seems perfectly fair to me...they still have to wait, they just don't have to deal with the line itself (and, in many cases, a pretty major staircase that would be incredibly difficult, even if you did just sprain your ankle).
1) No, just fastlane.

2) Depends on the situation. (If you just come in out of nowhere and cut in front of people then that's wrong but if your friend holds your spot while you go to the bathroom then that's fine.)

3) Immediate ejection from the park, maybe with a small refund. Too many people would start cutting if their only consequence was just a warning the first time. It's self-centered to cut in front of people who have waited for a while, and if you can't follow the rules like everyone else, then why should you be given the same services as everyone else?

Backhand, who thinks signatures like this are redundant

Okay, you know what.. I'm getting kinda tired of you people flaming me. I know what I've done/did is lousy and I'm sorry! I, too have morals and I can understad right from wrong. Even when I do line skip, I know how many people I'm offending, and like the rest of you, I know how wrong it is! You've all gotten your points accross to me, but it's nothing new. I think you people are forgetting that this is a poll and that everyone doesn't always have to answer "Line skipping is wrong and all people that do it should DIE." I'm entitled to confess. I'm honestly answering the poll.

Sheesh. I just noticed that just about every person on here that answered "Yes I have line skipped, and I don't think it's wrong" is getting yelled at. We are making this into a vs. topic, not a poll.

Tales for the L33t

A few points...

I don't care if there's 10 people or 100 people in front of me, if you line jump, you run the severe risk of being on the wrong end of a Tito Santana "Flying Burrito". Plain and simple.

Hostyl, you're an excellent debater. As long as I've seen your posts (over 2 years), you've proven that. However, you realize that no matter how well you argue your point, you're wrong for line jumping and no amount of flowery words or verbose statements will take away from that fact. I have respect for what you bring to CoasterBuzz conversation, but if you line jump while I'm there, well.. see above 80's wrestling results. :)

Chris, earlier you said that 10 people don't make but about 30 seconds difference. Apparently you ride too many B&M Hypers and not enough Vekoma DejaVus. ;)

I'm not an enthusiast. I just play one on message boards.

2Hostyl said:
But if for example there is a 3 lane highway that will merge into two lanes, a 1/2/ mile, 1/4 mile, 1/8 mile ahead, I actually believe it is more efficient in the aggregate that everyone remain in their own lane and take turns at the merge point.

Studies have been done, and it is faster for everyone if people merge at the first available opportunity. When traffic is moving, there are natural spaces between the cars that other cars in the ending lane can move into. If people do this when they see an opening, the traffic will continue at the moving pace. If people zip to the merge point, it REQUIRES stop and go traffic. Every person has to stop, then inch up, then stop, etc, ad nauseum. If people would merge during the mile of merging time given to them, the traffic would still slow, but to perhaps half of highway speed. Still about 15x faster than every single car stopping every 15 feet for a mile. The rule for everyone should be to merge at the first available opportunity after the indication that the lane is ending is made, unless traffic is light and there are a bazillion open spots in the road to merge ahead.

As for the OP:

1) No

2) Yes

3) Yes, kick them out. How can you possibly expect to warn someone? The security on, say MF says "don't line jump again or you're out of here." They then cut on Magnum, and the security guy there says "don't line jump again or you're out of here." Etc. With so many people, it'd be nearly impossible to check for certain whether or not someone truly jumped.

Webmaster: Gravibulb Coasters - Home of Professional Quality Coaster Photos

Yes I have Cut in line and didn't feel bad about it then- I was usually with my Brother or some friends when we were 17 or so and had partaken of some things that 17 Year olds shouldn't so why feel guilty?

Yes it is wrong and I would never do it again- Age helps you Mature

Yes- There are a lot of people waiting in line and to cut like that to save 20 or thirty minutes on an hour long wait isn't really worth it plus think of all the people behind you. I say every time we see someone cut in line we all just start pointing and yelling at the top of our lungs -" CUTTER! CUTTER! HEY THIS GUY IS CUTTING!" if threat of getting thrown out isn't reason enough to not do it then maybe public Humiliation is.

CoasterBill said:
So does anyone think 'cutting' just to catch up to family or friends is that bad?

Yes! If you want to ride a ride with your family or friends, then get in line when they do. If people were able to play catch up with their freinds, groups would pick a line sitter to stand in long lines while the rest of the group does other things in the park and then rejoin the line sitter before entering the station.

As for getting out of line to use the restrooms ore something, after standing in line for a while, you know the faces of the others around you and you would recognize a person rejoining his or her group. I don't think that anyone has a problem with that.
Lets go Drag racing.

Yes, I too think that catching up with family and friends is cutting and it is "that bad". This is the one thing that really made me mad in California - this kind of behavior is absolutely rampant out there! The only place that it wasn't so bad was Knott's, and I even saw one girl and one group of people get kicked out of lines for it. If you want your friends and family to ride with you, they come back, you don't go forward. It's not everyone else's fault in line between you and your group that you can't get in line at the same time as them - if anything your group should have kept contact with you. I'm so glad this kind of thing doesn't happen on the east coast nearly as much cause I'm sure I would have gone ballistic on someone for this already ;)

And I don't think that restrooms are an appropriate reason to leave the line. Most lines aren't that long, there are exceptions - TTD, X, maybe the new Superman(men?) at the SFGAs, but other than that, most lines are under or at an hour. If you can't "hold it" for more than an hour or recognize the length of the line before you enter it, should you really be riding? I mean if it comes that easily, I don't think I want to be sitting in your seat next! ;)

"As soon as you design something that's idiot-proof, the world will go and design a better idiot."

Den said:

"I finally thought of an apt example. When the interstate is backed up because of a closed lane, there's always those IDIOTS who zip right up to the merging point (even if traffic is backed up for miles), and then turn on their signal, expecting someone to let them in."

Unless you are in Pennsylvania (state motto: "Welcome to Pennsylvania: Road Construction Next 200 Miles"). In their infinite wisdom, PenDot has placed signs at construction zones... that could read as follows. "Right Lane Closed 1/2 mile" followed by "Use Both Lanes To Merge Point"... Then, a VERY short distance from the actual switch of lanes is a sign designating "Merge Point". I was always under the thought that as soon as I see that "Whatever Lane Closed Ahead" sign I jump to the lane that is open. Oh well, guess the brain trust in Harrisburg knows better, and since they make the rules..... I know this is not coaster related, but being a driver in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I just had to rant on that.

Also, if you travel to Pennsylvania, I would suggest turning on your lights as soon as you jump on any interstate or other 4 lane highway. New law is you need to turn on your lights when ever you are in a construction zone... and considering construction zones seem to out number open stretches of highway...

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

SLFAKE, see my Hershey trip report from last July for my opinion of Pennsylvania driving... :)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

1) Have you ever.

Nope, unless you count filling in a single open seat on the platform when riding alone (with permission).

2) Do you think it is wrong


3) Should people be kicked out of the park for it?

If blatant w/ attitude, yes. Otherwise, 1 warning. If you try it in front of me, you'll be in no shape to enjoy the park anyway.

Homey G. said:
A few points...

Apparently you ride too many B&M Hypers and not enough Vekoma DejaVus. ;)

D'uh... It's pretty hard to ride something that's never open. :)

Pittdesigner - I defined 'little kid' as anyone eighteen or under.

Chris, the people in front of you that the people behind you have to meet up with can just as easily go behind you and wait their extra "30 seconds"
Gemini's avatar

Den said:
there's always those IDIOTS who zip right up to the merging point (even if traffic is backed up for miles), and then turn on their signal, expecting someone to let them in.

Ah, you've been to Cleveland.

Walt Schmidt - Virtual Midway
"What are you, a dentist? Or a hippie? Or some kind of hippie dentist?" - Strong Bad
*** This post was edited by Gemini 6/18/2003 12:28:39 PM ***

RubberDucky said:

UK NeMeSiS said:

2) it is only acceptable when your've got a granny or some slow person in front of you

Just because a person is slow doesn't make it right to cut them in a line. They were still there first and should remain ahead of you. And theres not many rides at amusement parks that old people can ride anyways.

"Here's my ten cence, my two cence is free"-Eminem

Rubber Ducky, lol, so in a really long queue which has relatively very little people in it, would you wait at least an extrad 2x as much time walking slowly behind the granny or would you go infront and be on the ride before she even gets to the station? do see what i mean?


Colossus [1]
Nemesis: Inferno [6]

This thread is some truly classic material. From people saying that they are the ultimate judge of when it is okay or not to break the rules, to people advocating milder punishment for those that do.

For those that think it is okay because one or two people hopping in front of you doesn't make your wait any longer, I have this to say...If you want to hop in front of me, I will happily explain to you that waiting behind me will not really increase your wait, so you can stay right there.

For those that think I am a "dork" for getting agitated when people attempt to line jump...Thanks for the judgement.

Does it really matter if my wait time is increased by 15 trains or no trains?!?! Fact is, the rules are there and are meant to be followed. No one is exempt from them, No one is above them..no matter what the consequences of their actions are on my day.

MUSTANG,...I will admit that I do like the system that you described for disabled people...It's not perfect, but it is better than no system at all. However, I have never seen it in use (I am not denying that it is used, just that I have never seen it).


"Ever hear of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates...Morons!"

Personally, I think the idea of letting "handicaped" people (legitamate or false) cut in front of a line is wrong for three reasons:

A) why are these people more important than me? I paid the same amount to get in the park, do I get to go to the front?

B)(and something the parks should really think about) Coasters and other rides put extra force on the human body. What happens if a person goes to a park with an injury and then has something go wrong with their recovery? Then could then sue the park for letting them go on the ride.

C) If you're not physically fit to stand in a line, I don't believe you are fit enough to ride coasters.

Just my opinion, let the flaming begin.

kegger - Yeah, you're right. That's besides the point, though.

freakylick - I never said it's 'ok,' I just said it's not something that I feel is worth getting worked up about. There's a big difference between the two.

Stacking trains - that's some serious sh#t. ;)

Trim breaks - Watch out, I'm about to call the police. ;)

Line Jumping - Don't care.

Hell, I 'line-jumped' on more than one occasion SRM weekend with *at least* one of the 'preachers' in this thread. Ooooo.....

1) Not sure. At SFGADV on SUF, we would get off, run(or walk fast) down the exit, and where the Fast-lane is right next to the queue, we'd hop over and go back on line. I don't think we cut anybody, but if we did, It wouldn't affect them because the line was inside the station.

2) It is wrong to cut

3) Boot their a**es out! They'll never learn unless you take away what they came here for.

As for the handicapped line cutting thing, it was bad when I went back in April (still SFAGDV) . It was the weekend of the cheerleading compertition, and there was this one cheerleader in a wheelchair with a cast on her leg. The kicker was she had about 8-10 people in her group following her, and I don't think they had those paper pass thingys, because: they did the exit cutting thingy on Scream Machine, then 10 mins later they did it on Superman! Grrrrrrr. :(

Mike T.
RCT2 Wizards-Medusa99
Current track record: 25
*** This post was edited by RCT_MASTER 6/18/2003 2:23:50 PM ***

Vater's avatar

Brian W said:
Personally, I think the idea of letting "handicaped" people (legitamate or false) cut in front of a line is wrong for three reasons:

A) why are these people more important than me? I paid the same amount to get in the park, do I get to go to the front?

They are certainly not more important than anyone, but I think most physically disabled individuals have had enough challenges in their life to warrant a little perk at amusement parks from time to time.

B)(and something the parks should really think about) Coasters and other rides put extra force on the human body. What happens if a person goes to a park with an injury and then has something go wrong with their recovery? Then could then sue the park for letting them go on the ride.
They can sue, but all parks have signs stating that persons with handicaps are recommended not to ride. It's still up to the individual whether or not he or she should take that risk.

C) If you're not physically fit to stand in a line, I don't believe you are fit enough to ride coasters.
Why not? If someone can sit in a wheelchair, they are more than likely able to sit in a coaster seat. Why deprive someone of a recreation that they may be physically able to participate in just because they may not be physically able to stand in line for it? Because you might have to wait for one more train? I don't equate this at all to most of the line jumping being discussed in this thread.

-Mike B.
Son of Hulk

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