Most coasters count controversy continues

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Magic Mountain stakes its claim on having the most coasters in the world why Cedar Point says, "Not so fast." While both parks will claim 15 coasters for the 2002 season, Cedar Point questions whether or not Superman: The Escape is actually a coaster.

Read more from the Toledo Blade.

Link: Guide to The Point

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I think they will be tied for the record when Wicked Twister opens at Cedar Point.  Superman is a coaster and Cedar Point needs to stop complaining about it, but until Wicked Twister opens SFMM holds the record for the most rollercoasters in the world.
My Top 5 Coasters:
1. Raging Bull(SFGAm) 2.Millenium Force(CP) 3. Deja Vu(SFGAm) 4.V2(SFGAm) 5.Cornball Express(IB)WHAT!
Mamoosh's avatar
Boblo - FYI, Blue Streak may not be a Top 10 coaster in YOUR book but I know many who really enjoy this classic, me included.  Remember...we all have different tastes in coasters.
Blue Streak is one of my top 10 favorite blue coasters and top 10 coasters at Cedar Point. Mean Streak is one of my top 10 least favorite coasters. Collossus(sp?) is one of my top 10 most wanted to ride twin-tracked coasters and Psyclone is in my top 10 wooden coasters I want to ride in California. And we know how exclusive those categories are. Everyone's a winner! ;)

I really would like to know how we have over 80 posts here and seemingly no progress on the discussion. Seems like most people agree that STE is a coaster and those that don't really can't have a reasonable arguement with WT being one. We know that both CP and SFMM have Intamin first generation drop towers, Demon Drop and Freefall. We know they both have duel-tracked "racing" coasters. Is there really any more to argue about besides which park is your favorite, which many really can't argue about since they haven't even been to both. They're both winners for all the media attention they receive and we're all winners, because we have the provelege of riding that many coasters, or should I say that many great coasters, at a single park in hopefully a single day. Is there really anything else to argue about on this subject in particular?


will this ever end? SFMM has an "L shaped coaster" and CP will have a "U shaped coaster."
Jeff's avatar
King: I think most people, including the biggest Cedar Point fans, agree that Superman is indeed a coaster. The vast majority of these posts take that stance, the rest post just to say they don't care (and have an odd way of showing it by posting).

Jeremy: What I was getting at is that Cedar Point didn't respond to SFMM, they responded to The Blade. CP's stance on this goes back to 1999 at least, maybe earlier. It's the paper that's bringing it out; CP wasn't issuing press releases or anything.

Regardless I'd say most people think they're wrong, myself included.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Wow, this sure is interesting, I got a question about the people who say that a coaster does not have a chain so its not a coaster, what do you call Incredible Hulk then? Back to topic, CP may not be complaining they may just want specific proof that it is a coaster for certain. Kinda dumb though since they are building one similar to it but its good for publicity, the public will read it and say wow 15 coasters, they may have a record, it makes the public amazed more than ya think. If I were CP though I would say something about S:TE, hey, you never know just possibly Gunniess may reject it being a coaster but I doubt it. IMO, a park with the most coasters is not going to make me want to go to it more. Its the quality of the coaster, if you compare the coasters from CP v. SFMM, which was previously done based on facts and setting in ACE News magazine, its an all out tie as well. Both parks have marvelous coasters as well as boring, dull coasters. So who cares about the record let the parks care, we should just sit back and enjoy this coaster race for the most.

Six Flags Darien Lake Ultimate Guide
All you need to know about SFDL and more.
Coming May 2002

Quality, not quantity. There's my two cents.

Tommy Penner - -
"How YOU Doin'?" ;)

Superman, Wicked Twister. Coaster? No Coaster? Who cares! Coasterbuzz. Portal to the Thrill. And they both provide that big THRILL! Wish we had either of them at La Ronde.
Jeff: okay, *that* I understand...

MRider: Damn straight! I guess I'll be seeing you at BGW and Hershey this summer right?
--"Jeremy....Dont be smartazz!" my 11th grade physics teacher

Jeremy: You've always got the best answers for everything. I don't think you'd be where you are today without being the smartazz you are. We really should remove him from the forums Jeff. He's very disruptive to our conversations and trying to make everyone else look dumb. ;)

And if I can get to BGW and Hershey this year, that's definitely the number one place I want to be.

Jeff: I just wanted to reinstate all the facts everyone's said, just so there wouldn't (hopefully) be another question that's already been answered several times. I agree that most people think STE is a coaster.

Danny, who believes that Trailblazer may be a different story compared to the rest of Hershey *** This post was edited by Koaster King on 2/14/2002. ***

I was thinking about this from a different angle this morning:

Cedar Point is the only other park I might have expected to build a Superman:TE coaster and had they, I bet you anything they WOULD have called it a rollercoaster.

What I was getting at is that Cedar Point didn't respond to SFMM, they responded to The Blade....It's the paper that's bringing it out; CP wasn't issuing press releases or anything.

Interesting point....especially when you recall Six Flags DID issue a press release after the MF announcement stating that S:TE, not MF, was the world's tallest coaster.  Wish I had saved a copy.  Of course, that also gave away the fact that the unnanounced-but-under-construction Goliath came up a bit short in the stats.

-'Playa *** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 2/14/2002. ***

Mamoosh's avatar
Wahoo Skipper does bring up an interesting point:  If Cedar Point had built a version of STE, would they consider it a coaster?  I'd put my money on 'yes.'
boblogone's avatar
Some people don't recognize sarcasm when they read it.  Smileys don't work I guess.  No offense to anyone offended by my previous comment.  All four woodies have or had good qualities, they just happen to live in the shadow of their former glory in my memory.  Blue Streak, former ACE classic now suffers the indignities of headrests, seat dividers, ratchet bars and seat belts, thankyou American Legal System.  Colossus, reprofiled, retrained and braked to meekness, thanks again ALS.  Mean Streak, what hasn't allready been said again and again.  Finally Psyclone, the design has worked and still works elsewhere, several places, what happened?  They are all fun at times and still have moments, it is just hard to see them carrying on as the greats of the 20's did and the 90's may.
Mamoosh's avatar
Boblogone - I wasn't offended by what you said.  It just sounded like you were stating a fact when you proclaimed Blue Streak as "not Top 10 material" when, in reality, it was just your opinion.  However I know you didn't intentionally imply fact ;-)
Hey, so if S;TE is a coaster, then so is Demon Drop.  One is merely a reverse of the other.  Wouldn't that then place CP at the top?
boblogone's avatar
  coderGirl, no help for CP there, SFMM has FreeFall (I think that's the name) which is just like Demon Drop.  The only reason they're not considered roller coasters is the manufacturer doesn't refer to them as such.  They are just as much roller coasters as any other ride that is questionable.  They use an elevator lift and you ride in the luge position relative to the track for the high speed coasting part of the ride.
Thanks to coderGirl's ingenuis idea and comment, I will officially not care about keeping everyone up-to-date and on the same page... especially since all of the information really is on the same page. Geez!

There is no way that you can count Superman the Escape a coaster. There is also no way you can count Wicked Twister a coaster. They aren't full circuits and they don't use a chain to get to the top of the hill and let gravity take over from there.

If gravity never took it's course then the launch would have little or no effect, there would not be positive g's and going 45-107 mph.  The first coasters weren't even full circuits, but they are still coasters.  Do you consider Switchback Railway, Arial Walk, or Stanley's Dragon Coaster to be coasters?  Those words were pure gibberish, and next time I think you should think about history and science before you make up new laws.

Ahem....ummm, where's the chain on MF?!? ;)

Oh I couldn't resist....FDL!!!

Both parks have 15, live with

I've just seen the future...what was I saying?

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