Most coasters count controversy continues

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Magic Mountain stakes its claim on having the most coasters in the world why Cedar Point says, "Not so fast." While both parks will claim 15 coasters for the 2002 season, Cedar Point questions whether or not Superman: The Escape is actually a coaster.

Read more from the Toledo Blade.

Link: Guide to The Point

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Sawblade5's avatar
If you cound Dule Raceing Coaster as a Coaster SFMM is the Winner with 17 Coasters againsts CP 16. I alos belive that Superman TE is a Roller Coaster becasue it gravity powered by soemwhat and its a freemoving car maybe I should call Demon Drop at CP a Coaster now we got a Tie again. 
Chris Knight
All Your Base are belong to us
That's not roughness that intensity
The moniker of "most coasters" is a powerful marketing tool used to lure "destination" guests. A person who lives far from either park and wants to go to the "best" park this year will find the one that "appears" to have the MOST rides/or rollercoasters and choose it over another.

For instance: If I am going to the east coast and I have to choose ONE park to visit, which will it be???? Easy choice for me: Cedar Point. Why? Because it has the MOST rollercoasters. I know this from the marketing that has been presented to me prior to me making a decision.

As an educated(IMO) enthusiast, I am now aware of the numerous parks with numerous quality rides thats dont have the immense marketing power of the "destination" parks. These parks rely on word of mouth and regional support. The average Joe looking for a park to visit knows only of the ones that he is informed about via media sources. USUALLY consisting of the Florida parks, SoCal parks, and Ohio parks.

Bottom line is that SFMM and CP are two competing "destination" theme parks. The "MOST rollercoaster" tag is a marketing tool that each would like to use exclusively, thus, CP will try to discout SFMM and SFMM will try to prove CP wrong. Either way, both parks get needed publicity and the marketing department has suceeded.

My other car is a Giovanola! *** This post was edited by LoadedG on 2/13/2002. ***

So Jeff, your saying that there isnt a loophole here? Darn it. ;)

maybe I should call Demon Drop at CP a Coaster nownbsp;we got a Tie again.

Then you count Freefall and MM wins. Silly aint it?
*** This post was edited by sfmmman2001 on 2/13/2002. ***

Cedar Point and the "who has more coasters" It is indeed a great marketing ploy on their part, which SFMM will soak up, and also which Intamin and Arrow will soak up as well.

But in all honesty the GP could care less who builds the rides, and who has more coasters. What the GP cares about right now is if their going tove food on the table in these times of Lay Offs, and terroist acts.. So this topic probably means nothing to a lot of people, but us enthusiast :)

It's conflict that shows who a person really is!

I say let them keep building them every year and then we can make our decision
It is a really silly debate. Who cares, really? It is all about the roller coasters, and how good they are. not how many you have.
Alright, here comes Timmy!


Cedar Point clearly will have 15 in 2002. Correct?

Six Flags Magic Mountain has 15, correct?


So, that is a tie. But, Cedar Point tries and most succeeds in operating each and every coaster everyday of the season. Sometimes a lift cable breaks, and the ride goes down for a little time, but Cedar Point hands out little front-of-the-line-passes, or free Vertigo shots, and soon that coaster is back up. What I am saying, is that Cedar Point's 14 coasters operated mostly everyday of it's season. What was that fact Monty told Jeff, something about 94% ride operation. That may be wrond but that is close.

When was the last time anyone went to SFMM and all coasters were operating? When was the last time they operated mostly all season? When was the last time Flashback ran nearly everyday? Probably in the 80's as Z-Force at SFGAm.


Cedar Point, IMO and from what I have heard, is better than SFMM.


Try counting the coasters open at SFMM one day, and see how many were open at CP that same day.


Timmy has spoken. 

Simple enough, they both have 15. Now its going to be really interesting as this chess match continues, to see what each park builds next. I would assume both parks would take 2003 off, but 2004 could be interesting. I look for Cedar Point to built one coaster,but SFMM to built a least two. I'm no expert, but now that SFMM has the title with in reach, I don't seem them giving up so easily. By the way, whatever happen to all the talk that "Cedar Point does not care about the coaster title?"

-Mikey...the Olympics are on, so I must g ;)

In all fairness MFRules, Cedar Point is a "seasonal park", which means they have all winter to ready every single rollercoaster. SFMM is open all winter long as well as the rest of the year. So of course the chances of catching every single coaster open 365 days a year is a deeper challenge. Just look across town at CP's sister park, Knott's Berry Farm. Ghostrider is down for 3 weeks for maintanance, does that mean that Knott's should pull promotions for the coaster till it re-opens? Wouldn't make much sense from a business point of view would it. So your arguement isn't really fair. As far as your contention that CP is a better park, what does that have to do with marketing the most coasters? Only parks up to Cedar Point's level are allowed to make money? How snobbish is that?
Have you ever considered that maybe it's not the park that's the problem, but YOU? *** This post was edited by DWeaver on 2/13/2002. ***
I looked under the "coasters" and checked to see if Magic Mountian and Cedar Point are tied, but they arent. According to the coasters section here on coasterbuzz Magic Mountian has 15 and Cedar Point has 17 which means Cedar Point still hold's the title for the most coasters on the planet.

Reguardless of the endless debate Cedar Point vrs Magic Mouintian its realy getting old who realy cares . I have been to both parks and realy enjoyed them. The first time I went to Magic Mountian last year I was realy impress with the cleaness of the park and the service of the employee's and I will be going out there possibly in September of this year because my brother is a united states mairine at San Deigo ussmc and will be getting me a plain ticket & discount tickets to Magic Mountian looking foward to X! I will also be looking foward to Wicked Twister at Cedar Point.

Wild Thing: 75Laps! Power Tower: 73 Rides. Valleyair Security 2002! 8Years Working at Valleyfair!

Mamoosh's avatar
Well...after having predicted an ugly, bitter CP vs SFMM battle in this thread [see post #2] I'm happy to see level heads prevail. Kudos to everyone for keeping the calm and seeing this for what is it:  a way for both parks to get some PR.

Now...if only news group RRC were like this...

I agree with Olympic10086, that NOW things get interesting. What will both parks do for 2003? 2004? The multiple coaster installation was a one shot deal, not to mention it didn't work out very well. Cedar Point has never added more than one coaster in a year, so both parks are on even ground. Throw in the fact that economically, it would be dangerous to start adding coasters every year and you've got a very interesting situation for both parks.

On a side note: For those who "don't care", please stop taking up space and allow those of us who do wish to discuss this in a civil manner to do so.

Have you ever considered that maybe it's not the park that's the problem, but YOU? *** This post was edited by DWeaver on 2/13/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar
Someone pointed out to me an e-mail message that it wasn't Cedar Point who brought this up... it was The Blade. The park itself didn't come out and say, "I object!"

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Beast: so you're just going to disregard the word "defunct" behind the Jumbo Jet and Switchback Railway huh?

Jeff: But unless the Blade was lying, a CP offical *did* come out and say "Cedar Point does not consider one of Magic Mountain's 15 coasters to be a coaster at all." Whether this was a spontaneous emission or elicited by direct questioning makes no difference to me. They have taken an 'official' stance. One that IMO based on their other 'views' seems like a big fat jar of monkey piss.
Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? :) I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

Kick The Sky's avatar
Bottom line:

Cedar Point 15

Magic Mountain 15

If you say SMTE is not a coaster than neither is WT.  Score...

Cedar Point 14

Magic Mountain 14

It's a tie.  Lets all live in harmony folks.

Bob Hansen

"Excuse me while I kick the sky!"

Cedar Point has never added more than one coaster in a year, so both parks are on even ground.

Not necessarily...while CP has never installed more than one major coaster a year, they have installed multiple rides in an offseason.  I could have sworn a major coaster and a spin-and-spue have both been introduced in the same season... maybe Corkscrew and Troika in '76 (or was it the Witches Wheel?).  And of course, DP introduced a Wild Mouse and a Vekoma Rollerskater (Woodstock Express) in the same year, too.

I wouldn't rule out a major coaster and a family coaster at CP in the same year...and it's a lot more likely than another multiple coaster installation @ SFMM.

-'Playa *** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 2/13/2002. ***

Stop this. This is idiotic. WHO FREAKIN' CARE'S! Those of you who fight this on behalf of your seperate parks obviously have way too much time on your hands. GET A LIFE! You live in your caves only to come out to ride coasters. Its so funny to read some of the %@$# that you write! Thanks for keeping me entertained!

THANK YOU to others who have some sanity about this topic and are trying to end it.

I know some of you will call me names. BRING IT ON!

Your village called. They're missing their idiot.

Hymmmm... you came out of your cave just to type that?
Have you ever considered that maybe it's not the park that's the problem, but YOU?
Sure seems like it....I noticed there are quite a few unfamiliar names in this long list of posts.  Where have they been before now?
S W :) :) S H
boblogone's avatar
What is the big deal about these two little parks?  They both only have two real (wooden) roller coasters, none of which is a top ten ride.  They have been tied for years.  :)

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