Michigan's Adventure Future Plans

Gee, Swoosh--did the black lady have a name or did her nametag smiply read "Them"? I don't see how that descriptor would make one bit of difference.

And it goes without saying that going so many hours without a break is a violation of the already-loose seasonal labor laws...


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

I want a set point roller soaker, an air conditioned restaurant and an air conditioned theater venue for 2004. In 2005, bring on the scream machine.
Good luck Pointman. I think the Setpoint RollerSoakers/FSS coasters with water effects easily cost nearly 10 million. Might just wish for that alone, then take a year off.

MORE than 50% of people like me.

Thank you timberguy. :)

A coaster will be nice (yes, it's still on from what I hear) but WE NEED MORE FLATS! You don't want to end up like a park that just has coasters, and only a few flats. This is the truth, and I know beginning of this thread I really was gung-ho about a new coaster, but really, I would just like to see more rides, not necessarily big rides.

As for re-doing the kiddie area, would it be possible to MOVE Zach's Zoomer somewhere else? I can't think of a place for it, but that would make room for other rides. That and Be-Bop Blvd. just don't fit into a kiddie area.

Haven't been up there in a while, but planning a trip in two weeks (hey, training a puppy is hard work!)

101 Laps - A Timbers Wannabe

Zach's Zoomer ... and Be-Bop Blvd. just don't fit into a kiddie area

Really? My four year old loves both, and the two year old found Be-Bop to be a hoot.


*** This post was edited by Brian Noble 8/19/2003 1:44:36 PM ***

I'm just saying, I know of no other Camp Snoopy that has TWO coasters (besides Mall of America) or a car ride...

Guess who's back... MIA JON!

How do you invest in "mature trees"? The park can only deal with the hand they were given in the windstorm. You wouldn't believe what was lost there.

I live down the road from MA about a mile. I drive by every day. (Unfortunately for me on busy Saturdays). I will keep you posted. Don't expect much...it doesn't look good.

They definately need a ride like THE CLAW!! That is one cool ride.:)

Just what would YOU ad to make MiAv a destination? Campground? Hotel? Resort? Coaster? Flat Rides?

All of the above?

They do need something, but what do they need MOST?


Would a drop tower be more economical than a new coaster? And if so, would it have simililar drawing power among the general public?

If so, I think adding one near the front of the park where people driving by on both roads bordering the park could easily see it. It would be the tallest thing that close to roads and especially the front of the parking lot. Maybe instead of putting the ride's name on it, like Power Tower, put the park name instead? Just a thought.

I was recently at the park, and I think it is a real project. When thinking what I would do to improve the park and increase attendance, I think it will be difficult. I don't know what would draw the general public most, but without question, the park needs some attention from Cedar Fair.

CoastaPlaya said:
Gee, Swoosh--did the black lady have a name or did her nametag smiply read "Them"? I don't see how that descriptor would make one bit of difference.

I hope I didn't come across in the post as being racist, that wasn't my point - it wouldn't have made any difference if the person was turquoise. My point was that she wasn't helping the other person load, she was just standing in the AC. The name escapes me, sorry. I do realize that we are getting to the end of the season, but I do think that MIA suffers from a lack of employees - or at least quality ones. Again, this is my only visit to the park, but I will say that they were even slower at loading than say SFWOA or even SFKK.

SW:):)SH Shaddy(president of LEMCCDWBLI)

Mamoosh's avatar
In case no one saw my thoughts on any of the other 10 pages in this thread I'll repeat what I, one who has no clue how to successfully run a theme park, think MiA should do for 2004:

Camp Snoopy. It appeals to families and helps further the rebranding of the park with the Schultz characters.

mOOSH -- who *does* know how to run a greeting cards company ;)

2004 Coaster Calendar now available. 13 Coasters in 12 months! Order in advance and save. Quantities are limited! See S&D Greetings for details.

I don't think a new coaster will be coming until after a hotel or resort type venue is opened. Build an onsite hotel for 2004, get a coaster in 2005.

I agree that they really need some park lights.

Now tell me Cedar Point is running out of space.

Here's an off the wall question regarding boosting capacity: Would it be possible / worthwhile to run two-train operation on Wildcat and Corkscrew (assuming they ordered new 2nd trains)? I know both appear to have full brake runs before the stations, but I don't know if the coasters could be run safely that way. Would someone with better knowledge care to comment?

I was up there again today and I agree with Swoosh... the load speeds weren't the best. Of course, having two ride ops per coaster (including ST this visit) doesn't exactly help either.

As for my hopes for next year, an air conditioned coaster cafe would be nice, as well as some relatively cheap flats... gravitron, etc. Or possibly a power-tower or Huss rodeo/break-dance.
*** This post was edited by Strijder 8/19/2003 10:31:15 PM ***

Well, I made my first (and only) trip of the year up to MiA today, and have a number of new thoughts on the place. While I still think a new steel coaster is a definite must for this park (for numerous reasons stated before), there are a boatload of other things that need to be addressed as well before this park sees any sort of "Cedar Point" type attendance.

As mentioned earlier, they need some serious shade there! I spent the whole day frying like an egg. Some Shade Awnings over the line queues like Swoosh mentioned would be very nice. I noticed the dearth of trees, and wondered about whether they could get more full grown ones there. But I'm not sure how doable that is.

I was also not overly impressed by the ride ops. There were a few who seemed to like what they were doing, but most of them seemed very bored and lazy. That was a little disappointing. :(

The low capacity of the rides also seems to be a problem. I think ST could certainly run another train, and maybe even WW. The WW seemed to take an especially long time to dispatch. I don't know what the deal was, but one time today they took about 5 mins. to load the train and send it off. And there didn't really seem to be any reason why.

One thing I don't think they need more of is Flat rides. I already felt like I was at a county fair as it is. They seem to have those in good supply at this point, although a Huss Giant flat might not be a horrible thing.

I think a new midway is a must for the park, as they need to connect the park. Right now, it has a very claustraphobic feeling to it. The crowds wouldn't seem so bad on busy days if they had a little more room to roam. Plus, the new steel coaster and an AC sit down restaurant could be built there, as well as more expansion in the future. They certainly have the abilty to build one right alongside the WW.

I really see a lot of potential for greatness in this park, but it will take a lot of upgrades, and some major steps. I think they need to bite the bullet, make a number of needed improvements all at once, and maybe throw in that steel coaster. That would be a good start, but there will still be much more needed before MiA's full potential is realized.

john peck's avatar
Trust me, yo don't want another train on Timbers. That would require adding a block break and activating it.
ST is fine with 2... the 2nd train is generally already on the brakes by the time the 1st is ready to run.
Actually, normally setpoints Roller Soaker doesn't cost $11 mill. The problem at Hershey was that there was so much infrastructure already in place, the much of it had be be moved and the ride had to be redesigned several times. THis is a problem that MiA doesn't have. It would be much cheaper to build the same coaster at MiA than at Hershey.
Hey, remember when we begged for a 2nd train on Wildcat (TimbersFest '99)? That was awesome! However, four years have passed and it hasn't happened yet.

A 2nd train is a possibility for a GREAT improvement to the park. I'm sure the officials know that, they just are focusing on different things.

Things I can see (if you're nice) in the next few years:

-Camp Snoopy
-Sit Down Restaurant
-New Midway
-New Flats
-Waterpark Expansion (into the parking lot behind Zoomer)
-Scenery & Theming
-S&S Tower Combo (first 5 tower combo????)
-2nd train on Zoomer, Corkscrew, Wildcat

There's what you'd all like to see, right?
101 Laps - A Timbers Wannabe

You got it! I think a new midway is key to providing an amusement park feel to this place. Slight theming is also nice. I can see the possibility of the frontier portion being called "Timbertown". Pretty easy clue there. The area right when you enter the park still has that large square with nothing in it except a hot dog stand. The fencing around it is that temporary rope and log fence. Should be interesting to see what goes there.

Blue People fly sideways when it rains...

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