Michigan's Adventure Future Plans

CoastaPlaya said:
you'd have to see a lot of flags pretty soon.

I think what you meant to say is sticks with ORANGE flags on them. They have to be ORANGE to indicate a roller coaster. Remember, we discussed this in the What is Valleyfai getting next year thread. :) LOL!

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because I have heard about it and seen the aerial shot of the park that they use for reference. they are going to focus on making the park look like a Cedar Fair Park (bright bold colors, big fancy signage, happy music and all that good stuff). Some of the things they are focusing on have been mentioned already like later hours, campground and a sit down restaurant. The only ride that I can recalled being talked about is a raft ride. But again I will say nobody knows what they are going to do until they do it. They could decide any day to start thinking about adding a coaster. I doubt that will be for a few years but who knows!!
Was the raft ride last year's addition or a something more like CP's White Water Canyon?

Cedar Point's Mean Streak and World's Of Fun's Dentonator both share the same logo......That's cheap!!!!

Seriously, if I were in charge, they would get a boomerang next. Now, that sounds like a horrible idea to an enthusiast, but it is in the eyes of the average guest a "major" new coaster. I'd even go as far as to say that it would be every bit if not more appealing as an Impulse to the average parkgoer.

If not a boomerang, I'd certainly be looking into a small drop tower. Perhaps a basic 180 foot space shot would be just fine.

You see, Michigan's Adventure is a very small park with attendance that simply doesn't justify a multi-million dollar ride. You can't build stuff like that overnight and expect everything to change. You have to start small- build inexpensive but crowdpleasing rides- then you can move up to bigger rides like a hyper or invert or something.

The Trip: CP, SFWoA, PKI, KW, HW, IB, SFGAm, MiA and LeSourdsville too.
8 Days- 10 parks. May 2003

Mamoosh's avatar
I agree, Matt. A relatively inexpensive [new or used] 'Rang would be something exciting to market, boost attendance, and help pay for the next new coaster.

mOOSH [still thinks they'll get a Camp Snoopy, a popular and recognizable character which will help solidify the park's rebranding]

A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Rectitude [n.] the formal demeanor of a proctologist just before he exams you.

We went on the 5th of July and my immediate impression is that it is a family park that wasnt really family friendly.

The sadest thing I've ever seen at a amusment park was all the people/ families sitting on blankets around cars in the parking lot to have a picinic. ( yes we did it too ). Seems like it would be easy enough to set up a picinic area like CP and many other parks have. Sure you loose money on the eats inside the park but it would be a plus to boost attendance $$ from families who want that option.

My family on both East and West sides of Michigan were considering a family reunion there 2004 but will likely choose another destination as they wanted camping and picinicing available.

** also my neighbor just told me that they chose SFWOA over MIA for a 20 - 25 family member get together for the exact same reasons.

As much as I'd love new coasters I think the park, as it stands now and will likely stand for many years to come as - a small family park, should concentrate on the things that will bring in the family $$.

Build a campground, picinic pavillion, and maybe even a small hotel.....

Then start adding more coasters.


Give them time, Pam, give them time.

CF has 6 parks to worry about and I doubt MiAdv is at the top of the list. What they have done so far is excellent. The future looks bright for this park.

All in MHO, of course.


Like I said all along MA needs KBF's Boomerang and KBF needs to replace it with something better.

Cedar Point's Mean Streak and World's Of Fun's Dentonator both share the same logo......That's cheap!!!!

Like I said all along MA needs KBF's Boomerang and KBF needs to replace it with something better.

Cedar Point's Mean Streak and World's Of Fun's Dentonator both share the same logo......That's cheap!!!!

rollergator's avatar
....maybe they should just get a Deja Vu....or did I say that already...;)

Have to agree with Pam, the *atmosphere* at MiA was WAY less than friendly....it's the PGA of Cedar Fair in my experience, the only park in the chain I have almost no desire to return to...

Mamoosh's avatar
Likewise, Gator. I'll return to MiA when they get a new coaster. That should be in 2005 or 2006, I believe ;)


A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Willy Nilly [n.] - impotent.

Coaster Bob said:

If MA can't afford a new coaster. I say CF should "share the wealth". Peeps are always bashing Mantis and Mean Streak. CP should transfer those coasters to MA and replace them with new coasters. For everyone that will scream about the coaster count. I say build a replacement coaster and add a family or kiddy coaster in the same season. CP has enough rides to fill two parks. I say give up a couple. It was wasteful for Cp to get rid of Schwabichen without finding a new home for it. Demon Drop could go bye bye as well. Knott's could benefit by getting rid of Boomerang and getting an ArrowBAtic or another coaster that wouldn't take up alot of real estate. MA would save lot's of $$$. and when the time comes MA could start financing their own additions. with what I mentioned that alone would be three to five years of improvements. Mantis is taller and longer than SFGAM stand up and Mean Streak is alot Taller than American Eagle. Mantis and/or Meanstreak would be great world class coaster that any park would welcome as additions. With sixteen coasters at CP they get lost in the shuffle.

Judgement, Superiority (ego), intolerance, and Hostility.........Makes CB the "Jenny Jones for "Coaster Trekkies" LOL
*** This post was edited by Coaster Bob 6/26/2003 10:10:16 AM ***
*** This post was edited by Coaster Bob 6/26/2003 10:24:45 AM ***

I dont think that moving Mantis and/or Mean Streak would be something that CF would ever consider for two reasons. One is obviously the coaster count. Cedar Fair would have to build two coasters to replace the ones leaving, in addition to adding a third the same off-season just to stay ahead of SFMM. There would be no time to build rides in place of Mantis and Mean Streak because of the time it would take to dismantle them. Not to mention, Mantis is a relatively new ride that still attracts a lengthy wait. Why get rid of a ride that is still popular. The second reason I dont think Cedar Fair would move those rides is that they are not small. Moving those rides would not be very economical. Moving a shuttle coaster or a 2,000 ft. corkscrew ride is one thing, but moving one of the worlds 5 largest wooden coasters or one of the worlds longest and tallest stand up coasters is not cheap. Your talking 4-8 months just to dismantle, then you have transportation and re-assembly. Assembling a coaster is one of the most expensive parts, due to the extensive amount of labor involved. Your talking $8-10 million just to move each one of those coasters. For that you could build a Morgan Hyper and a mid sized woodie.

That was too short...next time please quote the whole thread.
Mamoosh's avatar
Not only that, Cap'n O, but that someone would even seriously address the ludicrus idea of relocating Mantis and Mean Streak is pretty laughable, too.


A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Willy Nilly [n.] - impotent.

I actually wouldn't be completley suprised if they came in with a new coaster next year.

Your not going to boost attendance just sitting around adding small "touches", but many think that MA won't even come close to a coaster until attendance is up. In reality, they need to add a coaster to up that attendance. I think an Impulse may be the way to go, but that's questionable, considering CF has gotten 2 in a row and not been incredibly pleased with how they are working. But hey, you never know. Small yet thrilling coasters is what they need to bring in more people. You aren't going to bring in tons of new people with waterslides.

You're right. HW hasn't drawn a soul with Zinga or Zoombabwe over the past two seasons. Nor have their new slides drawn any national press.

You've got it backwards...if they build a new coaster and don't have the concessions, games, campgrounds and other amenities there to keep people in the park and spending money, the investment doesn't get paid off quickly and you won't see much else.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 7/16/2003 4:00:09 PM ***

Mamoosh's avatar
So you're saying a park like Holiday World can have, say, a 20% increase in attendance in a year when they don't add a new coaster? How can that be? ;)


A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Willy Nilly [n.] - impotent.

A coaster might bring people in but not the kind of people MA needs. People that come to ride a coaster usually don't spend much money there. Many have seasons passes and come only for a couple hours. They may not spend one moment in the gift shops or standing in line at a concession. Now a family with three or four kids that have to pay to park, pay for admission, want to play in the arcade, ride the go karts, want souvenirs and all kinds of snacks. Those are the group that bring the dollars in. They can spend hundreds a day. Those are the people that a small park wants to cater to.

They will be focusing on bringing these families in with a campground, sit down restaurant, maybe Camp Snoopy, more places to sit in the shade and relax, better picnic facilities. You know, family type things. A coaster or a big expensive ride is likely to be put on hold for a few years.


Ok, gotta jump in here. I live by the park, and I hear what the people...ie. general public, are saying and what they want to see next. They want to sit down, they want to relax in a little "ac". It does get fairly warm here, and as wonderful as the waterpark is, not all want to get wet to cool off. They talk of how many "sit-down" eateries are at CP, and yet, CF hasn't placed one here at MiA. I hear more people "wondering" when the park will add more flats. The flats we have now are fine, yes, but then again, these rides have been here for years and the "GP" have been on them countless times. I gotta tell'ya, the bumper cars aren't packed for no reason folks...the people like the new and different stuff.

I've talked with a number of people and asked them if they want to see a new coaster, and in all actuality, the majority of them said "yes, but there are other things that need to come here first." Wow...surprise huh? ;) As much as the coaster community thinks coasters are what the people want, it's really not. Many of the people I have talked to feel that the area's economy could benefit if MiA could attract the families from all around the state and keep them in the area, so of course hotel's or camping facilities were mentioned. Other items mentioned were indoor food shops, better/more restrooms, entertainment(shows), wider food selection, night time hours (many talked of how they love to walk around CF at night and just look at the lights), more small rides(flats), and of course a new coaster, but you know, most of those people said that a "Power Tower" type ride would suffice.

So as much as we as enthusiasts would love to see a new coaster, the park needs to focus on the "draw", what will bring the people and keep them here spending their hard earned cash. What is it the "GP" wants to see, what will have them saying "I'm coming back again" as they walk out the front gate. Who's going to spend more money at the park? The enthusiast that pops in for the day to ride ST, or the family that makes 2-3 days of family fun out of it?

413 laps on ST
My worst day fishing is better than my best day at work....
my worst day coastering is better than my best day fishing.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

You win the prize, MI Trooper 1!


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