Did you get e-mail from ThrillNetwork?

In an autoresponder from security@intellispace.net

To all: regarding spam "sent" from
"sandiego-ppp707.dial34.intellispace.net", Please be assured that although we are aware of this individuals presence, they do not infact utilize IntelliSpace services directly nor indirectly.

Ummm... okay? Does that mean they're in more trouble than they were before?

- John
I snap flyers.

They do admit they collected the e-mails from other websites. It must have taken a lot of guts to admit that.

So you can't believe them that they never ment to use the list? That sending the Newsletter with that list was an error?

Its not hard to select the wrong checkbox or pick the wrong option from the drop down menu. The SPAM was a mistake, they are sorry for it.

Collecting the e-mails is another issue and is not in violation of any host's TOS. If anything its a failure of the website to properly hide their member's addresses. I know things like vB board and PHPBB have an option to e-mail through the site and hide the address. Would that be something CBuzz could do?

That might take to many resources though. How about simply masking the addresses from the harvesting tools?

Simply have the addresses seperated (EX: bob @ aol.com) wouldn't be caught. Users should be able to copy, paste and delete easy enough if they really want to send a message.

This list was one that was compiled from all the major coaster sites...

Hey, at least they complimented Coasterbuzz as a "major coaster site"!

Tales for the L33t

Jeff said:
There is no db "file" and there is no way to just make "simple queries."

this site uses .NET, there has to be a DB file. i hope it is not web viewable and in a DB dir. but there has to be a DB file my guess would be that it is access or SQL.

Ride of Steel's avatar
I got a newsletter too...
I go to the point each year to have their new coaster break down, thats my life. Dragster and WT may have been closed, but MF is always there to fulfill my thrill needs

Ripper CJ said:

No wonder why you all need penis enlargement pill advertisements in your e-mails (cuz that spammer got smart and spidered this site for them).

Oh well, good luck on your TN witch hunt.

And THIS, my friends, is just an example of the lightning wit, witty repertoire and sparkling personalities you'll find on SwillNetwork! Whoopee!

Boy howdy--if the newsletter wasn't convincing enough, this sure did the trick. Why am I still here?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

I got one too...

Jeff, if you are going to sue ThrillNetwork over ONE E-mail, why not go ahead and sue the Penis Enlargement people as well? They send you tons of E-mail, yet you toss that away as well.

Look, its one E-mail. If your computer is suddenly overridden with E-mail you dont want, then its approperate to act. Maybe ThrillNetwork had a problem and used a wrong list (why they had all of you people on it I have no idea) Just let it go. Its one freakin E-mail.

SOB crew in 2002
TRTR crew in 2003
.....Yeah, I think that smoke is supposed to be there.....

Better idea:

Maybe the SwillNetwork folk should devote their energies into creating a site people wanna visit. Then they wouldn't have to e-beg people to give 'em a click.

Ya think?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 7/2/2003 12:52:36 PM ***

E-beg? That's a new one. ;) SOB_TOM, I don't think its the fact that we all got the e-mail, but more how we got the e-mail. They took advantage of this site and violated their server's (whoever it may be) TOS. Therefore, we need to do what we can to rid the wretched site known as ThrillNetwork from our lives. :) Have a nice day all...

Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I

I wish you guys would stop calling TN a wretched site and saying how you need to shut it down. It has a lot of members that would be severely disappointed if something like that happened. Imagine what you guys would feel like if CB was shut down over a misunderstanding.

Two Points Amusement Park

For the record, I got one two and was wondering why i got one untill I saw this topic.

I can understand your annoyance Jeff. Its the equivilent of a company stealing another company's customer list.

Who said SwillNetwork was wretched?

Did I say wretched? Did anybody else say wretched? Did you say wretched? Well, yeah I guess you did. Why would that word come to mind? I mean, you did say so yourself...


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Seeing as how you have thrillnetwork listed as your web address coasterphil,this topic must be hitting close to home

Yes it is, because I spend a lot of time on the website and have made friends with a few members. Also, some of you that are complaining, are members, and i know that because a lot of you used the same username.

Two Points Amusement Park

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Sorry, I'm a little late to the party. Fashionably late, perhaps?

I got one to, but I know I have an account there that is active.

Mine began with "Dear lordgonchar"

Looks like you have an account if it has a user name intro. If you got the blank "Dear (nothing here)" you were harvested like the little crops you are.

That sucks. They claim it was a mistake (and maybe it was), but why did they harvest e-mails from "major coaster sites" in the first place if they had no intentions of pulling something like this? Why would you want a database of e-mail addys that you'll never use?

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 11

I see I am a little late too. Well I got one as well. (I was wondering where or how I got it.)

Staff PKIUnlimited.com
*** This post was edited by Dane186 7/2/2003 1:34:59 PM ***

Ah I see coasterphil and kraxleridah have responded, locosumo is an ass, but we'll get past that.

Locosumo, if you feel so strongly abotu TN...simply quit posting there and spend your time here.

Second, Alex did the right thing and apologized. At least some people admit to making a mistake unlike other webmasters around here. Not to point any fingers though.

Third, I did get one, but seeing as how I am a TN member, I guess I was supposed to.

Four, I always heard of this site being mature about things, but this incident has been completely blown up more than it should. You all should go out and read a book or go wait in line for TTD than blast a site that most of know noting about.

Five, This is ONE TN newsletter, can most of you count that high?? Also, how much other spam email are you getting like previously mentioned? Why not make a thread about the penile enlargements, or the breast reductions, or the brain transplants or **** like that?

I guess what'd I would like to say is that I enjoy being at TN. Good site, made some friends there and even some enemies. But the difference between this site and TN is that TN is more open minded that this site will ever be.

Because some folks have too much time on their hands?


I'm late - but yes, I recieved the email.

"It's not how big it is, it's how you use it!"

Well, it's not about how we got ONE email, it's how our e-mail addresses were gained.

Tommy Penner
"The plural of 'chassis' is 'chassis' ;)" - Den

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