Did you get e-mail from ThrillNetwork?

You guys are like a bunch of middle school bullies. You gang up on the weak (those who can't spell or write properly) and you force your beliefs upon them. It was wrong of TR to spam everyone. However, they are just trying to get news out about there site as best they can. And what harm is done, other than you have to take the time to lift your finger and double click to delete it. I am in no way a supporter of the site, I haven't really looked at it since 1999 or 2000 when it was a site about rumors. I just personally think it sucks, you big big bullies.

I hope all you adults out there are happy picking on 14 year olds, the "retarded" and those with ADD and ADHD. And I really hope it makes you feel better when your having a crappy day at your place of work and you can feel free to pick apart my 3rd grade level writing (that's right I have the English skills of a third grader.) And by all means please insult me and say that I am wrong for I am sure I am going against the grain and that is not accepted here at CB. Not once have I seen someone speak out against Jeff and win. I am not saying Jeff is always right, but on a site were he controls who can post, what can be posted, and has an army of "goons" by his side who's left to prove him wrong?

I now await my account to be erased. So I will attempt to respond to the post or two I get.

Edit: This was written not only on this subject but to also vent on things I have noticed over the last year. I could not make a new topic for it would be deleted or closed. Also this is not neccasiarly (sp?) a direct attack at JEff or the site merely the fourms. The fourms have some of the best discusions around (besides URC), but some times its worse then middle school.
*** This post was edited by Bossstl 7/4/2003 2:11:59 AM ***

I'm confused...

Well, I used to be able to see TTD from my house, then I moved.
Life's not fair.

Bossstl said:
You guys are like a bunch of middle school bullies. You gang up on the weak (those who can't spell or write properly) and you force your beliefs upon them. It was wrong of TR to spam everyone. However, they are just trying to get news out about there site as best they can. And what harm is done, other than you have to take the time to lift your finger and double click to delete it.

If that was all than fine. I delete the message. I am still on a list at SpamNetwork and even if DullNetwork doesn't use it who is to say NoThrillNetwork won't pass it along to another person. It is an endless list. You delete one e-mail you get ten more. Haven't you ever tracked your name before? Try this, the next time you sign up for something vary your name, add a 1 or 2 or something. Do it only once. Then see how many e-mails you get with that variant. It will shock and amaze you at how fast your address gets passed around. And it all starts with ThrillDoesn'twork.

This topic is way too funny....

And yes, I got a newsletter from the email I registered at this site with... I did not have this address when I was registered at TN.

This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

James Smith said:
Funny you ban me... you can't keep a good man down. I guess when you get scared, you ban.

Oh you wish! More like when we get bored.

See, you were good as the butt of a joke now and then...but then you just got teeeeeedious. You know, like that other message board you should be posting on instead of this one.

You were only good for one more punch line after your little 'bully' tantrum and Jeff did the honors.

You see, you are only as interesting as WE make you...and trust me, it takes a lot of effort. I mean, have you ever read your stuff? Don't.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Jeff said:
"Um, you're obviously confused. I didn't mail bomb anyone. Since you're just here to troll... experience...

BAN HAMMAH! Toodles!"

Funny, how as soon as somebody questions your all-mighty authority and brings in another side to this story, you respond by banning them. You baby. I bet you'll respond by banning me as well, because everything you do is oh-so hilarious and godly. You know what else is funny? The fact that this is the only coaster forum who gives a crap about that newsletter, and look who started this thread - You! The guy notorious for hating Thrillnetwork for no real reason, and getting his blind worshippers on this site to go along with him! The simple fact is that you hate Thrillnetwork with a passion, we know that, and thats the only reason you started this thread in the first place. If you hadn't started it, nobody else would've either. Thats why none of the other coaster forums out there have a thread about this - because it doesn't matter, except to you. I'm willing to bet that if, say, ACN did the same thing, you would've just brushed it off. But no, since Thrillnetwork did it, your *arch nemesis*, you made a big old stink about it. This IS the reason for this thread. You're going to deny it, and several other members will support you and continue to complain about how this is about the email harvesting. Ok, I realize it is, but the point is that you wouldn't have cared either way if it was from any other site, otherwise you'd be after every single website that ever spammed your email address. So yes, the reason behind this thread is because of your (and a lot of CoasterBuzz member's) hatred of Thrillnetwork. Why else would you get so upset about ONE unwanted piece of mail from someone that got your email address in some way, when EVERYBODY gets at least 5 of those a day?? You're a weak, immature baby. Its people like you (and anyone else who attacks Thrillnetwork for no reason other than becuase of this newsletter issue) who make the term "Coaster Enthusiast" a negative one to many people. I could go on and on about how pathetic you are, but there is no need - anyone who doesn't blindly worship CoasterBuzz can clearly see it.

So yeah. Go ahead and justify your actions on this all you want, but the simple fact remains that the only reason you cared so much in the first place is because it was Thrillnetwork who did it.

I'm no longer speaking as a representative of TN. In fact, I never really was, since I'm hardly affiliated with running the site at all, and thats why I can't provide the answers you all want about the email harvesting. I'm speaking as a regular person who sees right through you and your many blind followers.

Oh, and if you ban me for this, it just makes you look even more weak and pathetic.

Chernabog: Perhaps you're the one who should read the thread. A member who posted in this thread specifically said that he sent Alex 300 pieces of spam in response. This thread is needlessly long, so I don't feel like looking for it, but its there. Ooooh the irony! You're also wrong about CoastaPlaya being funny, but then, you all have such pathetically dry senses of humor on here, it doesn't surprise me.

Rest in Peace - Shockwave - 1988 - 2002
"My other car is a B&M Floorless."
*** This post was edited by Raptorgeist 7/4/2003 4:02:40 AM ***

Wow. enthusiasts *****ing at enthusiasts. Who'd have thunkt it?

Oh, the indignity!

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Lord Gonchar's avatar

You're also wrong about CoastaPlaya being funny, but then, you all have such pathetically dry senses of humor on here, it doesn't surprise me.

Do you even know what a "dry sense of humor" is?

Playa's style is anything but dry.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 11

Oh ok. I actually meant to call it a "lame sense of humor that only really boring people who like to give themselves ego boosts by attacking other websites as well as people online they'll never meet would find funny". But maybe you all should stop picking apart every post I make and making comments like that and actually look at the actual message. You guys are so hostile that when you can't think of anything to say, you go for the easiest attack.

Rest in Peace - Shockwave - 1988 - 2002
"My other car is a B&M Floorless."

ldiesman said:
If that was all than fine. I delete the message. I am still on a list at SpamNetwork and even if DullNetwork doesn't use it who is to say NoThrillNetwork won't pass it along to another person. It is an endless list. You delete one e-mail you get ten more. Haven't you ever tracked your name before? Try this, the next time you sign up for something vary your name, add a 1 or 2 or something. Do it only once. Then see how many e-mails you get with that variant. It will shock and amaze you at how fast your address gets passed around. And it all starts with ThrillDoesn'twork.

I have never gotten one piece of spam mail of spam mail with my email address I use with TN. I don't have a blocker either. Please think about the facts before making blind accusations like that.

Two Points Amusement Park

See what I mean about teeeeeeeeeeeedious?

No WONDER your board is so poorly visited. Blather blather blather blather blather already. Make an actual POINT and move on!

See, these Raptorgeist/CoasterPhil posts are the byproduct of a board that awards people new fake pieces of coaster track for non-stop keyboard beating...low-grade crap no one actually wants to read. This is what made SwillNetwork swill.

This is why the real key to a succesful board--the personalities who make it their home, the people you wanna read cuz just to see what they'll say next--are gone.

I'm dropping pearls here, son. Siddown, shaddap and do some learning. I'm actually trying to help you sad cause out.

When you visit #3 URC, you know what you're getting as an online product. You're getting chillforce, Joisey Joe, PATripman and these days coastermom. Even though the board is technically inferior to many boards out there, it outdraws most of them because the material is top notch.

You can say all you wanna about CoasterBuzz--but we're #1 here because of the broad spectrum of personalities...from benevolent flower boy rollergator to the CPG to the honorary members of the Minivan of Justice to the point man of all things sarcastic, ME.

Like it or not, we're an interesting and engaging read...and a statistical sample more accurate than the Nielsens says so. We've drawn the best of the personalities from the other boards. People log on, like it and develop their own comedic styles. How many times have we seen it? We've watched DawnMarie, Maddie, TecknoScorpion, opthodoc, all sorts of people go from literally posting "gee, I wish I was witty" to becoming point man (woman) for the next punchline.

If you pulled your head from your backside and thought about it long enough, you'd realize this board is what you wish to be. Here is where you learn what you need to do to become an actual player in the game.

No wonder you tried to spam CoasterBuzzers. You wanted Jeff's success--and who can blame you? But the only way you'll do it is by chucking your failed and unpopular style and revamping the board into a product that draws the right people. There's no shortcut.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 7/4/2003 9:40:50 AM ***

Rctycoon2k's avatar
If you don't like Jeff, leave the site. We won't miss you, and sure as hell he won't. We don't need you here, so leave, makes life easier, not having to listen to ranting from 10 year olds...

Shaun Rajewski

I'm an old member at TN (Don't post there much anymore) and I thought I had an account here from a very long time ago but I guess I don't.

ThrillNetwork was pretty good way back in the day, but CoasterBuzz today is much superior to ThrillNetwork, even if Jeff completely gets rid of and turns his army against something he doesn't like. I liked that ThrillNetwork was moderated like a democracy, but CoasterBuzz seemed like a dictatorship. Also the fact that ThrillNetwork does not have popup ads is very nice.

Its total BS that all of your emails were gathered and used to send this email. I doubt that the list will be sold to spammers, but even if this was done unintentionally, there is NO excuse for ThrillNetwork LLC having possession of this list.

Resorting to calling ThrillNetwork "SwillNetwork" is childish, along with banning all of these people who try to talk some sense into these forums. Proceeding to email Alex Westerman 300 messages is ridiculous, and possibly unlawful. I would recommend this thread be closed immediately because I see the potential for legal trouble to CoasterBuzz and some users of this service. Going on to trash ThrillNetwork isn't going to solve anything and will get you in more trouble than anything else.

The email isn't going to end the world, and I'm sure that ThrillNetwork will give an answer to your emails Jeff.

And Alexa.com is pretty worthless as only bandwidth and hits from users of the Alexa toolbar is recorded. How many people here use Alexa's software?

My other car is an Intamin giga.
*** This post was edited by Antfarm007 7/4/2003 9:53:55 AM ***

Antfarm007 said:
Proceeding to email Alex Westerman 300 messages is ridiculous, and possibly unlawful. I would recommend this thread be closed immediately because I see the potential for legal trouble to CoasterBuzz and some users of this service.

Well, I'm sure the administrators of this site appreciate your free legal advice, but CoasterBuzz itself isn't responsible for the possibly unlawful actions of one or two of its unaffiliated users. (Oh, wait, I forgot, everyone here's a member of this unstoppable army. Unstoppable!)

And trashing another site isn't illegal. It's free speech. And, in this case, fun.

How many people have Nielsen boxes? In reality, Alexa's more statistically correct--but we covered that two pages ago.

As for the childish and unnecessary, welcome to CoasterBuzz where we make fun of everything. It's part of what makes us popular. We're a good read talking about anything and everything. Seems to have got you to page 9, right? Right?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 7/4/2003 10:16:39 AM ***

mrk468zz said:

Antfarm007 said:
Proceeding to email Alex Westerman 300 messages is ridiculous, and possibly unlawful. I would recommend this thread be closed immediately because I see the potential for legal trouble to CoasterBuzz and some users of this service.

Well, I'm sure the administrators of this site appreciate your free legal advice, but CoasterBuzz itself isn't responsible for the possibly unlawful actions of one or two of its unaffiliated users. (Oh, wait, I forgot, everyone here's a member of this unstoppable army. Unstoppable!)

And trashing another site isn't illegal. It's free speech. And, in this case, fun.

There is evidence of possible cybercrimes here. If someone decided to press charges, this could most likely be used as evidence, and Jeff might have to hand over data. I wouldn't want to get involved :x


Nothing wrong with making fun of everything :).
My other car is an Intamin giga.

Yup, I'm sure that, upon receiving the 300 messages from one user, Alex will get right on the phone to the proper authorities.

"And can you think of any reason why this person would want to do this to you?"

"Well, I sort of harvested hundreds of e-mails from this site, see, and ..."

That, indeed, would define a new level of stupidity.

Jeff's avatar
Private Coasta Playa! You will execute the operation against the forces of evil, maggot! Do you get me! That's Jeff, SIR!

You so get me Antfarm. I get rid of what I don't like. What I don't like is stupid and uninteresting people, and especially people who justify the actions of spammers. Worse, I don't like people that take a pretty simple question and turn it into a bunch of crap about what I am or am not, people who don't know anything about me other than my name and the fact that I run a couple of Web sites.

Perhaps the most entertaining part is that much of the nonsense here reads like something from people who didn't get inivted to the party, and they're all bitter about it now. Note you don't see any CB regulars posting on TN about how much we wanna be a part of that. I guess that makes us the cheerleaders and jocks. (Yikes, just had a flash of an image of Moosh and 'Gator in a skirt there... not pretty.)

And why do people gotta bring URC into this? Eric runs a damn good site, and I respect him for sticking with it even when his interest wasn't there, and for writing his own forum and for weathering the slow advertising days.

There's a long line for Dragster forming, and all but one train is on the circuit this morning...

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

Huh? What? I gots nuttin' but love for Eric G and URC. That's Da Ole Hood where 'Playa became the 'Playa. Frankly, I may have never ventured elsewhere if not for major conflicts with some of the early coding and some corporate firewalls.

I was pleasantly surprised to find them still at the top of the Alexa list and giving them props--or so I thought.

BTW, Jeff--if you evah call me a private again, yo (bleep) is mine.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Jeff's avatar
At least I wasn't talking about your privates.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

Closed topic.

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