Did you get e-mail from ThrillNetwork?

Oh, add me to the list of people that got the e--mail. I had to go in and actually see if it was there, the funny part about it, was that the program considered it spam before it even got the chance to hit the inbox. I guess you know it is sad when a coaster site gets added to a black list for spam, funny as hell though.

Nessy: Ride of Steel
Webmaster of Digital Coaster - http://digital-coaster.com

Draegs's avatar

drcoaster said:
I believe rollercoaster.com, thrillride, and some other domains/sites were at some point affiliated if not operated by thrillnetwork, he is calling these sites "major coaster sites"

I could understand your interpreting his wording in that manner. The only problem, though, is that multiple people (including me) have replied to this thread stating that they never signed up for any of the sites that were/are affiliated with Thrillnetwork/Thrillride.

And, in my case, this is especially true as many of us have attested to only recently created the email address that the newsletter was sent to and are 100% sure there is no way it was voluntarily submitted to their database .

James Draeger
"But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do"

I have nothing against this site or you Jeff.

This site's content is much better than ThrillNetwork's and in no way am I trying to justify what Alex Westerman did.
My other car is an Intamin giga.

Raptorgeist said:
Chernabog: Perhaps you're the one who should read the thread. A member who posted in this thread specifically said that he sent Alex 300 pieces of spam in response. This thread is needlessly long, so I don't feel like looking for it, but its there. Ooooh the irony! You're also wrong about CoastaPlaya being funny, but then, you all have such pathetically dry senses of humor on here, it doesn't surprise me.

Well, okay then. It's time to get reference-librarian on your behind.

On 7/3/03 at 4:22 PM, RCTycoon2k wrote,
" well, Alex got about 300 e-mails from me with his name after the "dear" in the newsletter, so i basically sent him his newsletter (from newsletter@thrillnetwork.com also...) and i sent him 300 e-mails of a notice of how he likes his own medicine..."


It's too bad that less than two hours later, they came back to write, " CoasterPhil, you actually think that i did that... i would have had to hack into the e-mail account..."

The entirety of both posts can be found in their original form on page 8 of this thread. Would you care for a link?

So, uh, what now? Unlike some folks around here, hint hint, nudge nudge, I don't pull stuff out of my behind. Oh, by the way, why was my e-mail address taken from this site without my permission or Jeff's?

What do I Listen-To?
I am stereotypical.
*** This post was edited by Chernabog 7/4/2003 1:18:21 PM ***

coasterphil said:

I have never gotten one piece of spam mail of spam mail with my email address I use with TN. I don't have a blocker either. Please think about the facts before making blind accusations like that.

Yes! The e-mail address you "use" at SN. Now, I have never used my address at SN so consider what list you would be on (SN user) and what list I would be on (SN nonuser). It is obvious that all the members of CB were from a different list. And the whole merging of old mailing list to new mailing list is crap. I have an old hotmail account I no longer use for anything other than forwarding spam. I used it along time ago on TN and it did not get the e-mail and my new e-mail account with my ISP did. Explain that.

Interesting. I've been reading what's happened here, as well as on the other site, and it seems to me like there is a lot of overreacting going on here.

I do believe that both sites use the same listserver service to send out their newsletters. (ListMail I believe it is) And it sounds like that listserver screwed up somehow and merged the lists. Hate to tell you this people, but that's not horribly unusual, it's not done on purpose, and isn't TN's fault in the slightest. I've had it happen to me in the past, with them and other servers. And that's where the problem should be taken up, not with a website war.

The truth- it was a simple computer glitch. The reason that the unsubcribes don't work is because you're not subscribed to begin with, and you won't be receiving the emails again. Delete it, ignore it, done.

It is quite interesting though to see which webmaster has been doing the apologizing, explaining, and peacemaking, and which one has been doing the flaming, threatening, refusing to listen, banning others who dare to oppose his view, and encouraging others to attack. Sad thing is, he's apparently forgotten that when you encourage others to take potentially illegal actions that you can be held responsible for them to.

But then I can't say I'm surprised after having dealt with both, which is really sad.

Sometimes it's up. Sometimes it's down.
But with God, life is one thrill ride that you'll never regret being on.

^ You make a good point if that was the story. In an e-mail to Jeff, Alex says that he collected those e-mail adress from other sites. It was not a programs falt he went out and collected our e-mail.

Matt Rydzik
*** This post was edited by CoasterBGW 7/4/2003 2:46:21 PM ***

You all call the members of CB childish, well what do you expect? We are obsessed with coasters here. All we do is talk about, look at, and ride roller coasters. Of course we all act childish. ;)
Well, it looks like CP just got hit with some rain. And more on the way. ALso looks like they have those dummies strapped into dragster. Haven't seen the webcam nor really bothered with anything about TTD, so I don't know how long its been sitting like that.

About this email thing, I don't use hotmail for any messageboards, but strictly for email. When I first signed on to hotmail, all I got was real messages, then the spam happened. I got sick of going without checking for 5 days, seeing 200 new messages, and 10 being legit. SO I enacted this really neat filter where only people in my address book can send me stuff and only certain sites that I entered can send me things. Haven't had one piece of spam come in since I did that, unless you count those numerous forwards from my wacky aunt.
I am not who you think I am.

Because I am too lazy to look back and quote whoever said this, but SwillNetwork (Playa's TM) made the choice to use other sites popularity to try and drive their own. The sad part is that they did it in the worst way.

When I want to drive traffic to my sites, what do I do? Oh, yeah, I advertise. I place advertisements in locations that may draw the segment of the population I am targeting. I have never once sent out an email pimping one of my sites. Amazingly, they do wonderfully without it.

On an alternate note...why has this become about Jeff? If you were banned from here, it was because you are not able to follow rules. Turning that into an ill conceived attack against Jeff or this site is just childish. Get over yourself, and make a board of your own if you don't like the people here. I am pretty sure no one will miss you anyway.

Matt said:
Because I am too lazy to look back and quote whoever said this, but SwillNetwork (Playa's TM) made the choice to use other sites popularity to try and drive their own. The sad part is that they did it in the worst way.

Y'know that brings up an interesting question. If they were using other sites to drive their own...why didn't they use the most popular site out there? A site with no pop-ups, and 5,000+ users?

Why didn't ThemeParkInsider users get any e-mail? :)

I can see the only rule here is that Jeff is always right. Have I figured out the secret of CBuzz yet?
I am not who you think I am.

CedarPoint_Mark said:
I can see the only rule here is that Jeff is always right. Have I figured out the secret of CBuzz yet?

Kind of seems to be the feelings of all SN members. I can say one thing. Jeffs actions are his own and his right. My actions and the actions of many of the others members here based solely on how I and they believe. I don't feel any answers have come to light. Only speculation, but nothing concrete. Even those who have tried tactful communication have gotten the run around. Others have received no response. If SN doesn't like how Jeff and some other members have acted from this forum that is between SN and those members. Personally I am very upset that because I am a CBuzzer I have been classified as a cult member of evil, brain washing, Jeffs CB site. I deserve an explination as does everyone here. It was a computer, there is an exact and traceable reason as to why this occured and I want to make sure that it doesn't happen again. SN can't just say that "due to a technical issue", that doesn't work. You make one example and others will fall in line. If legal action were taken then the result would certainly ring out through the community of spammers and e-mail harvesters. Reguardless of why or how, I want to know, and I want to be assured without a shadow of a doubt that I will never see another Newsletter from SN. Unless that letter is an apology.

Who said I was a member of the other site? I'm not. You might be thinking of my brother. I took this name as it describes a fan of a park, if you care to read into usernames. He was the first one to use it. You have a complaint about that other site, talk to him, not me.

And not to get technical here, but you spell "regardless" without the 'u'.

I am not who you think I am.

Jeff, I have some experience with ThrillNetwork.

Over a year ago, I had a clash with Alex Westerman (who is the biggest jerk in the world), about some stupid new rules they initiated on the TN boards. I got banned for this clash, and from my experiences with their mods, i can say they are all EXTREME jerks. I wouldnt put hacking, or anything, past them.
Scooby High Score: 1830 as of May 3!

I dont thank that mi comints refered to you exactly. I wus just using yur comint as refrence. I could care less bout user naimes.

Please don't pick at things. I am sure that there are many other minute points you could make to slander me personally than a spelling error.

Godforbid I slander anyone, isn't that what the majority of you are doing? It is ok for you to slander, but not me? Ah yes, CB policy is getting clearer.

Hey did you hear, CP attendance was DOWN yet again in June. They'd better fix Top Thrill Disappointment if they want attendance to boom.

I am not who you think I am.

Hey did you hear, CP attendance was DOWN yet again in June. They'd better fix Top Thrill Disappointment if they want attendance to boom.

It is running. ;) Take a look at the webcam.

pkidelirium said:

Jeff, I have some experience with ThrillNetwork.

Over a year ago, I had a clash with Alex Westerman (who is the biggest jerk in the world), about some stupid new rules they initiated on the TN boards. I got banned for this clash, and from my experiences with their mods, i can say they are all EXTREME jerks. I wouldnt put hacking, or anything, past them.
Scooby High Score: 1830 as of May 3!

Funny thing is, that's coming from someone who had a problem with a rather simple rule and rather than be polite, proceeded to cuss out anyone on those boards and then tried to hack into them himself- hence why he was banned.

I'm still trying to look into things in the few minutes I have here and there, but as well as I'm able to tell, ListMail is the one that screwed up, for some reason merging CBuzz's list with TN's list when they sent out the last newsletter. Why it happened or how, I don't know yet. I've got a couple emails out to them I'm waiting to hear back on myself, but with the holiday I doubt it'll be today. Heck I'm getting ready to go out and have some fun with the family tonight myself. Especially in light of this being a computer glitch causing an accident, not the life and death deal that some of you are trying to hard to make it out to be. But trust me when I say that steps are already being made to make sure that it won't happen again. It shouldn't have been able to happen the first time.

Sometimes it's up. Sometimes it's down.
But with God, life is one thrill ride that you'll never regret being on.

ldiesman said:

Hey did you hear, CP attendance was DOWN yet again in June. They'd better fix Top Thrill Disappointment if they want attendance to boom.

It is running. ;) Take a look at the webcam.


I happened to see another TTD thread and they said it was up...sure enough it is, but I doubt for much longer. Looks like more rain is headed that way.
I am not who you think I am.

Closed topic.

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