DDR bug has hit hard

Jeff's avatar
I wish somebody had a list of what is real non-DDR stuff. My brother, when I first showed him MAX at home, told me that Stomp to My Beat (love that song too) was huge in the clubs.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM

On MAX2 and Extreme (and maybe other versions), the Konami "originals" have little logos indicating them as such. I know everything from Konamix is original.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Ya know i heard something about Sandstorm as a playable song on MAX, but i've never played MAX so i dunno.

Rolla coasta lova, and a DDR maniac

Kel: Sandstorm is only on the home version of MAX for PS2, and was probably put there because of its club popularity (same for Take It To The Morning Light).

Den: I agree with you on the D&B/GWs thing. Our D&B is very nice while our GWs is really not. Our D&B is twice the size of Columbus' but of GWs is half the size of yours. At least at D&B when I play Pump, I can actually hear it, versus GWs where I can't hear that, DDR, and Percussion Freaks because of how loud the GTV plays overhead. They don't get the fact that you have to HEAR a rhythm game in order to play it correctly.

As a matter of fact, I sometimes prefer our Jillians to GWs, even though it only has Pump. As far as our other places, it's mostly malls that have the other games. That's where our Extreme is, in a mall. I want to come up to GWs in C-bus just to play Guitar Freaks once, and find a Beatmania, but I'll settle for GFs.

As far as club songs go, usually if I like a song enough from a club, I'll hunt down the song and make an DWI out of it and post it somewhere. I've done about 60 DWI/SMs and about 20-30 of them are usually club anthems. They just seem like natural fits....


CPLady's avatar
I didn't realize Sandstorm was a non-DDR song until I watched Stars on Ice...and the skaters did a number with the Sandstorm music.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Chris - I promised myself I'd never go to GameWorks to play DDR again after last time. For one, the house music was so loud that you could barely hear the beat. Secondly, the crappy DDR USA right next to the DDR MAX2 was twice as loud. What's that about?

Not to mention, of the other games I played, at least half of them had something wrong with them, such as the gun calibration being two feet off, or a button not working, or the screen being too dim. I've never had these problems at D&B.

I do like Guitar Freaks though, and as far as I know, GW is the only place that has it. I'd like to play BeatMania or ParaParaParadise but I don't think there's any of those in town at all.

The Columbus Jillian's closed last year. Which sucked because, while they had no DDR, they had free pool during lunch, and some cool games. But it was downtown where no one ever goes, and the road in front of it closed for the Nationwide Arena construction, so I think that did it in.

Let me know if you ever come up here and I'll meet you somewhere.
A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Yeah i use DDR USA as my toilet...>_> The mix just straight sux. I hope we Konami makes a USA 2 with everything redone using the MAX engine.

Rolla coasta lova, and a DDR maniac

Den said:

Not to mention, of the other games I played, at least half of them had something wrong with them, such as the gun calibration being two feet off, or a button not working, or the screen being too dim. I've never had these problems at D&B.


Jeff, I'm still laughing at that response that Steph got from D&B. Going past all of the typos and stuff, it's still a bunch of crappity-crap-crap. They've had Pump-It-Up (PU for short) for about a year and a half now, long before Konami closed its US office.

jimmybob sez: When your heartrate exceeds the BPM, it's time to stop.
My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge
*** This post was edited by jimmybob 1/31/2003 1:32:42 PM ***

Hey JB, I looked for you last time I went to D&B but didn't see you. You *are* the person who works there, right? If I see you there, will you give me some free credits? :)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I left D&B in November - I still visit, though it's a little bit of a drive from Delaware now. You won't find me on PU though! :)

jimmybob sez: Wow, it's warm outside today (35F!)
My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge

I played DDR for the first time yesterday. I didn't think it was that addictive.
Jeff's avatar
People who suck or feel self-conscious playing it never find it addictive.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson
Then why the hell do I play a few times every week?

Tommy Penner - YoYoBebeMan
"It's hard to spell at 210 beats per minute!" - Wayne Brady, Whose Line

Hey guys I'm definitely leaving for Columbus in about an hour and I'll be playing Extreme at the Bowling Palace. Any Coasterbuzzers who think they can stand hanging out with the little kiddies there and want to meet, I'll be there.

So, Natalie - what did you think? Favorite new songs? Did you see all my favorite Bowling Palace personalities? The cocky, sleeveless-flannel-wearin' Hispanic guy? The 9-year-old girl who plays "Cowgirl" and "Matsuri Japan" every set? The bowling league kid who runs over to the machine between his frames? The gigantic goth couple?

Wish I could have come - didn't read your message till later.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Jeff's avatar
So today I went out to Fun-n-Stuff, a roller rink/arcade/batting cage/mini-golf place out here near Cleveland, where they have a MAX2 machine. First some young twits got pissed at us because we jumped in front of them, but give me a break, you can do heavy songs but you didn't know about quarter etiquette? That's been around since Pac-Man.

So after we brushed the tools aside, we had a good time playing, and I even beat Paranoia Evolution and Orion on a public machine for the first time (6-step songs I can do at home, but always have trouble in the arcade).

After sitting one out for the crybabies who wanted to be attention whores (they looked around after every song to see who was watching), Steph did some doubles. Funny thing is, people were more interested to watch her do 4-step doubles than to watch those losers do 9-foot singles.

I was half tempted to ask what they were doing there sans girls late on a Saturday night (the local teen hoochies were more interested in some skater boys), but that would've been rude.

So while Steph is doing doubles, this kid comes up to me and says, "Well you guys aren't your typical teenagers playing this game." I wasn't sure what to make of it, though at that point I realized we were easily the oldest people in the place without kids at 28 and 29. I asked him how old he thought we were, and he said 27, so I let him live.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM

Jeff said:

I wasn't sure what to make of it, though at that point I realized we were easily the oldest people in the place without kids at 28 and 29. I asked him how old he thought we were, and he said 27, so I let him live.


That question is priceless. I still get the odd look here too when I say 33. Usually followed by the customary 'You should be a spokesperson for this game, like that Jared guy for Subway.' after they find out about my weight loss.....


Putz: Fun 'N Stuff is the closest thing to a home arcade I have at the moment. The kiddies there aren't THAT bad, and there are actually a few people there MY age, which isn't TOO young. They do sometimes have a problem with the coin lines though, don't know that they quite understand them yet.

Den: I did Paranoia Survivor, Bag, Cartoon Heroes, and A. I think I like the new songs, not quite sure yet. Didn't AA third song Heavy any time to try Legend of Max extra stage because there was this really annoying guy there who kept wanting to play with me and then insisted on choosing the songs. When I tried to do Oni courses he stood on the other pad and shadowed me, even after I told him I'd rather him not, which is really rude and annoying AFAIC. Other than that I had a pretty good time, Mo was there and another kid I recognized from Midwest Showdown II (big tournament up in Brighton, MI last August).

The DDR Thread fell into Page 2 land...

Paranoia Survivor... Bag... Maniac... you guys are insane...

Tommy Penner - YoYoBebeMan

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