DDR bug has hit hard

Jeff's avatar

How do you setup non-stop in home Max? I guess I never realized it was even there.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com

Don't know abotu Max jeff but in Konamix you just go to workout mode and change the first option to continuous.

I did that for an hour today and man was I dead.

If only I could get the stupid sideways jumps down I could kick ass but alas I play like ass instead.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Ode to the offseason:
Offseason Offseason what shall I do? Who cares the sun is still shining the sky is still blue! GET A LIFE!

I can almost full combo Cowgirl on Manaic at home on my home-built pads...max steps is 503, and I've gotten to 476... :)

What maniac or heavy songs does everyone like to play?...I like Abyss, Dream a Dream, Burnin' The Floor, Swing It and Healing Vision Angelic Mix...

*** This post was edited by pokeyron on 1/2/2003. ***

I don't think you can do nonstop on DDRMAX, but you definitely can on Konamix.

My favorite maniac song on MAX is Abyss. I love the gallops and the long eighth-note streams. In Konamix it's probably Can't Stop Falling in Love or B4U. There are other songs I like just as much as these (i.e. Max 300, HVAM, Love This Feelin', Dead End, Drop Out... and in the arcade, Tsugaru, Burning Heat, Max Unlimited) but I can only do trick/standard on those songs right now.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Jeff's avatar

OK, so then what the hell are these "EX" high scores that all say "DDR" and don't appear to correspond to anything?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com

I don't know what you're talking about, but could it be for the extra stage? The stage you get when you score an 'AA' on a maniac song for your last stage?

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Jeff's avatar

The high scores cycle through "single," "single EX," and the doubles.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com

I would say it's either the extra stage, or - can you do 6-panel as in Konamix? Could be that.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Stupid curiosity. I had myself convinced I wouldn't try it, but it was too tempting. Today, I finally gave in and played. What's worse is, I liked it.

I talked with the Dippin' Dots guy and he assured me that Cedar Point was to get that 10-inversion terra-woodie-invert-stand-up because Magnum is sinking. The current construction is for the new super-Dippin' Dots stall he is to run.

I've done lesson oni. Just practice with a controller alot. Then try it with your feet, that's how I figured out the "chaos" section in wakka lakka heavy.

'out the 100Base-T, through the router, down the OC3, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall......nothin' but Net.

Ok, I need some help here. I got the DDR Deluxe Ignition pads and DDR Max from Cyphergames.com for Christmas. The pads work perfect for DDR Max but not so well for the original DDR game for PS1. For some reason the up and left arrows rarely pickup my foot movements. Songs that I could easily get A's on in Max I get D's and E's on here. This is very frustrating because I love the songs on the first game but I don't want to just use the controller on it.

Any help?

DDR. I suck, but I don't care, I'm losing weight this winter!

*** This post was edited by go with gravity on 1/3/2003. ***

It seems to me that the Single-EX is for high scores that you get including the extra stage(s). Seems like a stupid thing to add, but they did. All of my high scores in Single-EX are substantially higher than those from plain old Single, so it's the extra stage ranking. And no, there is no 6-panel in DDRMAX.

Just curious, but has anyone else here gotten hooked on playing Sandstorm??? It's just the best song out there IMO.

Jeff's avatar

I have a hard time going back to PS1 Konamix as well, but the arcade mixes (5th and prior) I have no problem with.

OK, so since I've not been paying attention, what does it take to play the extra stage?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com

To play the extra stage, you have to AA your last song...then to get to the extra extra stage, you have to AA the extra stage.

I have a slightly difficult time adjusting to the arcade machines. I don't have to pick my feet up quite as high when I am playing at home, because my center square is lower than in the arcade. So for the first couple of songs, I sometimes look like I'm tripping all over myself, as I keep hitting the center square.

The song Sandstorm is cool, but I think the steps for it are just lousy, therefore, I don't find myself playing it all that often. I find that sometimes some of my favorite songs are like that. For instance, I love the songs Bye Bye Baby Balloon, Tsugaru, and Synchronized Love, but steps are horrible. I guess that's why they have the edit option (thankfully!)

*** This post was edited by pokeyron on 1/3/2003. ***

Did anyone ever notice this? (Read feature two) DDR has an excersise mode!

(Sorry in advance if this has been brought up, I did not read the whole thread.)

Two friends, extremely in love with the same girl. She hates them both, but likes a third friend. (You think I'm advertising a reality show? That's my life!)

CPLady's avatar

I tried the exercise mode before, but still prefer game mode. I can happily report I passed my first maniac song tonight! Of course, it was the easiest one out there...Remember You, but this old lady is still proud.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Well for that extra stage, not only do you have to AA your last song, but you also have to AA your last song in heavy/maniac mode. Then, after all that work, for the extra stage you get Max300 as reverse scroll 1.5x speed, and your "life meter" will only go down, not back up :) . Even better, after AAing Max300 (I know you've all done it ;) ) you get to play Candy (star) as the Encore extra stage. Once again it's 1.5x speed, reverse scroll, though this time it's sudden death. Ya miss one move, you're done.

I myself am less interested with DDRMAX, and anticipating DDR Extreme. All those new Oni courses...oooooo...

I forgot about the last song you AA having to be heavy/maniac...thanks for reminding me Coastration :)

I myself am playing jap max2 much more than us max, and while I am excited about DDREX, I don't expect it to come to my neck of the woods (central Missouri) anytime soon... :(

"This mode is difficult!"

Noticed something weird tonight whilst playing with options in USMax...If you turn the event mode on, and set the game option to play to the end of the song, you will never fail. You can miss every single arrow and still pass the song with an E.

"This mode is difficult!"

That option is available on all the PSX releases also. Although you will always get to the end of the song, E is still failing.

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