Cedar Point, The Best?

I am sure WoA decided on the morning of your visit

"Let's close 3 of our most popular rides just to tick off everyone who comes today"

Rides are closed for a reason. I sure as hell would rather not ride a coaster then be on it when its not safe.

And OutKast, you couldn't have said it better. CP is a great park with some good rides and I agree, the ride ops are pretty good. But it does have flaws and is nowhere near perfect.

Jeff's avatar

The fact that on every one of four visits to said Aurora park at least one of the four most recent coasters was closed is the reason I don't have a Six Flags pass this year... but I digress.

The reason Pointers get irritated with posts like this is because generalizations are made that aren't founded in fact. For example, in my circle of friends I can count at least a hundred cycles on Wicked Twister, and not one of them experienced any headbanging or bleeding (ditto for S:UE). If it was really a valid concern should statistics dictate that at least one of us would've experience this if it were a trend?

If Chaos wasn't being worked on, I'm guessing it was because either they didn't have the parts (witnesses describe what sounds like the drive system detaching) or they're working with Chance to find out what went wrong. Just because you don't see anything going on doesn't mean there isn't work in progress.

Wicked Twister, yeah, bummer, it wasn't open. Funny that the disappointment now is greater than it was when they announced it'd be "just" an Impulse.

And yes, us fanboys rush to defend the park... when the situation merits it. In this case (considering the 98% overall uptime at the park), you bet we'll jump on it. Just keep in mind that we're also the first to blast the park when they do something really stupid. Over on GTTP we've got hundreds of posts complaining about Ticket to Ride and $3 sodas alone. We're harsher critics than any bandwagon haters out there.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

2Hostyl, I'm no fanchick - I may be full of crap, but I ain't no fanchick....

IOArules (which it certainly doesn't), the last time I was at your park, I stood in the sweltering heat for hours to even get to ride Hulk and Dueling Dragons....the quality of which (in comparison to Cedar Point's big players) I won't even elude to right now.....the last time I was at your park, I paid $3 for a bottle of water....and the last time I was at your park, nobody even informed me that Ripsaw Falls was even closed prior to my entry into the park....talk about upset - when one of only a DOZEN (at the most) attractions is closed, then there's reason to start getting t'd off at somebody.....

So Wicked Twister was closed - Millennium Force was closed when I went earlier this season, and I had an outstanding time nonetheless. If you don't like Cedar Point, go back to Islands of Adventure, stand in line for Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges (or whatever the rediculous thing is called) for three hours with a bunch of smelly tourists, and come back here and say the same thing about Cedar Point again. Go ahead....and you'll get ridden out of town on a rail.

Sorry IOArules, I really don't mean to be rude to you personally here, but what you say just don't make a whole lotta sense - ya know???????

Unbelievable. I have talked to IOARules on many occasions and I know he *loves* CP. In fact, MF was his number 2 coaster (after X).

The fact that some of you think he's looking for a fight about something because of his opinions on his last visit is laughable.

And ophthodoc, it's like you're personally taking offense to IOARules' post! Why else would you bring in a *totally unrelated* park into the discussion? IOA has zero to do with his day at CP, yet you managed to bring it up and basically trash it. People do that when they get defensive...why exactly is what IOARules thinks about his latest visit to CP such a personal insult to you?

I never will understand some of the posters on this board... :-\

Please stop taking "negative" reviews of certain parks so close to heart. I understand that they hold a special place deep inside you but when you defend them like they're your child or something, I think it's gone too far. Let people have their opinions without accusing them of lying, overreacting, etc. It's getting very monotonous.

"Whoa that was pretty cool." -- Reaction to first flip over on X-Flight

*** This post was edited by Legendary on 6/18/2002. ***

ophthodoc said:

IOArules (which it certainly doesn't), the last time I was at your park, I stood in the sweltering heat for hours to even get to ride Hulk and Dueling Dragons....

Try living in that heat (yes, LA weather is sort of the same)! You just have to deal with it. Though if you actually got away from the computer and went outside, you might be able to deal with it.

Besides, people can have their own opinion. Your opinion of a park (or anything for that matter) may be different from someone's. Is there anything wrong with that? No, everyone has a different opinion; it's just a part of life, something it appears you do not have.


*** This post was edited by The Shy One on 6/18/2002. ***


Why not just let it be. I heard many people say SFWoA is better then CP and CP is better then SFWoA. But does it really matter? Just let people have there own opinions! SFWoA is my fav park, but I dont care when people say it sucks or its dirty, or the employees are bad. I really couldnt care. Its what I think of the park. Not what other people think.

Same with people whos fav park is CP. Except it seems that when CP fans here something bad about the "precious" CP, they have to jump in and correct. Maybe its just that that whole " CP is the best and will never be beat " phrase, gone to there head.

Im not talking about all CP fans, but the people like I stated above.

But in the end, it only comes down to an opinion. Nothing else! So just let it be, not all the time you will be right. Just let people think there minds. sheesh!

Want a piece of cheese now?


I've also noticed an extreme loyalty to CP. I'm not saying anyone here is like that, but when you be pissed off when someone says something bad about your "fav" park, then that's a problem. We were there on opening day and rode WT and then got in line for Raptor. We saw a fellow Ace'r and he asked what we thought of WT. We told him that we didn't care for it much and he just starred us down with this evil look for the rest of the line. I'm not sure what his problem was, but eveytime we looked over at him, he was starring at us. Like, you little punks, how dare you. He seemed sincerely pissed off at us. I just don't understand that sort of loyalty. It seems (even though I know it's just type and very hard to tell the "tone"), that this persons oppinion has gotten some people seriously pissed off. That's what I don't understand. I have some strong oppinions about PKI and love TR:TR, but I could care less what others say or think about either, and as all of us know, there are a lot of people who really dislike TR:TR and The Beast. I just think people should be happy with their oppinions and not be so quick to get angry and defend them.


That is alllll........

CPLady's avatar

My post wasn't meant to "defend" CP per se. I was just explaining WHY no maintenance people were seen around WT and Chaos. I also SPECIFICALLY pointed out that there are many people upset with the $3 drinks.

I didn't bash IOArules for his opinions. The only defense I made was CP opening Raptor early for ERT. I don't know who IOArules talked to "on the phone", but it is very well advertised that the ONLY two rides for ERT in the mornings are MF and WT. Not power tower, not raptor, and not mantis. CP opening Raptor to replace WT was a gesture on their part.

I agree it's disappointing not to be able to ride the one ride you came for. But life is full of disappointments. If IOArules believes CP should not have been voted the best amusement park, he's entitled to his opinion.

When votes are counted, the park that has better uptime on their major rides, handles capacity crowds very well, and on the whole provides a good experience will get the most votes. People are not going to avoid voting for a particular park because one ride isn't working 100% of the time.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

The Shy One said:

....Though if you actually got away from the computer and went outside, you might be able to deal with it. ....

Besides, people can have their own opinion. Your opinion of a park (or anything for that matter) may be different from someone's. Is there anything wrong with that? No, everyone has a different opinion; it's just a part of life, something it appears you do not have.

Wow, I guess I really did learn something today after all - everyone can have their own opinions.....wow. Quite profound. Please do not lecture me on getting outside, either. You have no concept of what I do. I sure do hope my day was as meaningful as yours presumably was.

I said in my post that I wasn't trying to be harsh, I was only making a point. I offer no apologies to anyone. These are my opinions. mmmkay???

*** This post was edited by ophthodoc on 6/18/2002. ***

Yes,we should all give Cedar Point the same consideration as we gave PKI when SOB was down for repairs.

After all we are just one big happy loving coaster community.;)

*** This post was edited by DirtyVern on 6/18/2002. ***

Wicked Twister, yeah, bummer, it wasn't open. Funny that the disappointment now is greater than it was when they announced it'd be "just" an Impulse.

You're right, it was a big dissapoint when CP anounced they were getting an impulse. Usually CP adds some longer than average complete circuit coaster that breaks some records which inturn gives the rides a unique quality like no place else. While WT may have 2 twisted spikes, it's nothing like being the longest inverted or tallest drop.

But the reason I did get so pumped to ride it, was the reviews from the people on this site!!! Everyone talks about how awesome and intense it is to go backwards spiraling up. Knowing how much I like the normal impulses I started thinking and kept reading good review after good review. How am I not supposed to get excited about it?

And ummm Opthodoc, why make up the BS? Especially since it has nothing to do with this topic. Bottled water at IOA is $2.00. Sweltering heat to ride Dragons and Hulk... Give me a break. Hulks queue is inside and has fans, the part that is outside has fans and misters; something that I would've appreciated if CP had them turned on. Dragons never has over an hour and half wait, and its queue has fans and misters and once in the castle has air conditioning. Popeye and Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges never has a 3hr wait so I have no idea what you are talking about. And honestly, I could really care less how you think Hulk and DD compare to CP's rides cause I'd gladly ride Hulk over anything, and either dragon over anything but MF or Magnum.

"This time I think ... I think it's ... it's going to work!" - Dr.Bruce Banner

Some people need to get over their little snits over my park and your park and this park and that park and realize crap happens everywhere.

Notice how IOARules got his panties in a twist when someone brought up the crap that happens at his local park...but expects others to salute him when he does the same about another.

BTW, I waited close to two hours for DD with three trains running and that was in the early AM. Later in the day was much worse.

It would have been really, really nice if they turned on the fans and misters for the Flying Unicorn while my kids and I suffered in the hot sun for 45 minutes, but guess what? They didn't. Even when I walked up to a rideop and said, "Hello...we're dying here! Do you think you could radio somebody about the misters?" I got the a response that said in so many words, "Duh what? Huh?" without any action.

Hulk's queues were just plain sick and while after waiting 2 hours (you heard me) for Dudley Do-right, it broke down just as were were cruising around to the first drop. Then we heard gurgling as the ride drained completely and we had to be evacuated down six flights of stairs--hot and sweaty and dry and given nothing but another worthless express pass if and when the ride would reopen....which wouldn't happen for at least another hour since they drained all the water into the holding pool.

You wanna complain about your CP visit? I got IOA horror stories that can top any story you've got. You sure you wanna do this? I guarantee you will lose and lose badly. You wanna hear about dark rides you never fully experience because cues get blown left and right? A T-rex that terrrorizes the empty boat ahead of us but goes on break when it's our turn? Breakdowns? Oh, don't get me going.

But guess what? Somehow I never posted a 'IOA, the best?' post because I realize CRAP HAPPENS.

You should too.

- Uncle 'Playa

PS - BGT's coasters stomp all over anything IOA has to offer. You couldn't convince a 9 year-old girl otherwise. I should know...I got one.

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 6/18/2002. ***

Yes, CostaPlaya, I realise IOA has a ton of breakdowns. Hey, I'll even admit it, their rides are down more than CP's. But really it's kinda hard to compare the technology with IOA's rides to CP's. I was just correcting some statements that weren't even true facts. Ever ride Spidey with no picture and only sounds? Oh yea, it's great fun. Or what about non dueling dragons. I've been to the park over 75 times over the last 3 years, and have had tons of things break down that would piss me off I didn't go there rutinely. But IOA doesn't go around bragging it's the best park in the world..

About your comments though, I've never seen dragons over and hour and half. Especially in the morning. Thats where I go every single time in the morning. They even have a sign that directs you right back into the castle for re-rides, that is out in the morning. Really the numbers dont agree, 6 train operation doesn't lend it to 2hr waits, especially in the early morning when there are maybe 2000 people in the entire park, or less.

The only reason I posted the CP thing was because it really irked me that all those things were going wrong. I get to go to the park once a year every year. This one was special because I had my old neighbor from CA that now lives in Oregon with me. I just found it hard to believe CP could call themselves the best when their brand new ride is down, their best flat ride besides Power Tower is down (IMO), and numerous privlidges we paid for and didn't get. There were other things that I already mentioned and others that I didn't, but our trip was far from the best I've had.

"This time I think ... I think it's ... it's going to work!" - Dr.Bruce Banner

My take:

Cedar Point rocks, full on...rides AND service.
SFGAm is every bit as good, if not better...except for atmosphere. CP beats them there. Gotta love the lakeside location of CP. If SFGAm get's what it's supposed to get in 2003, and if we ever get a Giga, then SFGAm will, without a doubt, be the best park...but of course, CP and SFMM will be getting new rides over this time too, so who knows ?

SFWoA ? Haven't been there yet, but I doubt it's as bad as most people make it out to be.

Once PKI get's a Hyper (or bigger, or mega- innovative like X), then it will be a serious contender for "best park" too...and it's pretty darn good as it is.

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze
Visit: http://www.dynamicgroove.com

The "Best Amusement park in the world" isn't a self-proclaimed title...it's one awarded to it by a third party.

Nor is it the only award it's recieved...nor the first....nor the last.

Nor was my IOA trip the best trip ever....or even second or third. You know what's really funny, though? I HAVE experienced non-dueling dragons. I've also had interruptions on Spidey (tho audio, not video). Amazing how many common IOA screwups we've seen. What was more amazing was how many of the IOA rides I experienced them on.

Maybe that's why CP keeps winning the award....they haven't had the breakdowns or lapses with the frequency you see them elsewhere. They have yet to lose a new attraction for half of, most of or all of a season while you and I both can rattle off a slew of parks that have, some more than once. They hustle people on and off rides as fast as they can.

Perfect, no. Hardest-working, quite possibly.

Maybe it should be an award for the park that screws up the least.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 6/19/2002. ***

Cripes, I remember going to Busch Gardens Williamsburg in the late 80's just to ride Big Bad Wolf, the best suspended out there. But, to my dismay, it was closed all day. I was disappointed, but I didn't bad mouth the park for protecting their guests. These things happen. There was no purpose to trash Cedar Point because WT was closed one day. It's also common for Gemini to not race both cars when attendance is low at a certain point.

Um, are you guys for real? I thought this was about a person's disappointment with Cedar Point, not a "but my park is better" thread which some of you know better than to start up in. You take his "IOARULES" name and start attacking the park? What a cheap riff. I suppose if his name was "Hersheyboy" or "BGTnut" you'd start to rip on those parks as well? Pathetic.

Cedar Point is a very well run park with some great rides, but it ain't that deep folks. If HE went to the park expecting to ride WT and couldn't, he had EVERY right to be disappointed, it was HIS money, not yours. Whatever the reason was is fine, that doesn't mean we have to LIKE or ACCEPT it.

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

*** This post was edited by OutKast on 6/19/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by OutKast on 6/19/2002. ***

There's probably about a dozen parks I would want to go to before CP, so I think IOArulz is being pretty fair if he really loves the park, but saw things about it that makes him wonder why everyone else thinks its perfect.

My two favorite coasters at BGT were closed this weekend when I went. Was I disappointed? Of course! Did I have a bad day? Heck, no! Montu, which I suffered huge anticipointment from last year, became a Top 10 steelie for me on this visit! Scorpian and Python were thrilling in the mindset of knowing they were one of the few other major rides open. The park is just beautiful to walk around and incredibly clean, so I really had a great time anyway.

CP is a great park which has a lot of coasters and runs an excellent business. Other than that, SFGAm and SFoG don't take that much longer to get to.

Who cares if he rode 12 coasters? Horrible, horrible arguement. If he didn't think they were fun or whatever, number doesn't mean anything. So, Alpengeist is the tallest invert. Its better than all the others, right? Give me a break!


I am sure WoA decided on the morning of your visit "Let's close 3 of our most popular rides just to tick off everyone who comes today"

[sarcasm]Did they really..are you sure about this?[/sarcasm]

I wasn't overly ticked at the fact that a MAJORITY of their rides were closed..it was the way that they treated the guests on that particular day. Maybe on different days, they are nicer, maybe we caught them on an off day but coming from PKI and CP days before, it didn't leave us with a great impression. Also because of our bad visits to SFGAD and then again at SFWOA..2 SF parks with similar experiences..I won't be wasting my hard earned money there anytime soon. That is MY OPINION. Everyone has a right to their opinions and shouldn't be crucified for them.

If these parks decide to close rides on a certain day or days, then they should at least post them on the signs that are designated for that purpose. SFGAD does NOT. they list maybe 2 or 3 and when you walk the park, you see 5 ..6..7.. rides that are closed.

Also parks should revise their refund policies for guests who do live hundreds of miles away..that if they get to the park to ride certain rides and the rides aren't operating, then they deserve to at least get a return pass or a partial refund.

That in itself would make the park better and more "guest friendly"..don't you think?

I wish more parks would do that CoasterMom. I know BGW have a rain check thing where they give you free admission if your day get rains out and nothing is open. But I guess the thing to keep in mind is that these days the parks only care about making money rather than guest experience. The only thing is, the entry cost has been the least of the worries on our coaster trips. The main problems are getting car rentals and hotels, and once you have everything set, it's hard to change or go back another time. Especially when you travel out of state to go to the park.

"This time I think ... I think it's ... it's going to work!" - Dr.Bruce Banner

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