Can Cp get another woodie?

You know what rollergator, i was thinking about interning with a coaster firm and i hadn't checked out CCI.But by the way you guy's are talking it sounds like there gone(are they?). *** Edited 7/1/2005 3:31:46 PM UTC by Tycoontitan*** *** Edited 7/1/2005 3:32:40 PM UTC by Tycoontitan***

You can't judge a book by it's cover but you can judge a coaster by the screams
What is this new woodie i heard about at Great Adventure for 2006?



Back-seat air-time whore.
CCI is gone. Gravity Group, GCI, and S&S are the only major manufacturers left.
and intamin does plug and play wood coasters... see SFGAdv in 2006

Watch the tram car please....
Mamoosh's avatar
Don't forget Vekoma! They do wooden coasters too. And have to add M&V to the list of up-n-comers.
And John Fetterman too Moosh. He has a whole list of rides he'd like to build/design with Lenard Adams.

I though Vekoma had completely stopped building woodies? At least that's what someone told me

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"
Ive been an enthusiast a long time, maybe I missed something haha. What do you mean by "plug and play"? Dont laugh at me haha.


Plug-n-Play - I never heard that applied to coasters before this thread - but I like it.

I'm assuming we're talking about a coaster bought from a catalog and shipped to you. In other words, not at all custom-made to fit your park or terrain or site - just adjust the footers & slap it up.

Usually we'd be talking about a compact steel - but to apply it to a 170' tall, mile-long wood coaster is quite funny to me. :)

Back-seat air-time whore.

Mamoosh said:
So tell a MS ride op what's the general reaction of people getting off the ride?
I would say that those that don't like the ride steer clear, so I don't see too many people that dislike the ride. But the few that have a foul opinion of the ride are made up by all the children that ride it over and over.
Jeff's avatar
I would call Intamin's product what it is... milled wood track. PnP is for computers.

And 90% of the people I talk to say they're a waste of time and might as well be steel.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Why the hell would a park want a plug and play woodie. I mean sure, theyre fast to build and all, but what the hell? Roller coasters, especially wooden ones, shouldn't be pre fabricated, or cloned. Designing and building a ride to fit YOUR park, YOUR terrain, YOUR is what would be the fun part to me. I cant be 100% certain cuz im not in the business, but i would imagine designing a custom ride for your park would be the fun part. The best coasters are the ones that are unique. Steel Phantom/Phantom's Revenge, Thunderbolt, Boulder Dash, Millenniun Force, Knoebel's Twister all are unique in some way to their respective parks. Thats what makes them great. To "plug and play" seems like a big disappointment.


Jeff Reim, You and Fubar have the wrong idea of what "Plug 'n' Play" means.

Plug 'n' Play is a track style that Intimin sells for their coasters. It has track sections that can be removed and replaced when needed. These track pieces can be ordered from and manufactured by local wood mills (is that what they are called?). I guess they just call the local wood business and ask for track piece #306, for example.

The way the track is designed makes it very strong and durable. The trains ride very smooth on a PnP track.

It has nothing to do with being a cloned coaster kit. It's design can be as cusomized as any other coaster.

I'm not a Plug 'n' Play expert or anything. This description could be a little off, so someone correct me if I am wrong on any of it.

...Just to ease you confusion.

Still sucks.

I wish Six Flags would contract someone like GCI or Gravity Group. I just dont like the idea of an Intamin woodie. From riding experience, GCI and Gravity Group/CCI coasters were more enjoyable both in ride quality and visually than Intamin woodies.


So you've ridden a plug-n-play woodie? The one in Jersey will be the first one stateside. The older Intamin woodies (American Eagle, etc...) aren't plug-n-play 'technology'.

I've heard that they are too smooth for a woodie, but until I ride one myself I'll reserve judgement.

Anyone know if they are going to have the strict girth requirement as found on Colossus? Anyone think they are going to enforce the 1 inch slack rule on their American woodies?

Yeah is Good!
I, too, am very excited to ride SFGAdv's new PnP Woody, if they are in fact getting one.

Even if PnP runs as smooth as steel, I still think that I'll like it, because I like steel coasters too, and it will be something unique.

I may postpone this summers SF trip to next year, because of KK's problems, and the addition of an alleged new coaster next year-That and my perpetual lack of extra money...AND if SF is getting their act together this year, like I hear here, then maybe NEXT year the park will be up to my incredibly, unrealisticaly high standards.

HEY...I just looked back up to the title of this thread. You guys tricked me...

So here's a little about CP. I hope they get that rumored beachside woody sometime soon. On the other hand, DT Does seem to have long lines, and people are willing to wait a good 30 minuts or more for a ride on it. It just seems unlikely to me that it would be removed. Could DT be moved to another area of the park instead?

rollergator's avatar
I wish we'd hear more about Colossos and Balder, like how they're holding up, is the trackwork "maintaining itself", how many of the laminated beams have required replacing (if any)...what's the upkeep cost like, etc., etc.

Based solely on the reports from the M-Flyer equipped GCIIs, they seem VERY trouble-free with a deeper track record.

In the end....if SFNJ can get another woodie, so can CP! ;)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Why can't they make woodies like steels. They already have one woodie that has a loop on it. I mean yeah it wouldn't have and crazy inversions or anything like that, but it could have some nice loops. and why couldn't they combine steel and wood together to make the ULTIMATE WOODIE. Then maybe it could have the crazy stuff we see on the steels.

~~~~Coaster Lover~~~~~~~~~~

CP has a combined steel and wood coaster, Gemini.

Been going to the Point for over 30 years and still love it!!!!!!!!!!!
So has GL, with Villain. (lol)

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