Breast feeding mom upset with Six Flags Great America

Posted | Contributed by Chitown

A mother was asked to leave the wading pool at Six Flags Great America while breastfeeding, citing health concerns. If found true, the request would violate Illinois law.

Read more from The Chicago Tribune.

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spongebob: in a wading pool, where the water is knee deep? Nice try. Want to play again?
coasterqueenTRN's avatar

Because sex is sex and breastfeeding is nourishing a baby. Like it was mentioned before, some people see a boob and automatically associate it with sex. And those (mostly men) who associate it with sex are the ones that are "offended".

The guys at the talk show I was mentioning were more on the extreme right wing. They considering breastfeeding in public to be "immoral". Go figure.


*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 7/15/2005 3:46:55 PM ***


What is the acceptable amount of time to lock yourself inside from the outside world with an infant - and who decides?

Those of us with children are awaiting your advice as to when we should be able to go out in the world with our infants.

I frankly could care less where my wife breastfed my child so long as immature, ignorant little men weren't oogling her. And, if they were...the problem wouldn't be with her. The problem would be with me and I'd handle it.

Tina: it's like dancing or alcohol. It leads to Impure Thoughts.
coasterqueen, those guys on the talk show probably had no problem doing "immoral" things with women. But, THEY should be the one's to decide what is immoral and who gets to do it.
Given the circumstances of a wading 2yr old and a hungry newborn, I see her actions as totally reasonable. Let the one kid play, feed the other under a blanket. I dont see how her being a few feet away on a chair is any better. If anything, it's worst because she is farther away from the toddler. It was a legal option, it was a safe option, and I am really, really struggling to see what it is that is so "wrong" with her choice.

Would people be any more or less cognizant of her sitting or a chair rather than the edge of the pool? In either case, she would still be in full view of passing patrons. Much like a neutered dog, I just dont get it...

Why am I reminded of Margaret Atwood's excellent book, The Handmaid's Tale?
Thank you wahoo skipper, you have made my afternoon.

I didn't make the same choice your wife made (VFG) I am a single mother, I can't just stop what i'm doing to go hide a natural thing. Maybe she was uncomfortable doing it in public, im sure she wasn't at home.

All I am saying is men need to respect that if a woman wants to breastfeed in public she has a right to, and doesn't have to hide it either. If you don't like it then don't look plain and simple.If you had a problem with it, it's your problem. Nature needs to happen, and if a kid is hungry you parents know they will do just about anything to be fed. End of story.

If she were on a plane then some of these yahoos would want her to go back to the 2'X2' bathroom.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^Brian/wahoo skipper, I couldn't agree more. Watching the talk show on this subject was like watching Footloose all over again.


*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 7/15/2005 3:54:18 PM ***

Except without the not-quite-punk-styled Kevin Bacon or the cool music.
I don't think it is right that a coaster enthusiast should be able to wear a fanboy shirt that is 2 sizes too small and exposes his fat, hairy belly. But, it is said enthusiast's right to do so and I avoid looking at that person...or getting in line behind him.
you can still slipp and fall in knee high water.and another unfortanite event can happen*** This post was edited by spongebob64 7/15/2005 4:00:38 PM ***
(And to be fair, John Lithgow's character in Footloose wasn't the sort of hypocritical scumbag that the Commander in Handmaid's was.) DO know that infants get baths...don't you? And, they get carried around once in a while, ride in cars, etc. Heck, some infants (GASP) actually get held by their older siblings.

Yep, as strange as it may seem...babies are not made of glass.

When is the last time you slipped in a wading pool? Please. You're either reaching for a reason that you hope doesn't make you look like an idiot, or you're the most cautious 12 year old I've ever met.

I know where my money is.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I know, Brian. ;-) I remember that book as well.

^LMAO wahoo skipper. I could NOT agree more. ;-) I could name a hundred more things that are FAR more disturbing visually than a woman breastfeeding. ;-)


*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 7/15/2005 4:03:15 PM ***

Tina and Brian-
Do you really think I don't know the difference between sex and breast feeding? Like already stated, it's an extreme example. But it still gets at the heart of the matter: Some people are comfortable with breastfeeding in public; some are not. Yes the baby needs fed. Yes it is natural. Yes the baby should be fed. And yes the woman has the right to fulfill the child's needs. But respect those around you who don't necessarily share the same comfot level; again, WITHIN REASON. I'm not saying go out to your car. But use a blanket, sit off to the side a bit, etc.

And those of you questioning why the mother was at a theme park? Are you serious? Crazy as it seems, mothers need to get out more than any of us for sanity's sake.

Some people are uncomfortable that mixed-race couples walk down the street hand in hand too. Is that our standard?

And, for the record, she *did* use a blanket, according to the article linked above.

When I said I thought she should move to a chair rather than the pool, that was just me saying my opinion. I'm not arguing that she didn't have the right to be in the pool because she did. If she wanted to be there, then thats fine.

I was just saying of what I would have done in that situation. I don't have kids so I don't know.

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