Breast feeding mom upset with Six Flags Great America

Posted | Contributed by Chitown

A mother was asked to leave the wading pool at Six Flags Great America while breastfeeding, citing health concerns. If found true, the request would violate Illinois law.

Read more from The Chicago Tribune.

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They have separate rooms for new Moms. BINGO, that is what I'm saying. If it is so natural to do everything in public hook up the pump at your desk! See how that will go over in the office. I agree when the kid is hunger feed. Just leave the pool and get it done.

Why are men so damn upset about a mother breastfeeding her child? You might catch a glimpse of a boob? Hell I'm sure there were other men walking around that day with their shirts off with bigger boobs than that of the breastfeeding mother, and she had the decency to cover up a bit!

My take on this, a woman should be able to breastfeed in public, but I also think they should at least try to be discrete, if a bit of boob pops out is really isn't a big deal (like I said before, men walk around all the time with theirs floppin all over the place). I don’t think she should have been in the pool though.

If it was me, I personally would have taken my 2 ½ year old son out of the water, sat in a nearby chair, gave him a snack to eat and fed my baby. But that’s just me.*** This post was edited by Sarah Jackson 7/15/2005 3:17:19 PM ****** This post was edited by Sarah Jackson 7/15/2005 3:18:46 PM ***

whats a wading pool? *** This post was edited by spongebob64 7/15/2005 3:18:17 PM ***
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^Agreed, Sarah.

It's about time you posted, Toons. ;-)


*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 7/15/2005 3:19:12 PM ***

WHAT!?? Its not like she was riding Raging Bull and breast feeding at the same time. Should all parents be locked up until their children are old enough to take care of themselves (if so, some people are never going to be let out of their houses).

And you didn't sound sexy anyway.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^Yeah really, I have seen man-boobs that are FAR more "offensive" than a woman breastfeeding her kid. ;-)


Many people can't seem to think of a female breast as anything but about sex. So, I can imagine why someone concludes that breastfeeding is "dirty", though only in the purient sense, and not the hygene sense.

[It turns out that breast milk is sterile---squirt some in a Petri dish, and you won't grow jack.]

But---and this is important---breastfeeding has nothing---zero, nada, zilch---to do with sex. Nothing. At. All. On top of that Illinois, in its infinite wisdom, has decreed that women have the legal right to breastfeed anywhere they darn well please. So, even if it offends your sensibilities, and even if you think it would be "considerate" for her to breastfeed elsewhere, it's just tough cookies to you.

My wife (a physician) once told me that breastfeeding was correlated with income. In other words, people in poverty are vastly less likely to breastfeed than people who aren't. I was astounded by this, because formula is expensive. So, why is this? Based on the research she's read, it is because those below the poverty line are less likely to draw the distinction between boobies (sex) and breasts (food).

ValleyFairGuy: those "new mother" rooms are for the comfort of the mothers, who, for whatever reason, choose not to breastfeed in public. They are not for the juvenile amongst us who can't see a breastfeeding kid without reacting "Icky! Boobies!"

*** This post was edited by Brian Noble 7/15/2005 3:28:08 PM ***

coasterqueenTRN's avatar

A "wading pool" is a kiddy pool more or less.

Brian, that is VERY astounding.


ok,im fine with breastfedding in public but at least step out of the can be out of the pool fedding the baby and watching the other kid at the same time,,oh ya thanks coasterqueenTRN*** This post was edited by spongebob64 7/15/2005 3:30:21 PM ****** This post was edited by spongebob64 7/15/2005 3:30:49 PM ***
Why, spongebob? What's wrong with being in the pool?
VFG: That is what i'm saying if people can't get over the fact that women breast feed. Then get a life. You guys I'm sure look at porn all day on the net when your wife isn't looking. Don't lie, we women know the truth. ( I am not saying all men, but most of them.)

She was allowed to breast feed in public. I work at a portrait studio, I see new mom's come in all the time and have to feed their baby. If they are stay at home mom's then they don't need bottles. I always had them for emergencies. I see Mom's "whip" out a boob all the time. I even have a male boss that when a baby is fussy to feed them. If he can be cool with it why can't you?

Women should be comfortable with themselves, breastfeeding, in public. If they can't, what are they gonna do, go sit in their car? I think not. Get a blanket, which the woman had. So if you don't like it don't look. You can't MAKE a woman go inside a locker room/bathroom, to do what is natural for the health of her child. If the law says she can breastfeed in public, then you have a right to say nothing.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
And what's wrong with porn? ;-)


A colleague of mine, now an Associate Dean at Harvard, had her kids when she was an Assistant Professor there. While she was breastfeeding, she would bring her kids to work with her. Early on, with the first one, the kid started yammering during a faculty meeting. There was nothing to do but breastfeed the baby, which she promptly did, mortified at what her colleagues' reactions must be. After all, this is Harvard, the last bastion of the Academic Old Boys Network.

After the faculty meeting was over, her (male) department chair pulled her aside. His comment? He was thrilled that she was bringing her son to work, and wanted to make sure *she* wasn't uncomfortable.

That's class.

i dunno,if i was her i would have took a step out of the pool
How is sex and breat feeding any different? They both fulfill a need, it's natural, and it doesn't harm anyone... no, that's not my view, but some would view it that way. I assume you don't view it that way. That's your opinion and comfort level. Yes, that's an extreme example, but the principle is the same regardless. To some, a woman breast feeding in public is beyond their comfort level. You might not agree with that, but it should be respected within reason. Yes the baby NEEDS to be fed; but do it discretely, and do it off to the side where it won't attract a lot of attention. It's common courtesy.

If someone ripped a loud fart sitting next to me, I wouldn't care. I would probably laugh. And hey, it's natural, right? But why do I refrain? Because it's beyond some people's comfort level. That doesn't make them 'plain stupid' or 'ignorant.'

Breast feeding "dirty?" Now that one I really don't understand. :)

spongebob: Yes, we get that. Why? If that's what you would do, you must have a reason.

danimales: One difference is that babies *have* to eat when they are hungry. You don't *have* to get your freak on when you are horny.

westcoaster man."it's just not ok to use them for what they were made for and that's to feed their offspring." ..its not ok?*** This post was edited by spongebob64 7/15/2005 3:39:20 PM ***
Read my posts I think we are closer to agreement then apart. My wife breast fed our kid but she did not want to do it out in the open. She thought to be considerate of others. I love how the women have made this a sexual issue. I can respect your issues Katie but why play the porno card? No where did my posts say a womens breast equals sex. All I'm saying is in the middle of a pool in a crowded amusement park, is that the best/only option. If she was on the side of the pool I would have no issue with it. If I was a women I would prefer to keep it private. I love the fact that my wife chose to do this. She had a very hard time to get our son to "take" the feeding. She cried and was stressed out over the process and I give her all the credit for sticking it out. Pardon the pun!
i would feel comfortable outside of the pool,with my baby who can die if accidentely gets splashed (big splash like if a big fat guy slipped)or if another unfortanite event were to accur
ValleyfairGuy: why, exactly, do you think someone else should make the same decision your wife made, or that you believe you would make if you were in the same position?

Another question: why, exactly is being off to the side of the pool "better" than being in the pool?

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