Breast feeding mom upset with Six Flags Great America

Posted | Contributed by Chitown

A mother was asked to leave the wading pool at Six Flags Great America while breastfeeding, citing health concerns. If found true, the request would violate Illinois law.

Read more from The Chicago Tribune.

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lol dragster I had to chuckle at that.

I think the way europe aproaches nudity and sexuality is much better than the states. People are hung up on outdated Puritanical values. We as a country were founded by uptight Christian radicals and exiles.

I say let the woman breastfeed in public. I can understand not being able to do it in the wave pool or something where some pervert is going to sit and stare the entire time. I think that is part of the reason people think it should be done in private. The female breast has become a sexual organ instead of being seen for its main function, feeding a child. You don't hear PeTA complaining about milking cows and goats considering the person milking is basicly groping the animal.

People are too hung up on Nudity. It's so taboo that anywhere you see it you have people crying about it. ie. Janet's wardrobe malfuntion.

The only reason Janet Jackson's exposed breast was a big deal was so that the media could distract the public from the really importiant news stories happening at the time, like they always do.

The "pool boobie" lady was being considerate to onlookers by covering up her nipple, so I guess I don't have a problem with it. I personally do not wish to see boobies, yet alone some adorable little baby sucking on them. It wouldn't make me mad or anything, but maybe a little embarresed.

"AAAWWW :) ...Look at the cute little baby :) ...What's her nam-OH! Is that your nipple miss? Sorry (looks away).

I am not familiar with exposed boobies (lol).

Everyone had great comments, but considering from a law point of view, ignorance has never been an acceptable excuse. The LG will be disciplined, this I am sure. "Health concerns" it is possible the LG was speaking of the babys "health concerns" nuzzling on an exposed breast next to a chlorinated pool is not exactly the safest thing for a nursing infant. This was not the wisest decision by the mother, but she was caring for her child and that is more than we can say for some. However I am not about to expect a child to have a meal anywhere that I would not eat. So, not in a locker/bathing room, and definately not in a wading pool. Its either at a table or on a picnic blanket, or places where other people are eating, otherwise your abusing the law.
Spongebob64 said "whene you give the baby a bath do you splash its face?"

That has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my entire 26 years of life ROTFLMAO. Who in the hell can take a bath and not get water on their face lol, also in your world how old is a baby before you start washing it's face? I don't think the babies in your world would be to kissable since their faces would be flity since you think it's a danger to get their faces wet lol.

Spongebob64 posted "westcoaster man."it's just not ok to use them for what they were made for and that's to feed their offspring." ..its not ok?***

No it doesn't seam ok for a women to breast feed , especially from some of the comments in this thread. Yet it's ok for her to get huge implants, wear almost nothing for a top, and shake and jiggle for every perve that's looking to get a rise. Yet breast feeding is something horrible and should only be down in private.

I also have to agree that seeing a women breast feeding is way better then seeing some guy that looks like it should go by the name 10 tons of fun with swimming trunks on 4 sizes to small and man boobs hanging to his navel.

Tina .....yes i think the human body is an art form and a work of art and you shouldn't feel ashamed of any part of yourself, but here in obese America I really think would should keep the clothes lol, so many American have let their works of art turn into 1st grade finger painting lol

This thread is useless without pictures! ;)

Great, we can see bombing and murder but god forbid we see a baby have a meal. If you don't like it on TV, switch off. If you don't like it in real life, look the other way.


coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^GamRCFreak, you hit the nail on the head. Thank you. :-)

By the way, I think PETA did make a fuss about that at once time.


Mamoosh's avatar
While y'all argue about breat feeding I'm going to go watch that Voyage animated POV again! ;)

Spongebob64 said:

redman822,would you dunk your 4 month old baby in your 36,000 Gallon pool?

Actually, yes, we did...

Two points to make - 1) There is no eating or drinking allowed in the park. The baby was breaking this rule. 2) Proper swimware must be worn while in the pool. The mother was breaking this rule. If they will change the rules and let me take my funnel cake in the pool and allow all the female guest go topless, then I vote that this woman should be allowed to feed her kid.

Sound like to me that she couldn't find a ride to give her whiplash or something to trip over, so she created a law suit out of feeding her kid in public. Anything to file charges against an amusment park.

Jeff's avatar
Don't be a moron. She has no malicious intent. Don't try to justify your own warped sense of morality by saying they were breaking unrelated rules.
This is like the issue we had at church last week. There was this lady sitting in the pew during the sermon and decided to start breastfeeding with no cover, blanket, anything. Now, I know at church, just as anywhere, your children get hungry, but go to the back room. Don't whip it out in the santuary. Half the people in here are under 12. There are plenty of places to go. If you have to handle business, whatever that business is, I don't really care, just go off to the side and then come back when you're through.

Also, if you can remember Janet's malfunction, I don't think the general public is at a point of accepting any form of public exposure. There are a lot of parks where guys get in trouble for walking down the midway with no shirt on.

you guys made the reference of eating in a locker/changing room....

... surly if i wanted to eat a double cheeseburger in the pool i would be stopped...

Jeff's avatar
Does God hate breastfeeding mothers, Vertigo? I must have been sick the day that sermon was given. Sounds to me like it makes you uncomfortable, not God.
^ Of course god hates them Jeff, just like he hates homos, people who eat shellfish, and people who don't send him tons of money! ;)

... emphasis on the wink ...

Two points to be crushed:

- State law supersedes 'park rules.'

- State law says she can do it where she pleases.

If you bothered reading the article, the law's primary sponsor is right there to spell it out in brief sentences of short words. It's Great America that has to comply with the law, not the other way around.

Women's mammry glands are not on their chests simply to entertain men. Figure it out already.


What really bothers me about this thread is not about breastfeeding a baby in a wave pool. What ticks me off is that a lot of parks have "Baby Changing Stations." I may be a bit old fashioned, but shouldn't parents leave the parks with the same kids they entered with?
There is no eating or drinking allowed in the park.

Direct Quote. Which I find funny. If there is no eating or drinking allowed in the park, then why sell food and drink? And besides, this was in a waterpark. I have a feeling most of the kiddies around here don't know what a pool bar is, which actually encourages drinking in a pool. Didn't GL get one? Does SFGAm have one? Wasn't the baby 'drinking' milk? He wasn't eating, he was drinking nourishment.

And when did breast feeding in plain site where you worship become 'wrong'? Sure, the mother could be considerate and go to the back, but if you're really somewhere where you're trying to learn about and worship Almighty God, I'd say he's happier you're there paying attention, and not so worried about a feeding child.

Some of you have a really twisted view of what is right and what is wrong. The law says she was okay. God's word says she was okay, so if She's a Christian, and even if she isn't, and she wasn't showing her breast off in a vulgar manner anywho, then I'd say thats enough for me to accept what she did.

So are parks going to sell bottles of breast milk now?

If theres not Food or drink allowed brought in the park.


Chuck, just trying to bring some humor in this.

Breast-feeding is legal and natural. The changing areas are disgusting. You wouldnt eat in them, don't make a baby eat there. If someone made a commment to me about breast-feeding, which I already did for 2 children, they would definately regret ever having the capacity to speak. Prior to the invention of bottles and formula, that is the ONLY way babies ate. The mother will have a Super lawsuit on her hands. And to all of you against it... Child-abuse comes to mind. Breast-fed babies are fed "on-demand", not when a clean changing area is found. Next time you are hungry, don't stop and eat, wait a few hours. And guys, next time you need to take a piss, don't do it on the side of the road. I don't want to be driving by seeing your "thingy" hanging out watering the shoulder of the road, wait until the next rest-stop like us women have to. Besides, for some of you I am sure it is your only real-life boob view. I'm outta here.
One of the most ironic things I've seen posted here and other forums is "She shouldn't be doing it in public because there are children present that could have seen her breastfeeding that child".

Um, you guys do realize that her own child was sucking on her breast, and that most other children have not only sucked on a breast, but probably saw more in a month breast feeding that a lot of you will see in 10 years? The children don't need to see it? Most children already have. And guess what? They don't think anything sexual or vulgar about it, unless they are taught to...

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