Adventureland (IA)

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
I had heard that MegaZeph was nothing spectacular (I haven't been fortunate enough to see for myself). If it is in fact a GREAT ride, then I would welcome it to my home park with open arms. Sorry to sound greedy in my previous post.

It's a shame to hear the lighthouse is going. It's been there a long time and I still enjoy an occasional ride on it (and I don't spin so well). *** Edited 11/14/2005 9:19:38 PM UTC by Acoustic Viscosity***

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Any new details or when we might hear an annoucement?

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

I just got something in the mail today that wants me to buy a season pass. On the inside there is a picture of a wave splashing over that dog mascot. It says, "New for 2006! The Splash Over". Any ideas? A flume type ride? Damn, I was really hoping for a coaster.

Coaster Count: 189
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Hmm, maybe we're getting a chute-the-chutes........yay! It's one of the items on my wishlist. Hopefully it's a soaker! Maybe we'll get the Anton shuttle loop next year. ;)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

jw - is there anyway that you could scan that and send the pic to me?
Mamoosh's avatar
My first thought was a Mondial Splashover.

That would be sweet. I'd rather have that kind of Splash Over, rather than a chute-the-chutes. But I just don't understand why they would put either of those in, considering Worlds of Fun has both types of rides only 3 hours away.

Coaster Count: 189
Because then people wont travel 3 hours to WOF they will stay at there home park. then once they can keep there own people home then they will worry about new stuff to attract more people from 3 hrs away.

C'mon, everyone knows that Adventureland needs a nice new roller coaster.

Coaster Count: 189
jw came through. Here is the artwork that he was talking about.

yes they do need a nice new coaster but they are doing one thing at a time wait til next year.
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Knowing Adventureland's track record of using generic names for their rides, I bet Moosh is right. :(

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Well it could be a Splashover like Moosh said, I was hoping for a coaster but you never know, should be a fun ride anyway.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
As for talk of an interactive dark would be cool if they could make The Underground into such a ride.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Remember that there are 2 rides coming!!!
Didn't someone say one will be a little kiddie ride though?

Coaster Count: 189

Swoosh said:
Remember that there are 2 rides coming!!!

and I bet you know what they are too don't ya and you don't want to tell????

No the big announcement is that they got bought out by Cedar Fair so that way Cedar Fair can clearly say they are the sheeeeeeit of amusement park companies.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

david1773 said:
White Water University is no longer in business. They closed permanently after the 2004 season. The Smith family who owned it built and designed some nice Water Parks including White Water in Branson. In the case with WWU They were limited by the amount of land they had.

If I was planning an expansion of ALand. #2 on my list would be to purchase adjacent land and build a water park. DSM has to be one of the largest markets without a major family water park in the entire country. The only drawback is the very short season. The local pools only operate from mid june through mid august. *** Edited 10/29/2005 12:49:21 AM UTC by david1773***

Not true I went there this summer(2005), but yes the park does need some work

Sorry friend you are wrong. If you were there than you were the only one. They did manage to open for 8 weeks in 2004. You see I live less than one mile from old WWU. I would know if it was open. I have for all of my life 32 years. Read the story below

White water university closed after the 2004 and will likely never re-open. *** Edited 11/21/2005 2:19:56 AM UTC by davidbush***

I think the go-carts and mini golf may have been open but it's been a long time since the slides were going.

Everytime we drive by, my wife says "go get that big dolphin statue for me and we can put it in our yard"

yeah how in the hell am I going to move that, go steal a crane, lol

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

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