Avatar image Jason Hammond

Tuesday, June 21, 1977
Cleveland, Ohio
Scoring game
Jason Hammond made a post in the topic: Closed For Storm
Gemini voted for a post in the topic: CP: Rolling through the Years Book
ShaneDenmark voted for a post in the topic: Season Pass Deals
Jason Hammond made a post in the topic: Season Pass Deals
Jeff voted for a post in the topic: Kennywood 2019 project
Lord Gonchar voted for a post in the topic: Kennywood 2019 project
bigboy voted for a post in the topic: Kennywood 2019 project
Jason Hammond made a post in the topic: Kennywood 2019 project
ApolloAndy voted for a post in the topic: Dragon Challenge removal
Jason Hammond made a post in the topic: Dragon Challenge removal
bunky666 voted for a post in the topic: RMC Mean Streak - Hard Hat Tour

Conversation Starter

This person has started quite a few topics.

500 Posts

This person has made more than 500 posts.

1000 Posts

This person has made 1,000 posts.

Amateur Photographer

At least 10 photos contributed and approved.

Champion News Contributor

Over 100 news items contributed and published.
