Avatar image eightdotthree

Thursday, July 21, 1977
Scoring game
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arw84 voted for a post in the topic: Herschend to acquire Palace Entertainment
kpjb voted for a post in the topic: Herschend to acquire Palace Entertainment
Jeff voted for a post in the topic: Herschend to acquire Palace Entertainment
Jeff voted for a post in the topic: Herschend to acquire Palace Entertainment
Vater voted for a post in the topic: Herschend to acquire Palace Entertainment
cmwein voted for a post in the topic: Herschend to acquire Palace Entertainment
eightdotthree made a post in the topic: Herschunds Buys Palace
LostKause voted for a post in the topic: The Click-Bait Headline Thread
LostKause voted for a post in the topic: The Click-Bait Headline Thread

500 Posts

This person has made more than 500 posts.

1000 Posts

This person has made 1,000 posts.

Beta Tester

Helped to test new features of the forum or the site.

Amateur Photographer

At least 10 photos contributed and approved.
