Two more out the door at Geagua Lake?

Am I really that bad? I wil tri 2 kep it simpul 4 u. ;)

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matt.'s avatar

Ensign Smith take it easy with the vocab. Your like

Quoted in case anyone missed it. ;)

You actually made me laugh! No it's not that bad you can use context clues to figure things out. Once again no offense it's just easier.
Ensign likes to make up his own language and buck the system. :)
Curses. They're on to me. :)

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Having been at GL today and taken a good look at RWB, I can assure you that nothing has been done to the ride.
Big Ditch returns? Why not? They've got two giant ferry boats just floating there... And here's an idea- make them glass bottom... to see the mutated carp and submerged Vekoma trains...

Hello, Hello! (hola!) I rode a ride named Vertigo!-with apologies to U2

^^ We getting a TR, Rob?
Jason Hammond's avatar
What confuses me is this: Why would they have spent the money to repaint Thunderhawk and install the video cameras if it was just going to come out anyway? If they move the ride they'll have to repaint it again (at least to some extent) I realize it wasn't painted last year, but it was still fairly recent. And, I would think plans to move a coaster would be in the works almost as building a new one.

If Thunderhawk truely is moving, the previously mentioned items seem like wasted capital that could have been spent elsewhere.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

^Well they just take the cameras with them when & if the ride is moved.What the heck does repainting the ride last year have to do with wether or not CF decides to relocate it to another park?

Sometimes rides are repainted in the years just before a move...anyone remember when UT got it's DV paint scheme just one season before it's demise in 04?

Jason Hammond's avatar
In regards to the cameras, I just thought it seemed like a waste of time to set them up, when your planing on taking the ride out. It just makes one more thing you need to tear down and set up again.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Aren't those camera systems an outside vender? If they were, CF had $$$ to gain and little to lose.
Jason Hammond's avatar
Depends on if they had a contract. And, if so, what it said.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

matt.'s avatar
How long ago was the repaint?
I believe Thunderhawk was repainted for the 2005 season.

Prowler. Opens May,2 2009.

Those colors look like crap,SFA did a better job on ME by simply using the same color scheme in reverse.
Fun's avatar
...Well who didn't see that post coming?
^.. Helen Keller...

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82

Seeing as she died some 39 years not really surprised.

SFGAdv lover said:
^^ We getting a TR, Rob?

Possibly. I haven't written a TR in years and wasn't going to, but because of unique circumstances (as in, this could have been my last visit to the park), I might do one for our Kennywood/Geauga Lake weekend. If I don't, I'll still be posting pictures to my Smugmug site. In the meantime, anything specific you want to know?

otterkpr said:
Aren't those camera systems an outside vender? If they were, CF had $$$ to gain and little to lose.

Could be. I saw the same type of thing on Morey's SLC this year. Not sure why these systems seem specific to Vekoma SLCs, but I'm thinking the things were installed by an outside vendor.

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