The real "What is Holiday World up to?" thread

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Is it July 13th yet?

<----too lazy to backtrack the last 5 pages. LOL! I might get a subliminal message or two. ;-)


*** Edited 7/8/2005 2:38:27 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

Mamoosh's avatar
I have a feeling those numbers represent something quite simple and that some of you are over-thinking to grasp at what they might mean.
Who's all going to be there next Wednesday? We should plan to meet somewhere so we can all huddle together, scream, and faint upon the announcement- (imagining young girls at a boyband concert)

Seriously though, if anyone else is going to be there let me know.

I have discovered the meaning of the numbers in the last Holihint.

84 + 60 - 20 X 24.2 / 66 = 45.4

Remove the decimal point and convert to a Roman Numeral, you get CDLIV.

Rearrange the letter and you have the anagram:
I ndiana
C oaster -
L ongest
V ertical
D ownhill

And Paula thought that we would never figure it out.

Life is an amusment park -and I can't get off of the damn spinning teacups!
Mamoosh's avatar
I stand corrected....that's overthinking! ;)
Am I the only one who thinks 84 persons equals the amount of people that can either:

1. Ride the coaster at once (3 trains of 28 people)


2. Ride *all* the new attractions at once (2 trains on coaster plus the additional waterpark/dry park rides)?

There's no way they're adding 84 people to their staff because of one new section.


OMG I have a new sig!!!
The numbers also told me that "Paul is Dead", "I am the Walrus", "Saddam is the Anti-Christ", and "Holidog can kick Micky's Butt.". I was well on my way to finding more, but the medication kicked in.

Life is an amusment park -and I can't get off of the damn spinning teacups!
Could the Virginia Reel be moved to where Eagles' Flight resigns and then move Eagles' Flight to the new section (if it is Thanksgiving) and retheme them to be turkeys?

In 2005 (this year) they added an additional 50 staff, and this years expansion is the biggest one in their history. 84 new staff doesn't seem like alot to me.
Mamoosh's avatar
And Paula did say some of the guesses she provided were not silly. Definitely a possibility there. I do think people need to be cautious and not assume all those numbers are for a coaster.

edit - Woohoo...first post on page 50! ;)

*** Edited 7/8/2005 6:43:14 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

Yea, 84 people as in new staff doesn't sound bad at all. They will need more ride operators, life guards, grounds people, restaurante workers, security, carpenters, and maybe a few more to help manage the new section.

Not to mention more staff for the rest of the park as it will be bursting at the seams from massive crowds(ok well at LEAST crowds of enthusiasts) flooding the gates to ride the new "coaster." And you know how rowdy we can get when something this good comes around. ;) *** Edited 7/8/2005 6:49:08 PM UTC by Mr. Bubbles***
But honestly, who cares how many positions open with this new section...that's not a very "fun" stat! We want to be teased about the attractions! :)

Not to mention, let's add up some of the postions you quoted.

Ride ops: I'll say maybe three new rides with one being a coaster, one a flat, and one a waterslide...that means around 20 new openings (being very generous here).

Life Guards: Already included above.

Grounds people: Another generous guess going with 10.

Restaurant attendants: Continuing the generosity, I'll say 20 (is it even confirmed there's going to be a full service sit down eatery? If not, that's way less than 20 new spots).

Security: What the heck, how about another 10.

Carpenters: I'm sure the new woodie will need a few, but I doubt more than five.

Management: We'll say five again.

With all that generosity, that only equals 70. Not nearly 84.

I still say the 84 persons means the new capacity of all the new attractions (at one time, mind you) or three trains of 28 on the coaster.

But I don't have any insider info so this is most definitely a guess, which may or may not be accurate!


OMG I have a new sig!!!
I believe I will be attending the 12th and 13th. I am wondering if they are planning anything special for the people that attend the announcement. *** Edited 7/8/2005 9:39:37 PM UTC by woohooboy***
Mamoosh's avatar
Wow...there is so much wrong in your post woohooboy that I don't even know where to begin.
I'm thinking if there are any models or demonstrations I would much rather see it in person than look at one or two pics of it online. Besides who really needs to have an extra reason to goto Holiday World anyway?
janfrederick's avatar
Hey Moosh, I think I'll submit it to my boss to use as a test for editors. ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza

HW has stated that the 2006 budget is the biggest they have ever had as well as bigger than anything they have planned beyond 2006.

Negative-G Amusement Parks and Rollercoasters:

Legendary -
You forgot the 4 people to pluck the turkeys, 3 people to stuff the turkeys, 2 people to bake the pumkin pies, a person to make the cranberry salad, a person to make the homemade bread, a person to make the gravy and the 2 people to clean all of this stuff off of the exit ramp of the new coaster. These 14 plus plus your 70 and we have our 84 new staff.

Life is an amusment park -and I can't get off of the damn spinning teacups!
Mamoosh's avatar
Erick - I didn't mean grammatically...I meant his thoughts on HW, their annual budget, and Pat Koch.

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