"Stealth 1021"

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Okay, 'Tuan, you just freaked me out, I have been saying hootaver for a little while now... don't do that to me... hehe ;)

I honestly don't care anymore, I think I am burned out from TTD still. I blatently don't care, unless it's something spectacularly new, it doesn't interest me.

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

Cool CP will having have something new to top in 2007!

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

I'm kind of curious how thicker supports and a longer launch track automatically mean that the ride will be 500' tall. As Jeff pointed out (perhaps in another thread), the launch track for this type of ride needs to be MUCH longer than that of TTD, as the stresses on the motor and cable have been extreme. In addition, Intamin may be trying a different shape of tower for this ride, which might very well require supports of a larger diameter to stand properly. I'm not saying that I know the ride will be smaller than Dragster (heck, I could care less, I've never been to SFGADv), but some of you seem to be jumping to conclusions a little early.
Yea, They are acctually trying a new tower design. Instead of having diagonal cross members, The tower will have the half cross members that meet up in the middle. Just like TTD has in the front, This will have on all sides.

It was on a different thread about this ride, when the first pieces started showing up, that I had suggested perhaps it wouldnt be as tall, but Intamin was trying a new support structure out for this/their rocket coaster.
Rctycoon2k's avatar
Everybody listen to him he's "in the know"... wait, or is it "in the no!"

I will go with number 2.

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

Okay, I went thru all the new pics at xtremecoasters and I am not convinced that there is enough evidence yet to say that there will be a second tower. Most of the dark supports with footer connections are thin enough to be launch/breakrun or pullout/up supports. There are some thick supports but I am not seeing which pic is the one with the footer connectors. My best guess now is that maybe some of the tower, probably the back spike, will be a different color. However, I have not been there is it is very hard for me to count large supports with footer connectors because you never know if a pic is showing different ones or the same one from a different angle. Does anyone know if there were already 3 aqua large supports with footer connectors?

Also, I am having trouble counting launch track pieces if someone knows how many there are now.

The shots of the parking lot being torn up is nice, but it could just be the beginning of getting rid of the lot. Or, it could be for a second tower. It is possible it will be a dueling coaster each with its own tower and own color of track and half the launch track on site. If that is the case, I am going with my guess of 330' based on the coasterglobe article.

I'm putting my small bet ;) on dueling or racing rockets right now. Alot of the new turn-ups support the theory...
I was thinking the same thing, but my only problem with that theory is why did they not construct both sets of side by side footers for the launch and break run at the same time? The only thing I can think of is to hide what the ride is, but I doubt they care enough about that to alter constuction.
Rctycoon2k's avatar
That would be the biggest dumb move by Six Flags, to have 2 sets of dueling launchers....

Just my oppinion.

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

The other one doesn't duel, they just have one open at a time. Maybe they are just thinking ahead. ;)
ApolloAndy's avatar
Just got back from GAdv. today and can say with fair confidence that everything is on the same scale, in the same positions, and pretty much identical as far as I could tell to TTD.

The flat sections of track are curved laterally, not vertically. They are also sitting in the area of the lot with all the other transfer stuff. Not hard to figure out what they're fo.

Neither the box track, nor the flat track which is clearly for brakes (it has tons of hard points and screw holes and the like spaced in a repeating pattern with about a 4' "wavelength") have the brakes installed. The launch sections are a bit further from the fence, so I couldn't see if they had hard points for brake installation and I have no idea how anyone could determine that without entering the fenced off area.

The only box track that wasn't straight were two pieces slightly curved upwards - about a 5' vertical change over the course of the ~20' piece of track. One green, one teal. Again, no evidence to suggest anything significantly different from TTD.

The footer lines are more or less in the same configuration as TTD. There's no offset footers that I could see except for one big patch of dirt right about where TTD's station would be relative to the tower, etc.

The biggest support columns had a diameter of approximately 4'. I don't know what TTD's look like, but I wouldn't think these are significantly bigger or smaller than TTD's. Certainly not enough evidence to claim 500'.

The "overbank supports" look just like the pull in and pull out supports on TTD. They're beams with a bent end to attach to the track at its various angles.

I'm not too good with colors (color blind) but the track is green and teal and the supports are teal and a midnight bluish (similar to B:TR's new support color) and there are multiple pieces of each of the colors.

Didn't see anything with the Stealth 1021 label, but I wouldn't say that it wasn't there.

So the long and short: Everything that I saw on site could be easily analoged to something on TTD. The supports, the track, the footer placement, the station placement, etc. Based on what I saw, I would say something *very* similar to TTD is coming.

(I don't own a digital camera, so I couldn't snap any pics)

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Oviously due to the six flags financial crises either the new ride is going to be the tallest and fastest in the world or wont even be close. And if the evidence seems close my bet is this is TTD last year as the tallest and fastest.

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

What does the height of the ride have to do with the financial state of Six Flags? *** Edited 9/19/2004 12:51:07 AM UTC by PhantomTails***
Phantom Tails said

What does the height of the ride have to do with the financial state of Six Flags?

Well TTD cost 25 million and Storm runner cost 12.5 million. Storm Runner has more elements than TTD. Dragster costs more simply b/c of the launch and the hill. So a ride of TTD magnitude would costs six flags more. Possibly twice as much. And the other risks being involved is that the bigger the ride the more chance their is that in may have break downs like TTD. It might just be better if they bought a longer but shorter ride like Storm Runner. A ride like TTD would be a huge financial risk. Especially for a company 2 billion in dept.

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

What makes you think they haven't worked out all of the quirks of a system such as Dragster's? Storm Runner is rarely down anymore (after initial struggles). It has become one of the most reliable rides at Hershey. Intamin has probably bested the system that is in on Dragster to accomodate the problems CP has experienced with it. I would not be surprised to see this new rocket be extremely reliable.
ApolloAndy's avatar

S2K said:
It has become one of the most reliable rides at Hershey.

I'm not in maintanance so I wouldn't know, but with a B&M, a whole bunch of wood and a boomerang, I find this hard to believe.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

How do we know that Intamin hasn't worked out all of the problems with Dragster? Because they are still having problems with Dragster, duh...

Having worked in the vacinity of the ride all summer I'll be the first one to tell you that it's still problematic.

Sure Intamin could have updated their launch system so that it doesn't encounter the same major problems as Dragster, but they still have the little, recurring ones to take care of.

It's still me, here from the beginning back in 1999. Add 1500+ posts to the number I have in the info section if you care about such things.
Using Storm Runner as an example is a bit of a stretch, as a smooth running 72 mph launch is probably a bit easier to do than a 120+ mph launch.

Even if they do add new designs to fix some of TTD's problems, who's to say that these fixes won't have their own quirks in them? If this thing is of the magnitude of TTD, you're pretty much guarenteed to atleast have some headaches.

"Find yourself a dream and, when you find it, chase it like a bull chasing a rodeo clown; don't give that clown an inch, not one inch" -Sean Kelly
Rctycoon2k's avatar
CPgenius, your theory doesn't work because of the simple fact that maybe Intamin has designed a whole new launch style, instead of the one used on Dragster. There could be massive changes that have been made to the system currently used, but might be to expensive to go out and replace those that are currently on Dragster.

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

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