Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
<---rolls eyes. ;) Well I am 34 years old. I know NOT to care about the trivial **** in life. :)
*** Edited 10/20/2006 10:41:03 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***
34 years old is SO old, I think Tina should get her AARP card now... :rollseyes:
Mike, do you have dreadlocks and a fondness for patchouli oil by any chance?
I have never had dreadlocks in my life and I dont know what the heck patchouli oil is.
Personally, the only time shirts/shoes, or the lack thereof, would really bug me is if it led to an accident where someone got hurt or a ride got shut down.
If the accident was because of their lack of shoes/shirt then I wouldnt be bugged by it because these guys knew the risks when they took their shoes/shirt off and acknowledged it by doing so.
Bummer. Otherwise, whatever floats your boat. If the park has rules and plans to enforce them, just be fair. Everybody or nobody.
Exactly, I dont like rules that are selectively enforced.
The only trouble I've had with flops in the park is if I'm on something like Mind Eraser, where I might lose 'em. So I ride barefoot, as do a lot of others.
Thats why they usually have you take them off and put them in bins on such rides and go on them barefoot.
2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando
rollergator said:
Patchouli smells bad...even worse after a solid reek, er, week of it.
Sir, you're going to have to turn in your hippie credential card for that one. It's clearly stated in section 193 of the hippie code that, "while wearing of patchouli is not required, a true hippie will not speak poorly of the odorant."
I guess you're going to tell me that you don't like the smell of burning sage, walking barefoot on the grass, or the music of the Grateful Dead. ;)
Mike, who has greatly appreciated the various hippie ways to deal with b.o. after several days at a festival on several occasions. Trust me, it's better than the alternative. :)
Actually, anyone, with the exception of those heading toward the showers in the gym, with B.O. is gross. Cover that with patchouli oil and it's a winning combination. :)
When these guys feel it hurt in the pocketbook they will take notice and realize not eveyryone is happy with them trying to be another Disney emulated park. Thats the only way to do it.
Especially families, they need to show these bozos what they think about their "family friendly" atmosphere. This kind of nonsense cannot be tolerated.
Mike131, are you saying people should boycott SF until they allow line-jumping, smoking in non-designated areas, and rude behavior? Good luck with that campaign.
RGB, Six Flags free since 1978!
Mike131 said:
Especially families, they need to show these bozos what they think about their "family friendly" atmosphere. This kind of nonsense cannot be tolerated.
Yeah, totally. Next time I bring my son to Six Flags there better damn well be some naked guy cutting in line in front of me blowing smoke in my face and calling me a f*ckhead or we're going somewhere else!
Mike131, are you saying people should boycott SF until they allow line-jumping, smoking in non-designated areas, and rude behavior? Good luck with that campaign.
I dont think line jumping is necessarily bad, as long as youve got someone there holding your spot for you. Sometimes people gotta get out of line for stuff. No reason to be punished for that.
As for smoking in non-designated areas, if there were more "designated" areas to smoke then people wouldnt be smoking in the non-designated ones, but when you gotta walk half way across the park just to take a puff then youve got a problem. Thats why people break that rule. As long as theyre not gonna burn down the park with their cigarette then I dont see what the problem is.
People are gonna be rude no matter what you do. Its silly to make a rule about it because its impossible to enforce because youd end up having to boot out half of your customers. Besides that would really alienate alot of people. Rude people are just a fact of life unfortunately. Just gotta learn to deal with em.
I just dont think alot of rules are necessary when most of this stuff is common sense.
Yeah, totally. Next time I bring my son to Six Flags there better damn well be some naked guy cutting in line in front of me blowing smoke in my face and calling me a f*ckhead or we're going somewhere else!
Thats a lil extreme, im not actually advocating some guy coming to the park naked and blowing smoke in people's faces and flipping them off, I wouldnt want anyone to do that. I just dont think the park should be so uptight and they should just let people do their own thing as long as they dont hurt noone or themselves.
Incidentalist said:Sir, you're going to have to turn in your hippie credential card for that one. It's clearly stated in section 193 of the hippie code that, "while wearing of patchouli is not required, a true hippie will not speak poorly of the odorant."
Ummm, the voting never came back on that, the 350 people in attendance couldn't reach *absolute consensus*, so no decision was reached and everyone returned to their vans to, ummmm, recreate.
I guess you're going to tell me that you don't like the smell of burning sage, walking barefoot on the grass, or the music of the Grateful Dead.
Nope, like all of those....although my lawn needs a LOT more work before I'd go calling it "grass". Hacky-sack, OTOH.... :)
[Cartman] "Hippies...they want to save the world, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad" [/Cartman]
Think he was referring to patchouli? ;)
Closed topic.