shirtless in parks-how do you feel

So did I, I just used that as an example because that is what we are talking about. But the whole point of working at a park like CP (or any where else, park or otherwise) is that you are expected to enforce the rules.

Theyre expected to enforce ALL the rules but yet they dont and nobody goes to alot of trouble to make them unless the park gets in trouble for something then its a different story.

So just because some people decide not to do their jobs, you expect everyone not to. So just because some people didn't check some harnesses on a ride, you expect me not to.

No, sometimes you just gotta know which rules are important and which ones areint. Obviously checking the harnesses is something you wanna do all the time cuz its a matter of saftey and someone's life could be at stake, but you could get away with letting some guests get by without wearing a shirt cuz its not like anythings gonna happen to them.

Aww but telling you to put on a shirt does not infringe on your rights, as long as everyone else is being told the same thing.

Yeah you HOPE theyre being told the same thing, most likely they areint. Its still discrimination because youre still being treated differently than the other shirted customers like youre some kind of criminal and theyre not just cuz they got shirts on.

Sweat is sweat, regardless of where it comes from. I don't like touching sweaty equipment at the gym and I'm pretty sure that sweat is just from someone else's hands.

Sweat isnt gonna kill you.

Wow... you really find putting on a shirt to be a pain in the a$$, huh?

Yes I do.

You guys are gonna be pissed when Mike131 is revealed to be some sort of elaborate alias. At least at this point I'm praying for it.

Im sorry to dissapoint you but this is my first time on here and im not any alias because im quite happy being myself thank you. In fact this is the first thread ive responded to since it has so much to do with what interests me.

Anyone who has ever held a job knows that's not true. Employers couldn't care less whether their employees agree with the rules or not; they only care whether their employees enforce them or not. When is the last time you had a job interviewer run through the work place rules to see if you agree with them or not? I'm guessing never.

Some employers actually like their employees imput, depends on where you work. Theyre not actually gonna go thru the list and ask you what you like or dont like but if you dont like something then you should bring it up and let em know how you feel.

But now you've changed your story. You said that when people told you to put your shirt on it's because they have some hatred or prejudice for shirtless people. But now you've flat-out admitted that's not true, because you've admitted it's only the attitudes of the lower-level park employees that you can perceive. Thanks for playing.

I just meant that weither or not its actually what the management thinks, people will still beleive that whatever the employee says is what the management thinks as well. I really doubt that an employee is gonna enforce a rule that the management hasnt made or agrees with.

Yes and no. There are enough similarities that you can use one as an example for the other. I wasn't suggesting you were a nudist, just that your attitudes toward the human body and intentions were similar.

My attitudes and intentions are similar but I dont feel being shirtless is the same as being nude as being shirtless is legal and widely accepted in alot of places and nudity isnt. I think its best to deal with being shirtless now and worry about being nude later down the line.

The difference, however, is that nudists seem to be able to respect the fact that sometimes and some places, it just isn't appropriate to be nude (or shirtless). You, on the other hand, are unable to do this.

Well they do this more out of necessity than choice.

Nudists aren't nudists because they can't stand the task of having to dress and undress.

Some are, some nudists would burn most of their clothes given half the opportunity.

Well this is getting more into my work ethics then. My personal work ethics are to enforce the rules as they are stated. I don't care if I could get away with it or not, thats not the point. I am employed by an employer and the rules that they have handed down are saying you must wear a shirt, then I am going to enforce that rule. That is my job. That is one of the things I was hired to do.

Thats why some people dont like going to parks cuz they run into people who enforce every little rule dispite how pointless it might be and the customer ends up getting mistreated because of it.

Yes i can see where it would be annoying, but there are both health and safety issues involved in wearing shirts on a ride. Lets start with safety:
Shirts offer another degree of protection. Even thin t-shirts can be the difference between a scratch, cut, or worse.

You accept that sort of risk when you chose to take your shirt off and go on a ride.

Also a shirt offers protection from your hairs getting caught on bolts and other items, and from being ripped out when you get up (not much I know, but it hurts>

So just trim your hair before you go to the park if you intend to go shirtless. Most guys who are going to go shirtless on a ride are aware that their hairs could potentially get caught in something. The hairs on your arm or leg could get caught in something too, you dont see people being required to cover those parts up. Ive got more hairs there anyways.

There are types of disease that can be transfered more easily from direct contact with the skin. Again a t-shirt offers protection from those.

I havent heard of that many people who have actually gone on a ride shirtless and got sick or died from getting some diesease coming in direct contact with their skin. If a guy goes shirtless then if they get this diesease its their own fault. Im sure theres medicine people can put on their skin to protect it from such things.

Sweat also carries bacteria that might be harmless to you but not necessarily to the next person in line behind you.

So they should just wipe off or spray the seat before the next person gets on.

Morté615's avatar

No, sometimes you just gotta know which rules are important and which ones are int. Obviously checking the harnesses is something you wanna do all the time cuz its a matter of saftey and someone's life could be at stake, but you could get away with letting some guests get by without wearing a shirt cuz its not like anythings gonna happen to them.

It's not a matter of "getting away with" it, it's a matter of work ethics. The employee is supposed to enforce all the rules, not just the ones that they may get away with.

Also the rules say that everyone must wear a shirt, so there is no discrimination. If the rules were worded saying that "only males must wear shirts" then yes there would be discrimination. Just because the employee is not enforcing the letter of the rules, does not qualify discrimination on the part of the park, maybe on the part of the employee, but not the park. And it is on the park level that we are talking about, or am I wrong and you are talking about on a personal level?

And you are not singled out more than any other person breaking the rules. If an employee sees a line jumper, they single them out and ask them to leave the line, same thing as singling you out and asking you to put on a shirt. There is nothing criminal about it, but you are breaking a rule.

*Edit: Spelling Check * *** Edited 5/25/2006 12:39:49 AM UTC by Morté615***

Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design:

Morté615's avatar

You accept that sort of risk when you chose to take your shirt off and go on a ride.

Whether you accept the risk or not does not matter, not in today's law suit happy society. If you get injured, even if you "accepted the risk", the park is still liable.

I threw that bit about the hairs in more to be funny than I actually thought it was a real safety issue, but all you need is one person to get a hair pulled out, go complain, someone to listen, and then you are back to having to wear a shirt so there is no chance of that happening.

And just because you haven't heard of someone getting sick from a roller coaster does not mean it is not possible. I have heard of cases where people get sick from touching items that other people have touched, (ever got a cold, and yes again I know this is not the best example but short of going into some medical research I can't think of one right now :) ) And thinking that crews would have the time to spray off or wipe down seats in between riders is just not possible. Most crews are trying to get the most people through the ride as fast as possible, not to mention others waiting (have you ever complained when someone threw up and they had to clean it up, and you were stuck waiting on the ride. If you haven't I can guaranteed oothers have.)

*Edit: Fixed Wording * *** Edited 5/25/2006 12:42:11 AM UTC by Morté615***

Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design:

You meant "areint" instead of "are?" Clearly Mike131 was the child left behind. In my neck of the woods that would be "aren't."

Here's another argument against shirtless people in the main park--they can scare other guests. For many teenagers and some young adults, taking off one's shirt is a sign of trying intimidate other males. It's really quite primitive, but unfortunately true.

It's not a matter of "getting away with" it, it's a matter of work ethics. The employee is supposed to enforce all the rules, not just the ones that they may get away with.

Of course thats the way its supposed to be but when has anyone ever enforced every single rule under the sun? Youd go nuts if you tried to enforce them all.

Also the rules say that everyone must wear a shirt, so there is no discrimination. If the rules were worded saying that "only males must wear shirts" then yes there would be discrimination.

Women get to wear bikini tops and nobody says anything while the males have to wear shirts, that isnt fair. If they areint gonna make the women wear shirts then how can they expect the men to? A bikini is not a shirt. I know they dont want to decide what a shirt is but if theyre not gonna make things equal then they have no business requiring anyone wearing a shirt.

And you are not singled out more than any other person breaking the rules. If an employee sees a line jumper, they single them out and ask them to leave the line, same thing as singling you out and asking you to put on a shirt. There is nothing criminal about it, but you are breaking a rule.

The line breaker is doing something dishonest, the shirtless person isnt, theyre minding their own business and not hurting anyone, certainly not something worth having a rule for and hassling them about.

Whether you accept the risk or not does not matter, not in today's law suit happy society. If you get injured, even if you "accepted the risk", the park is still liable.

Of course it matters, if I make a stupid decision and get hurt because of it, im not gonna sue the park for it and nobody I know would either cuz theyd just say its my fault. Also I could always sign a waiver releiving them of any responsibility should I get hurt while being shirtless and then its not their problem anymore.

I threw that bit about the hairs in more to be funny than I actually thought it was a real safety issue, but all you need is one person to get a hair pulled out, go complain, someone to listen, and then you are back to having to wear a shirt so there is no chance of that happening.

Nobody would waste their time with something so silly like that. Gee I wish I could go whine to someone every time my hairs get caught in something. Any decent judge would laugh the person out of court if they even made it there.

And just because you haven't heard of someone getting sick from a roller coaster does not mean it is not possible.

Might be possible but highly unlikely and if the seats are kept relatively clean and santiary its unlikely that somebody would get sick. Bacteria likes dark cold damp places, like the inside of a shirt. Thats why people who wear enclosed shoes get all sorts of foot dieseases.

I have heard of cases where people get sick from touching items that other people have touched, (ever got a cold, and yes again I know this is not the best example but short of going into some medical research I can't think of one right now )

Yeah but they wouldnt know what they got it from though. It would still be their fault for being shirtless. You go shirtless, you accept and acknowledge the risk, simple as that.

And thinking that crews would have the time to spray off or wipe down seats in between riders is just not possible. Most crews are trying to get the most people through the ride as fast as possible, not to mention others waiting (have you ever complained when someone threw up and they had to clean it up, and you were stuck waiting on the ride. If you haven't I can guaranteed oothers have.)

Not EVERY time but periodically they could go through and spray/wipe the seats. Cleaning sweat is a bit easier than throw up id think. Some of these reasons for requiring shirts is just nuts, next thing you know they'll require gloves on the hands so the person doesnt contract some deadly diesease by touching the handlebars with their bare hands, I mean cmon!

You meant "areint" instead of "are?" Clearly Mike131 was the child left behind. In my neck of the woods that would be "aren't."

Sometimes I miss things when im typing posts, especially if I have to say alot. Im sure there are worse people out there than me. Also, im not a child.

Here's another argument against shirtless people in the main park--they can scare other guests. For many teenagers and some young adults, taking off one's shirt is a sign of trying intimidate other males. It's really quite primitive, but unfortunately true.

So what? Lots of things scare kids and teens. Those big Disney characters at thier parks scare alot of kids, does that mean they shouldnt have them so the lil kiddies dont get scared? Thats why the kids have parents there to tell them its ok and explain what they saw so they wont be so scared anymore. Getting scared is part of life. You cant expect a kid/teen to go through life and not get scared once in a while.

All I know is that I'm a hairy beast who carries around an extra 25-30 lbs. and there is no way I'd want to see me walking around an amusement park shirtless. Heck, I really don't even like taking my shirt off at waterparks, but it beats wearing a soked t-shirt on all the rides!

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08!
matt.'s avatar
Hey Mike131 - say on average, how many times do you visit an amusement park in a year?
a_hoffman50's avatar

Of course it matters, if I make a stupid decision and get hurt because of it, im not gonna sue the park for it and nobody I know would either cuz theyd just say its my fault.

Hmm... Are you old enough to remember the hot coffee issue with McDonald's? A stupid person made a stupid decision, got hurt because of it, sued and won. It happens more than you think. Crawl out of your cave and put on a shirt before you do, cause really, it is not infringing on anyone's "rights" to tell them to put on a shirt when you are on somebody else's property. Do you seriously think that you can do whatever you want, legal or illegal on someone else's property just because you think that it is infringing on your rights? Gosh do not come near my house, if that is the case.

Mike, you clearly missed my point. It was not about little kids. It's about teenage and adult males who are trying to show that they are more built/more tatooed than the other guy. That's why I said that it's very primitive like many animals who try to attract a mate with their size or color and scare off other males. Taking a shirt off is also another way of saying "I'm ready to fight."
IMO only hot looking females should be topless in the park and wearing thongs in the waterparks.
Watch what you wish for, aj. You might get a 300 lb momma suffering from heat exhaustion letting it all hang, er tumble out right in front of you. (Yep, she looked like she was hot.) :)
I can't believe that parks discriminate so much that they won't let me smoke my cigarette anywhere I want! It's stupid, just because those hipocrite owners don't like to smoke doesn't mean they have the right to tell me I can't smoke in line! I'm not doing anything illegal, so they have no right to let a person chewing gum to stand in line and not a smoker. It's so hard to walk all the way to the smoking area. You non-smokers just don't understand. I'm living free and uninhibited, you'll never grasp that. (taking my tongue out of my cheek ;) )

Yeah is Good!
crazy horse's avatar
Just what I want to do,

Sit in a coaster seat after some shirtless sweaty guy gets out. I just love getting other peoples sweat all over me.<sarcasm>

Not only is that gross and disgusting, but thats a good way to spred germs as well.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

All I know is that I'm a hairy beast who carries around an extra 25-30 lbs. and there is no way I'd want to see me walking around an amusement park shirtless. Heck, I really don't even like taking my shirt off at waterparks, but it beats wearing a soked t-shirt on all the rides!

If youre feeling hot, why the heck do you care if you or anybody else sees you shirtless? If they got a problem with how you look its THEIR problem not yours. So just enjoy yourself and dont give a damn what they think. Heck alot of other people that wouldnt like seeing me shirtless wouldnt look so hot to me either but I wouldnt stop them from going shirtless and id keep my 2 cents to myself.

Hey Mike131 - say on average, how many times do you visit an amusement park in a year?

It depends, some years I go more often and to more parks than others. I dont drive so I cant go to as many as often as id like otherwise id do it more.

Hmm... Are you old enough to remember the hot coffee issue with McDonald's? A stupid person made a stupid decision, got hurt because of it, sued and won. It happens more than you think.

Thats just one incident of many and there are any number of reasons it couldve turned out that way. Most places if a person spilt coffee on themselves and tried to sue, theyd lose. Nobody half decent is gonna blame the restaurant for a customer doing something stupid like that. Those cups have warnings on them after all!

Crawl out of your cave and put on a shirt before you do, cause really, it is not infringing on anyone's "rights" to tell them to put on a shirt when you are on somebody else's property.

Sure it is, my body doesnt belong to them and they have no right telling me what to put on my body or when. I dont care whos property im on, its my choice. Its not fair to deny me service just because I chose to do something with my body.

Do you seriously think that you can do whatever you want, legal or illegal on someone else's property just because you think that it is infringing on your rights? Gosh do not come near my house, if that is the case.

No I dont, I just think since its my body and since being shirtless is perfectly legal that im just exercising my freedom that I have the right to exercise and I dont feel I should be harassed for doing so.

Mike, you clearly missed my point. It was not about little kids. It's about teenage and adult males who are trying to show that they are more built/more tatooed than the other guy. That's why I said that it's very primitive like many animals who try to attract a mate with their size or color and scare off other males. Taking a shirt off is also another way of saying "I'm ready to fight."

Well honestly if people at a park think a guy is just shirtless there only to show how tough he are or is trying to say he wants to pick a fight then obviously those people are nuts and need to go get some help upstairs. Guys go shirtless at parks to be comfortable and get some sun and sometimes they wanna show off their muscles or tatoos, but generally its just to be comfortable or get some rays.

IMO only hot looking females should be topless in the park and wearing thongs in the waterparks.

Do you have something against ugly people. Sounds like youre ok with a park discriminating against ugly people if you think its okay for them to only let the attractive ones go topless.

Watch what you wish for, aj. You might get a 300 lb momma suffering from heat exhaustion letting it all hang, er tumble out right in front of you. (Yep, she looked like she was hot.)

What's the problem with that? You got something against fat people? They got rights like anyone else. If you dont like seeing them, thats your problem, you just need to look the other way or just deal with it.

I can't believe that parks discriminate so much that they won't let me smoke my cigarette anywhere I want! It's stupid, just because those hipocrite owners don't like to smoke doesn't mean they have the right to tell me I can't smoke in line! I'm not doing anything illegal, so they have no right to let a person chewing gum to stand in line and not a smoker. It's so hard to walk all the way to the smoking area. You non-smokers just don't understand. I'm living free and uninhibited, you'll never grasp that. (taking my tongue out of my cheek )

Smoking IS illegal in some places *like inside buildings or near them* and smoking can kill the smoker and harm those around them. Shirtlessness is perfectly legal almost everywhere and it harms noone. Thats the difference. You cant compare smoking and being shirtless.

Just what I want to do,
Sit in a coaster seat after some shirtless sweaty guy gets out. I just love getting other peoples sweat all over me.<sarcasm>

Its just sweat, it wont kill you, a quick shower when you get home will make you feel all better. besides if its a hot day outside the sweat on your back will dry quickly and youll forget its even there.

Not only is that gross and disgusting, but thats a good way to spred germs as well.

People spread germs more by touching a handle to the restroom door after someone has touched it that didnt wash their hands than someone who is sweaty and shirtless on a roller coaster that got off and got the seat wet.

matt.'s avatar
"It depends, some years I go more often and to more parks than others. I dont drive so I cant go to as many as often as id like otherwise id do it more."

Do you only go to parks that allow you to take your shirt off?

Do you only go to parks that allow you to take your shirt off?

I dont know of any that do. If I could find one that did id probably go there. I just dont feel I should have to go hunt and peck around for a park that wont discrminate against me just so I can enjoy myself, that isnt fair. I wanna be able to go to the park I wanna go to "which ever one that might be" and go there without getting harassed and bullied by park employees.

Sesame Place is one of the few parks that I think allows it, or at least used to (haven't been there in years) and this picture shows they allow it: *** Edited 5/26/2006 1:25:16 AM UTC by YoshiFan***

matt.'s avatar

Mike131 said:

I dont know of any that do. If I could find one that did id probably go there.

Why would you support a business who's discriminatory policies against people who like to take of their shirts is akin to discriminating against black people?

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