shirtless in parks-how do you feel

Mike: Like ive said before, if colored people could change the pigment color of their skin at will then these parks would probably feel its within their right to require guests to turn their skin white before coming in. Just because those colored people have the choice to change their skin doesnt make it right and doesnt mean the park should have the right to require that.

First of all, fool, society stopped calling us colored in the 60's. Many of our forefathers died for that.

And second, Matt's signature alerted me to some outlandish comparison you made about black people and being shirtless. I didnt have the strength to sift through the crap you wrote, but anyhow... how dare you compare displaying sweaty pits and man-boobs to being black. That is highly offensive.

I'm not entirely sure why you started this debate. Are you bored? Are things slow over there in your neck of the woods?

I said it once and I will say it agian...

NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay youve said it...again and your point is?

There we go kids...I think that sums it up all right there. He thinks people should be able to wear anything or do anything we want.....rules don't apply. And no one should be able to stop us.

No, I just think its their choice to wear whatever they chose to wear and I dont think its anybody's business to be going around and telling them what they can and cant wear on their bodies.

Good luck trying to get through life or finding a career with that attitude!

Just because I have that attitude when im on my own at a park doesnt mean im gonna act that way when I get a job. Two different situations.

Mike, if you really push this at a park they are going to throw you out, and if you think your rights are being violated by all means go to court but you better choose not to wear a shirt when appearing before the judge otherwise youll just be a hippocrit.

If they throw me out ill make life hell for them and they'll lose alot of customers and be very unhappy, it wont be worth enforcing some silly shirtless rule thats for sure. I would go shirtless to court, but the judge would probably just have me thrown in jail for being contempt of court or something like that.

Also with regards to the whole "your body" thing, why dont you do society a favor and put a hole in your skull so we dont have to contribute to your medical bills when you get skin cancer.

Well youd still contribute to my medical bills when I get older anyways weither I wear a shirt or not. Im gonna probably get sick and die of some form of cancer anyhow. You always end up paying tons of taxes to the government for things you think are worthless anyways so what do you care?

Hey Mike131, so going shirtless is ok, wearing offensive shirts is ok, but you think that line jumping is not ok.

Line jumping is disruptive and dishonest. Going shirtless or wearing shirts that might be offensive is not.

Can I ask, where exactly do you draw the line on guest behavior, and what exactly qualifies you to make that judgment call better than virtually every other major park operator in the world?

I draw the line when what the person is doing is actually harmful or disruptive/destructive to the park or its guests. Im more interested in people's saftey and well being instead of them just being annoyed by something.

I am qualified to make such judgements because im the customer and without people like me these parks wouldnt exist and people wouldnt have jobs, simple as that.

You have a " I can care less about what everyone else thinks" attitude.

When it comes down to my own body I really could care less what anybody thinks. They dont control what I do with my body, I do. I dont go around telling them what to do with their bodies or what to put on it.

You want everyone to care about what YOU feel are bad and pointless rules, but you dont give a rats ass what the other 99% of other people think are great rules that have been put in place for obvius(sp) reasons.

Of course I care what they think but if there are going to be rules for things then they need to be practical and make sense and not be infringing on people's freedoms.

Why dont we just let people shoot up drugs in the park if its not bothering anyone else?

Doing that sort of thing is illegal and besides when these people get shot up on drugs their behavior can affect those around them.

Hell we can even let them piss in the bushes and behind buildings. Why not, its not bothering people right?

Thats why you have restrooms though, but if someone has to go really bad and there isnt a restroom nearby then I wouldnt care if they piss in the bushes.

Rules are put in place for a reason, they dont just make these rules up to make YOU madd Mike.

What reason? And its "mad" not madd. I dont think ive ever gotten madd before ;) These parks even though they dont intend to make me upset with their rules, they still accomplish that anyways.

First of all, fool, society stopped calling us colored in the 60's. Many of our forefathers died for that.

I meant "colored" in a broader sense to apply to all people who have a different skin pigment. I didnt mean to refer to blacks specifically or offend you in any way. Im sorry I wasnt more clear about that, I just wanted to talk about people of all colors without going into alot of detail to save some space.

And second, Matt's signature alerted me to some outlandish comparison you made about black people and being shirtless. I didnt have the strength to sift through the crap you wrote, but anyhow... how dare you compare displaying sweaty pits and man-boobs to being black. That is highly offensive.

I just meant that if these parks can deny service to anyone for anything then if people with different colored pigments all had the option to turn their skin white at will do you think a park would be in its right to tell these people to all turn white in order to come in? I wasnt refering to just black people and I meant no offense. Just because I have the choice to put a shirt on or not doesnt necessarily make it right for the park to ask me to do it. Just like it wouldnt be right for them to ask a person of a different color to convert to white before they come in even if they could.

I'm not entirely sure why you started this debate. Are you bored? Are things slow over there in your neck of the woods?

No, I just wanted to get people's input on things.

WOW. I've never seen someone so obsessed with not wearing a shirt. I mean seriously, what is the freakin' big deal? There are so many other times in life one can be without a shirt and to cry and whine about this at Amusement Parks just show disrespect tword the Families who bring their children to a Park they assume is family friendly.

Alot of Parents wouldn't want their kids in around those people for hygiene reasons and others. This is the REAL WORLD and not everyone thinks like you. Have some freakin' respect or just don't go. Respect the fact that everyone is different, and regulation is necessary. *** Edited 5/29/2006 8:26:27 AM UTC by lakecrystal***

matt.'s avatar
"I am qualified to make such judgements because im the customer and without people like me these parks wouldnt exist and people wouldnt have jobs, simple as that."

Right, but there are other customers in the park besides you.

And those other customers, and park management want you to wear a shirt.

So why do your wishes trump the wishes of the other customers in the park?

What makes you more qualified to determine what's appropriate than everybody else? What makes your opinion more valid than everyone elses? *** Edited 5/29/2006 11:45:49 AM UTC by matt.***'s painfully clear to me now that this is a teenage troll, although very well spoken for a troll. I guess we should stop feeding it, huh.

Now excuse me while I go sign up for a ballroom dancing enthusiasts website and start a thread about how I should be able to go to their functions naked in full clown makeup.....

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
The funny thing is, it doesn't stop with just being shirtless. You've got guys with their shorts halfway down their waists so they can show off their boxer shorts (and I saw this yesterday - someone's shorts came completely off when they bent over in a line for a ride - - - that was nice); someone else I saw yesterday had their shorts pulled down so far you could see their pubic hair - no shorts underneath. Taking the shirt off sets a very bad precedent and it doesn't take long before you've offended half of everyone in the park (the other half are so stoned out of their minds that they couldn't care what anyone else wears and are only interested in pressing the issue by seeing how much they can show off).

That being said, there were PLENTY of guys without their shirts on at Cedar Point yesterday - I guess that's acceptable on Snake River Falls but to walk around the whole place in a state of undress? It's not classy, it's not becoming (for most of the people who walk about in undress, they think they're something they are entirely NOT), and it's not fun. If you want to take your shirt off, go to the d*mn water park. I don't want to see your business when I am trying to have a good time at an amusement park. This is not a venue where you can (or should) impose yourself to a world that doesn't care less that you would be more comfortable with your shirt off. There are standards which are put in place so that we don't have to put up bull crap like that when we've paid $40.00 to have a little coaster fun. Get over it, man....

Timber-Rider's avatar
My friends and I went to Michigan's Adventure a few summers ago, and Dan who is in his late 40's loves to walk around without his shirt on.

So, you can bet that he was upset with the ( shirts and shoes must be worn beyond this point) signs. but, the observant man that he is. he pointed out several guys walking the park, who were not wearing shirts. Some of them not even wearing shoes.

So, the uncaring daring man that he is, he whipped his t-shirt off and stuck it down the side of his jeans. And then waited for someone to tell him to put it on. We walked around, went on the swings, and did the log flume...and no employee said anything to him.

Then we got in line for Shivering Timbers. There were at least 5 teenage guys in line with no shirts on. But, as soon as the ride op saw Dan. he said you need to put your shirt on sir. But said nothing to the boys.

I all ways wear a shirt, even when I'm in the water park. And, I don't like looking at anyones hairy belly. but Mr. Dan had to be a finger pointer.

I'll put mine on when they put theirs on.

Of course the boys didn't have shirts to wear. So, there was a little debate...and Dan got to ride ST without his shirt on....little did he know how hot the seats of the train get on a sunny day.

Dummm da dumm dummm.

WOW. I've never seen someone so obsessed with not wearing a shirt. I mean seriously, what is the freakin' big deal?

The big deal is that is the way I prefer to dress and im comfortable that way and I dont find it very nice when people stick their nose into my business and try to tell me what im supposed to wear and not wear. How would they like it if I went and told them what I thought "they" should wear? They wouldnt want me doing that anymore than I want them doing it to me.

There are so many other times in life one can be without a shirt

Yes there are but there are also plenty of other times one could also be without a shirt but for one reason or another areint allowed to simply because some people want to impose their values on other people that dont beleive in those same values or dont wish them imposed on them.

and to cry and whine about this at Amusement Parks just show disrespect tword the Families who bring their children to a Park they assume is family friendly.

If me being shirtless is so disrespectful to families then thats their problem because there is nothing disrespectful about going shirtless. Since when has going shirtless not been "family friendly"?

Alot of Parents wouldn't want their kids in around those people for hygiene reasons and others.

Then maybe they shoiuld put their kid in a plastic bubble because weither they like it or not their kids are going to be exposed to all sorts of things as they go through life and eventually no matter how hard they try to prevent it theyre going to get sick, thats just a fact of life.

This is the REAL WORLD and not everyone thinks like you.

They can think however they want as long as they dont impose their beleifs on mine. I dont go around telling them what to wear or not wear just because I dont particularly like something they have/dont have on.

Have some freakin' respect or just don't go. Respect the fact that everyone is different, and regulation is necessary.

Respect goes both ways and regulations can go too far sometimes.

Right, but there are other customers in the park besides you.

Me going shirtless for the most part doesnt affect them negatively in any way so weither they like seeing me shirtless or not doesnt mean anything.

And those other customers, and park management want you to wear a shirt.

So what? If they dont like what they see, they dont have to look.

So why do your wishes trump the wishes of the other customers in the park?

Its my body and my choice not theirs. Thats why.

What makes you more qualified to determine what's appropriate than everybody else? What makes your opinion more valid than everyone elses?

Going shirtless is a personal choice which nobody has the right to make for me except myself. I have dominion over my body, nobody else does. They cant tell me to put a shirt on anymore than I could tell them to take theirs off.'s painfully clear to me now that this is a teenage troll, although very well spoken for a troll. I guess we should stop feeding it, huh.

A few quick NOT a teen, im 21 and im not a troll because I dont like trolls and all I want to do is have a civilized conversation and talk about this controversial issue.

Now excuse me while I go sign up for a ballroom dancing enthusiasts website and start a thread about how I should be able to go to their functions naked in full clown makeup.....

Whatever floats your boat :)

The funny thing is, it doesn't stop with just being shirtless. You've got guys with their shorts halfway down their waists so they can show off their boxer shorts (and I saw this yesterday - someone's shorts came completely off when they bent over in a line for a ride - - - that was nice); someone else I saw yesterday had their shorts pulled down so far you could see their pubic hair - no shorts underneath.

So what? You havent seen boxers shorts or hair before?

Taking the shirt off sets a very bad precedent and it doesn't take long before you've offended half of everyone in the park

I dont see how it could set a bad precedent and if one half of the crowd gets offended then you just concentrate on the half that isnt offended.

(the other half are so stoned out of their minds that they couldn't care what anyone else wears and are only interested in pressing the issue by seeing how much they can show off).

Thats a bad representation of shirtless people. While there are alot of shirtless guys who do in fact get stoned and or just go shirtless to see how much they can show off, theyre in the minority. The majority of shirtless guys just do it to be comfortable and have a good time and are quite healthy.

That being said, there were PLENTY of guys without their shirts on at Cedar Point yesterday - I guess that's acceptable on Snake River Falls but to walk around the whole place in a state of undress?

I dont see why not, seems more practical to do that than walk around wearing a wet t-shirt. Just because someone is shirtless why does that constitute being in a state of undress? That just seems like some silly societal thing that people have conjured up.

It's not classy, it's not becoming (for most of the people who walk about in undress, they think they're something they are entirely NOT), and it's not fun.

So what if its not classy, not everyone wants to be "classy". Everybody is something, everybody has something special that makes them unique. Just because you personally dont think seeing shirtless people is fun doesnt mean they shouldnt be able to go shirtless. Maybe you need to get into a more fun mood and not be such a sour puss.

If you want to take your shirt off, go to the d*mn water park. I don't want to see your business when I am trying to have a good time at an amusement park.

Then dont look. There are alot of things I personally dont want to see at a amusement park but that doesnt mean its gonna change anything and even if it did I wouldnt expect people to actually do it. I just live and let live.

This is not a venue where you can (or should) impose yourself to a world that doesn't care less that you would be more comfortable with your shirt off.

I dont see why not, the world sees fit to impose its puritanical values on me and force me be uncomfortable and wear a shirt. Shirtless people dont impose themselves on anyone more than anybody else does.

There are standards which are put in place so that we don't have to put up bull crap like that when we've paid $40.00 to have a little coaster fun. Get over it, man....

If you need such "standards" just to enjoy a lil coaster fun then I feel really sorry for you. I just try to make the best of it when I go no matter who or what I encounter there. My 40 bucks is worth it as long as I can get in and go on rides. My only request is that I can do that shirtless.

My friends and I went to Michigan's Adventure a few summers ago, and Dan who is in his late 40's loves to walk around without his shirt on.

So, you can bet that he was upset with the ( shirts and shoes must be worn beyond this point) signs. but, the observant man that he is. he pointed out several guys walking the park, who were not wearing shirts. Some of them not even wearing shoes.

So, the uncaring daring man that he is, he whipped his t-shirt off and stuck it down the side of his jeans. And then waited for someone to tell him to put it on. We walked around, went on the swings, and did the log flume...and no employee said anything to him.

Then we got in line for Shivering Timbers. There were at least 5 teenage guys in line with no shirts on. But, as soon as the ride op saw Dan. he said you need to put your shirt on sir. But said nothing to the boys.

I all ways wear a shirt, even when I'm in the water park. And, I don't like looking at anyones hairy belly. but Mr. Dan had to be a finger pointer.

I'll put mine on when they put theirs on.

Of course the boys didn't have shirts to wear. So, there was a little debate...and Dan got to ride ST without his shirt on....little did he know how hot the seats of the train get on a sunny day.

Sounds like my kind of guy. If I saw that there were other shirtless guys at a park with a shirts required rule then youd bet id go shirtless and if anybody said anything to me I would just let them know that there are other shirtless guys there and unless they enforce the rules fairly then id claim theyre discriminating against me because unless they require everyone to wear a shirt, they have no business telling me I have to wear one. As for the seats being hot, if I chose to go shirtless then thats just something I would have to deal with.

Mike, just a hint (and this has nothing to do with this tread so Im not violating my promise to end talking about the subject) if you dont want to be considered a troll, start replying on other treads and start actually talking about roller coasters. In the week that you have been here you have: resurected a thread from two years ago and have posted 25 times on this tread without responding to any other thread. In fact you havent really shown any knowlege of roller coasters nor love for parks. This is Coasterbuzz, not shirtlessbuzz.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

matt.'s avatar
^^Or, additionally, actually do something about this if you actually feel so passionate about it.

He won't contact the parks.

He won't stop going to the parks.

The only thing he's done so far is proven that he has time to write elborate, circular arguments which nobody agrees with.

I mean, c'mon Mike, I think its time to put your money where your mouth is, you know? If this is really bothering you so much, shouldn't you try to get a law passed or something? *** Edited 5/29/2006 11:18:36 PM UTC by matt.***

Touchdown said:
Mike, just a hint if you dont want to be considered a troll, start replying on other treads and start actually talking about roller coasters. In the week that you have been here you have: resurected a thread from two years ago and have posted 25 times on this tread without responding to any other thread. In fact you havent really shown any knowlege of roller coasters nor love for parks. This is Coasterbuzz, not shirtlessbuzz.

Mike131 said:

im not a troll because I dont like trolls and all I want to do is have a civilized conversation and talk about this controversial issue.


Mike, you say you don't like trolls, but that's exactly what you have done! And, there is no controversy in this issue other than what you are making of it. Why not participate in some discussion about coasters and leave shirts out of it. If you wish for someone to agree with you on your shirt fetish, go find an appropriate site. *** Edited 5/29/2006 11:20:04 PM UTC by Peabody***

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce

I've been to restaurants, mostly fast food places shirtless. I have never gone to the movies shirtless, although I would if I could. Last time I went to the dentist going shirtless wasnt really my thing so yah i had a shirt on. I havent gone to work shirtless yet but if I thought I could I would.

So, what you mean is, since there is a RULE about going to work shirtless, you obey that rule and it's certainly private property. But, even though an amusement park is private property, you don't think you should have to obey their rules. Clear as mud.

a_hoffman50's avatar
He does not want to risk his job, but he wants others to risk it for his cause. I say if he feels so strongly about being shirtless, he should try going a whole week without a shirt everywhere he goes, including work. Just see what happens. I would love to hear the results of the experiment!

Mike, just a hint (and this has nothing to do with this tread so Im not violating my promise to end talking about the subject) if you dont want to be considered a troll, start replying on other treads and start actually talking about roller coasters. In the week that you have been here you have: resurected a thread from two years ago and have posted 25 times on this tread without responding to any other thread. In fact you havent really shown any knowlege of roller coasters nor love for parks. This is Coasterbuzz, not shirtlessbuzz.

Thats just because I found out about this site because of a link I found for this thread and ive been so interested in responding to this thread which ive got alot of responses for that I havent been able to write anything else in any other threads yet.

He won't contact the parks.

Ive already done this, it hasnt done me any good. I dont even get to talk to anybody important, I just get some public rep that answers my queries and gives me some scripted response. I doubt they even take the time to think about what ive said.

He won't stop going to the parks.

I actually havent been to one in a while.

The only thing he's done so far is proven that he has time to write elborate, circular arguments which nobody agrees with.

Some people agree with some of what I say, the rest just dont try to agree with any of it.

I mean, c'mon Mike, I think its time to put your money where your mouth is, you know? If this is really bothering you so much, shouldn't you try to get a law passed or something?

That would take some doing, id rather just have this done in a civilized manner and get them to agree to let me come in shirtless without it having to come to that.

Mike, you say you don't like trolls, but that's exactly what you have done! And, there is no controversy in this issue other than what you are making of it. Why not participate in some discussion about coasters and leave shirts out of it. If you wish for someone to agree with you on your shirt fetish, go find an appropriate site.

My shirt issue does have to do with roller coasters because I want to go shirtless at the parks and on the coasters. Thats part of the whole park experience for me. Im no troll I just havent had the chance to respond to any other threads yet.

So, what you mean is, since there is a RULE about going to work shirtless, you obey that rule and it's certainly private property. But, even though an amusement park is private property, you don't think you should have to obey their rules. Clear as mud.

I think when youre working for someone you do things differently than when youre merely visiting there as a guest. Two different situations.

He does not want to risk his job, but he wants others to risk it for his cause. I say if he feels so strongly about being shirtless, he should try going a whole week without a shirt everywhere he goes, including work. Just see what happens. I would love to hear the results of the experiment!

Just because you dont enforce a shirt rule doesnt mean youd be risking your job, they wouldnt fire you just for that.

I think most jobs would fire you for being shirtless. Besides life guarding and stripping, I can't think of a single job that wouldn't fire you.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


DawgByte II's avatar
Don't forget Calvin Klien models & K-Mart swimwear ads.

a_hoffman50's avatar
Not enforcing rules is grounds for firing in many cases.
slithernoggin's avatar

ive been so interested in responding to this thread which ive got alot of responses for that I havent been able to write anything else in any other threads yet.

Well, he's certainly got that right! Does he even have time to go to the bathroom what with all typing in all these circular arguments?

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

Vater's avatar

Mike131 said:
Its my body, not theirs. They dont have a right to tell me what to do with it. They also dont have the right to deny me service just because I happen to lack a shirt and enjoy being as nature intended for me to be.
So I should be able to go to parks pantless? I mean, I'd be as nature intended for me to be...

I mean why should I be forced to conform to an oppressive society?
LOL. Oppressive society. Just conjures a picture of angry shirtless protesters with "Say NO to Shirts" picket signs.

Nobody is forcing you to look at it, you can turn the other way or walk away to another part of the park.
Exactly. See my point above, no one's forcing you to look at my junx flappin' in the breeze, yo. Just walk away.

Please...keep your shirt on. And pants.

*** Edited 5/30/2006 4:59:23 PM UTC by Vater***

Closed topic.

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