Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

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Meme-launching ad from State Farm from a year ago (or more)

Jeff's avatar

I got it immediately, which is surprising because of how little broadcast TV I watch.

I saw a post somewhere, maybe Instagram, where Cedar Point was soliciting seasonal applications. That felt... optimistic.

I suppose a lot depends on what we learn from Southeast Asia, or even Italy for that matter, once they're firmly on the backside of the curve. I still don't see how any of it involves theme parks, sporting events and the like.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

China still seeing transmission:

They're not out of the woods yet, so we won't be anytime soon.

“But the flu...” is where I check out of any rebuttal. That argument is so bad that Trump, who never backs away from anything he says, backed away from it.

bjames's avatar

CreditWh0re said:

China still seeing transmission:

They're not out of the woods yet, so we won't be anytime soon.

Meh, China's been lying about their numbers ever since they stopped increasing. No way a less advanced country than the US with 4 times the population has fewer than a third the number of cases. I'm seeing all these stories about how many urns are being sent to Wuhan....

"The term is 'amusement park.' An old Earth name for a place where people could go to see and do all sorts of fascinating things." -Spock, Stardate 3025

ApolloAndy's avatar

Yes. Because there's no way another country who has experience with things like this and has a completely different culture and government could ever do something better than us. USA! USA! USA! I'm not saying the numbers aren't fudged, but the complete rejection that there's anything to learn from them is arrogant and is probably part of what got us into the situation in the first place.

And for what it's worth, one of the ladies in the church I pastor is from Wuhan and has family currently in Wuhan and life is slowly returning to normal. They are able to leave their home to shop and perform other essential functions and even some leisure.

Last edited by ApolloAndy,

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

May well be the case that authoritative governments with little to no regard for individual/civil rights is best equipped to handle pandemics. Just not really where you want to live the rest of the time.

bjames's avatar

ApolloAndy said:

Yes. Because there's no way another country who has experience with things like this and has a completely different culture and government could ever do something better than us. USA! USA! USA!

Yes, my unbelievable patriotism is blinding me to reality....

You actually believe the numbers (or lack thereof) that the Chinese government is posting? Most news agencies, American and European, are critical of the numbers, at the very least. Then there's all the social media posts by the people inside the country (those able to subvert the government controls) talking about how bad it still is there. I'm confused as to why you're seeming to be so willfully ignorant.

I want theme parks to open back up too, and for everything else to go back to normal. Pretending China has it on lock is a joke, and if they're opening things back up as your friend from Wuhan says they are, there will be a second wave. That we won't hear about because their government will suppress it.

Last edited by bjames,

"The term is 'amusement park.' An old Earth name for a place where people could go to see and do all sorts of fascinating things." -Spock, Stardate 3025

ApolloAndy's avatar

bjames said:

No way a less advanced country than the US with 4 times the population has fewer than a third the number of cases.

This is what you said. In the face of the numbers presented, your reaction is to dismiss them because they come from a "less advanced" country. Even if it's not 100% accurate, you don't think there's some possibility that there's something to be learned from the way China handled the situation? Why is it so hard to believe that they did something, anything, right that we could emulate to help our situation?

China had a unified, federal response in which all the levels of government were working together. Georgia just REOPENED their beaches today and the local communities are fighting with state government about it. The agencies in China weren't outbidding each other to try to get ventilators. No football owner had to send his private plane to another country to get medical supplies.

Nobody said China has it on lock. Nobody said their numbers are bullet proof or even accurate. Nobody said China isn't guilty of huge human rights problems in this pandemic and across their history. But the idea that we have to compare country-dick-sizes and they (with their notoriously small Asian dicks) don't measure up and so their results can't inform us is short sighted. I don't understand how "I think we might be able to learn something from them" is seen as willfully ignorant. In fact, I would claim that is the exact opposite, by definition, of willfully ignorant.

Not to mention other countries that don't have such censorship and numbers-doctoring like Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines are also seeing much better responses and numbers than we are. Are we to dismiss those as well? They do have a lot of experience with previous epidemics, but...ya know...those are also all small dick countries.

Last edited by ApolloAndy,

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Jeff's avatar

LULZ China makes your phone and probably every other consumer good you have. Tell me again how the country is not advanced. Sure, their record in human rights is appalling, but China pretty much owns is, including our debt, in every way.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

China owns about $1.1 trillion of US debt. Japan owns more at about $1.2 trillion. Foreign governments hold about $6.8 trillion of US debt (as of January 2020). Americans and the US government itself hold the rest of the approximately $23 trillion in US debt.

You lost me at "a less advanced country".

It's 2020 my friend, not 1971

Lord Gonchar said:

Wanna know how I know I'm reading posts on a forum full of complete poindexters?

And this is 100% part of the problem--painting wanting to know what is really going on as something that is less important/cool/whatever than just flying by the seat of your pants and going with what you think is right based on whatever you happen to know.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Except that both sides were throwing math at each other like Pokemon cards when I attempted to lighten the mood.

But sure, if you don't take this 100% seriously in exactly the same way I do, you're the problem. (we're on page 26 of saying this, by the way)

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

I would welcome the opportunity to throw down pokemon cards instead of math. Or magic cards. :)

Lord Gonchar said:

But sure, if you don't take this 100% seriously in exactly the same way I do, you're the problem. (we're on page 26 of saying this, by the way)

I'm sure in a few months when this subsides we'll go back to debating if Six Flags or Cedar Fair killed Geauga Lake. Which, in its final years would be the only park that could still open on time right now since it was hardly considered a mass gathering.

bjames said:

Yes, my unbelievable patriotism is blinding me to reality....

You actually believe the numbers (or lack thereof) that the Chinese government is posting? Most news agencies, American and European, are critical of the numbers, at the very least.

Do you actually believe the numbers the United States is posting with the lack of testing we have here? If we are being critical of the numbers in China, you need to be critical of the numbers here as well.

Last edited by CoasterDude316,
Raven-Phile's avatar

TheMillenniumRider said:

I think of it like this, for each of us there is a chance that a tiger will come into our yards and eat our children.

Don’t cover your kids in Sardine Oil, and you won’t have that problem.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Sardine Oil Tiger Maulings are grossly underreported. Some estimates say by as much as 1000-to-1. That changes the fatality rate from 100% to .1% - THE SAME AS THE FLU!

Open your eyes, man. The threat of tiger death when covered in sardine oil is no more than what we accept every day.

Tekwardo's avatar

Raven-Phile said:

TheMillenniumRider said:

I think of it like this, for each of us there is a chance that a tiger will come into our yards and eat our children.

Don’t cover your kids in Sardine Oil, and you won’t have that problem.

That &$?%# Carol Baskin!

I will say that there are people here who’s opinions I disagree with, but am glad they’re posting, and doing so in a way that doesn’t come across a certain way, and those whom I agree with that do come across a certain way.

And if anyone *really* thinks the information we’re getting out of China, the US, and a few other countries on actual death toll counts is accurate, well, I have some meth and tigers to make you gay.

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