Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

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Vater's avatar

extremecoasterdad said:

a box of serial

Last edited by Vater,

extremecoasterdad said:

a box of serial

extremecoasterdad said:

Imagine a disease so deadly that you no longer need hundreds of thousands of nurses as firing them seems to be this administration's strategy.

As compared to the hundreds of thousands of nurses that have reached the end of their rope due to the exhaustion of treating people with the deadly disease.

On the other hand, the administrations strategy of trying to get people vaccinated seems pretty good to me. Too bad there are literally Millions...and Millions of people who won't get the shot. Make sure to read that in the Rock's voice to get the full affect.

OhioStater's avatar

From my observation, it seems to have been a very small percentage of people in various locations that choose dumb over employment. The "outcry" on Facebook pre-mandate is strong, but when push comes to shove it seems that most people aren't Kyrie Irving.

If they do, congrats for practicing your freedom and the choice your employer gave you to exercise that.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

From what I have seen, employees who lose their jobs because they refused to get vaccinated likely cannot collect unemployment benefits. And from reports I have read, Kyrie will get paid for road games because not being able to play in games in NY (home games) are the result of his choice which means he forfeits his check for those games. But not being able to play in road games is a choice the Nets are making which means he will get paid for those. So he will still make north of $15 million for sitting out the season (without looking at endorsements -- not sure how those will work). So without question, most people are not Kyrie. :)

OhioStater's avatar

LOL very true.

I guess that makes the choice somewhat easier to swallow.

Wonder how many flat earthers are anti-vax?

hambone's avatar

100% of the 1 flat-earthers I I know are anti-vax.

(I cannot tell if he is earnestly a flat-earther. But he certainly knows a lot about flat-earth theories. He's definitely anti-vax. Perfectly willing to drink Monster energy drinks and vape, though.)

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Nothing too surprising, but the orange/yellow is overtaking the map in almost the exact same pattern the red did. All of those states that went super-red at the beginning of the latest peak are the first to come down as well.

Hell, Florida has the 2nd lowest case rate per 100k of all the states being bested only by Hawaii as of yesterday's numbers.

No idea how many of these people are flat-earthers. The map doesn't seem to track that information.

Tommytheduck's avatar

Flat Earth recently took over Chemtrails as my favorite conspiracy theory. Maybe because I've listened to a few podcasts (These are heavy metal music podcasts) where the host interviews musicians who are Flat Earthers. It's unfortunate that the Lead guitarist in one of my favorite all time bands (Deftones) is a flat earther. Almost makes me like their music less, but I can look past it. Makes for some great interviews though.

Jeff's avatar

I listened to a woman at Epcot today ranting to her friend about all the dead people who voted in not just the last election, but both of Obama's elections. She believed every word she said. It's the first time I've heard someone be that willfully stupid in real life.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

sws's avatar

Anti-Vaxer’s are just trying to capture the dead people vote in the next election.

If you pay attention to people in public, you will hear a whole bunch of stupid. Thats not new. I remember listening to a mother talk with her daugther back when I was in high school bring a whole ton of stupid to the poor girl's life. At that point I realized a great source of stupid in the world was stupid parents. But its a generational thing. If your parents are stupid its likely you will be too and so will your kids and their kids.

Fast forward several decades and there is a new source of stupid. The internet. I have seen it turn what are otherwise not-stupid people into total idiots. At least on certain issues. But its not by accident. You play into biases, fears, stereotypes, etc and you can get big bunches of dumb. I blame Al Gore.

Tommytheduck said:

Flat Earth recently took over Chemtrails as my favorite conspiracy theory. Maybe

Chemtrails will always captivate me, but my all time favorite conspiracy group is "Stevie Wonder is not blind" truthers.

LostKause's avatar

Tommytheduck said:

It's unfortunate that the Lead guitarist in one of my favorite all time bands (Deftones) is a flat earther.

That sucks. Chino is awesome otherwise. It seems like a lot of metal musicians are serious conspiracy theory nuts these days.

Crazy is in style. I overheard two men talking the other day in the doctor's office about the coming civil war, and how they were hiding in the shadows ready to fight to get Trump reinstated. One guy said he had thirty men ready to go as soon as the command was given. This was in a public place. They were laughing like it was nothing. You'd think by their tone that they were talking about a sporting event or the weather or something.

Let's keep it real here... I do live in West Virginia.

I say this a lot these days. I feel like I'm the main character in an episode of The Twilight Zone.

EDIT- I thought you wrote "lead singer," not lead guitarist. Oops.

Last edited by LostKause,
kpjb's avatar

Out of all the whack-job theories, though, I truly don't get the flat earthers.

We can see that all other planets are round. We can fly or sail the whole way around the world. There is no edge.


ApolloAndy's avatar

I was just thinking about this last night (for some God forsaken reason). The fact that flat earthers exist boggles the mind to me. You can literally see it with your own eyes if you watch a ship sail away from you (it travels below the horizon, it doesn't just disappear into obscurity or fall off the edge). The best I can tell, people just don't like being told what to believe or do, and will take up demonstrably false positions to insist on their right to not be told what to believe or do.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Vater's avatar

My theory is that someone started trolling the internet claiming they believed the Earth is flat and enough impressionable idiots found so much wisdom in his BS they formed a society.

Tommytheduck's avatar

It's not just one theory, it's all of them. I was a member of a chemtrails Facebook group (until I got kicked out) and those people were raging against everything possible, not just chemtrails. They were spouting Chemtrails, Flat Earth, Direct Energy Weapons as the cause of the California fires, and of course vaccines and Autism. (This was pre-Covid, I can only imagine what it's like now, maybe I should try to get back in.)

I can understand where someone might believe in a single crazy conspiracy, but it's almost a rule that if you believe in one, you must believe in all of them.

P.S. LostKause, it's Stephen Carpenter, the guitarist, not Chino.

Here's a link to the podcast I was talking about if you want to listen. It's so great. Hard to find because he only keeps his newest shows free unless you subscribe to his Patreon.

Last edited by Tommytheduck,
TheMillenniumRider's avatar

Since we are conspiring, what’s the deal with the push for Covid diagnosis? Are the doctors getting paid more or something?


family member gets sick, flu like symptoms, family member was vaccinated about 5 months ago.

doctor says Covid, don’t come to office, get tested. Test is negative. Doctor says come in, looks at family member, says it looks like Covid, tests them again, negative. Doctor says I’m sure it’s Covid, if you don’t feel better get tested again in two days, that test is negative. Have to tell doctor they are useless and to actually do their job to find out it’s bronchitis.

so, is there a benefit to Covid diagnosis for these quacks? because they sure are pushing it.

oh, 9-11 was an inside job by the way.

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