Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

Read more from Gizmodo.

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Bambi get your shot.

Alternatively, just another reason to shoot Bambi, (he is delicious, btw)

Last edited by Brian Noble,

One case?
Am I wrong to imagine the number of test-positives that may be walking around Orlando parks?
Seriously… am I?

Jeff's avatar

I'm sure it's not small. But you know, when people are vaccinated, it matters less.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jeff's avatar

Disney will require vaccination for all cruise line passengers 5 and up starting in January. Not surprising. I think they're about to relax mask mandates at the parks as well.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

And seems like the definition of fully vaccinated will move at some point to 3 shots (Pfizer and Moderna -- 2 shots for J&J). Not sure if it would become an annual requirement even though right now availability for 3rd shot is based on passage of 6 months.

Looks like the closures in Europe are kicking back up again.

Austria is going into full lockdown and also will be requiring the entire population to be vaccinated.

Last edited by SteveWoA,
Jeff's avatar

The US as a whole is going in the wrong direction again, but it's regionally biased to places that are getting colder, and infection rate biased toward the unvaccinated. So, basically it's totally predictable. Over a thousand people are still dying a day for something completely preventable.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

eightdotthree's avatar

RRR > whatever that is

ApolloAndy's avatar

Copy and pasting an article, especially one that’s not especially well thought (Doctor complains about other doctors not using evidence while failing to cite relevant evidence) is not helpful. I’m not even going to address the parts that are patently false, but I genuinely cannot distinguish this from propaganda in a meaningful way.

Last edited by ApolloAndy,

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Jeff's avatar

I deleted it. Total nonsense. Don't post that crap here.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

You really didn't. It was a 100 sentence long single paragraph of babble.

Not sure if this is worthy of a news item or not, but Disney has paused the vaccine mandate for Cast Members

Jeff's avatar

I'm not convinced that Disney is just going to rollover on this. They certainly didn't on the cruise side and that's still pending in court. But this wasn't just the company and its exposure to guests (which come from everywhere), the unions advocated for the deal for the protection of their members, as I recall.

The expert opinion is still consistently that it should be up to local rule and local conditions, which the moronic governor and legislature ignore.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Here in Kansas and Oklahoma, only places with requirements are hospitals and doctor offices. Everywhere else is optional. Even when we saw a concert back in August, nothing was required. This weekend we went to concert in Denver and they required masks and vaccination cards. When we got there, they did check cards and IDs. Once in the arena, I took my mask off and was carrying it and nobody said anything.

Jerry - Magnum Fanatic
Famous Dave's- 206 restaurants - 35 states - 2 countries

ApolloAndy's avatar

I pooped on my neighbor’s lawn and he didn’t say anything.

Last edited by ApolloAndy,

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Pooping on your neighbor's lawn > RRR

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