Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

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Sometimes in the face of stupid, sarcasm is all you got. And though its been a while since I have read letters of the editor with any frequency, I doubt they have anything approaching high standards. And the editors are likely frustrated dealing with the stupid on a daily basis.

OhioStater's avatar

I laughed out loud at the end; I knew it had to be going somewhere.

Stupid is dying at a much higher rate than non-stupid.

Promoter of fog.

LostKause's avatar

I thought it was a clever way to get the point across, but I agree with Jeff. A reputable newspaper would probably not print something like that. It could cause distrust in the readers.

I've seen too many people I know die of Covid-19 over the last two years. Like a dozen or so. So much death. Maybe satire is the only way to get the point across anymore.

OhioStater's avatar

I'm fairly certain the New York Times, for example, has published plenty of articles on how the unvaxxed are dying at a meaningless and unnecessary higher rate because they believe in dumb things.

But a clever letter to the editor will cause distrust?

The only danger in publishing it would be that some people would not make it to the last line.

The person who wrote the letter actually did have a family member die, and was simply taking aim at the Desantis-appointed Lagado and his dangerous words. It was probably cathartic.

God forbid we let people use humor as a coping skill to get through this ****.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

Humor as a coping skill is sometimes all you have to keep you going.

Jeff's avatar

So we just became a statistic... my 11-year-old tested positive for Covid, and he has a minor fever. There is no mystery where he got it from... He spent the night at a friend's house, whose mother lied to him and said she was vaccinated. They all came down with it and tested positive yesterday, and admitted that she wasn't vaccinated. I'm beyond furious. What kind of piece of **** human does that? So of course you tell a kid with autism and anxiety that he has Covid and you can imagine how he's handling it. Diana and I tested negative, so yes, vaccines work, even six months out.

This reinforces again that vaccines (and masks, when appropriate) are less about protecting you and more about protecting others.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

That's terrible. There's no good reason to lie about that. Holding a good thought for your family.

Wow. Just awful. That makes me angry for you just hearing that. It's just a simple, dumb thing to lie about. I really don't understand people. Hoping for a speedy recovery for your little guy.

ApolloAndy's avatar

Sorry to hear that Jeff. That's a $#!tty thing to do. As I said a few pages earlier, if one is going to be a dick, at some point one should just own it. Sending thoughts and prayers (for real, not pandering nonsense) that Simon is doing well and that you and Diana remain negative.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

kpjb's avatar

OMG, I'd be livid.


Now Dr. Fauci says he always believed in 3 Covid-19 vaccinations. Does he not know the internet exists and as recently as August was saying 2? Before you say the science changed, that is b.s. Saying the science changed and now we need a booster shot is far different than saying you ALWAYS believed 3 vaccinations would necessary. (side note: I've had both and I'm no anti-vaxer)

I’ll hold Simon in my thoughts, and trust that he sails through this with minimum discomfort. And fortunately it sounds like the Putz family is on the better end of the stick.
Who needs to feel awful and afraid as hell is this gal and her family. Those are the people who aren’t fairing well when the dreaded Covid comes a-knocking. I’ll hold them in my thoughts as well, and try to be kind about it.

Jeff's avatar

extremecoasterdad said:

blah blah blah Fauci rage credibility I'm right they're wrong blah blah blah

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

LostKause's avatar

Sorry to hear that, Jeff. People suck. This whole pandemic has shown us people's true colors.

Get well soon, Simon.

OhioStater's avatar

Jesus, Jeff, that is horrible. Knowingly lying to a kid about being vaccinated...Not that you need to elaborate further, but did they lie to you as well?

I'm honestly not sure how I would be holding that one together.

Get well soon, Simon.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

We compared notes tonight, and Simon said it was the friend who said they were vaccinated. But then we all clearly remember him asking at a birthday party the week before if we needed masks, and we all heard her say no. So while we're beating ourselves up a little about not being direct ourselves, we made reasonable conclusions based on, at best, half truths.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

That's not good. Sorry to hear that. Hoping for a speedy recovery.

LostKause's avatar

Half-truths and possible misunderstanding aside, I'd still be unforgivingly pissed. We should live in a world in which we can assume the parent who is inviting people over for a birthday party is vaccinated.

The lack of common sense and common courtesy in people throughout this pandemic is literally making me crazy. I mean. I should probably see a therapist because I can't find a way to handle the difference between what I used to think about human decency before the pandemic and how I feel about it now.

I know it's none of my business, but I'd love to hear an update when your boy is okay.

Jeff's avatar

No fever today, fortunately, but he didn't eat much. He binge watched the original Addams Family, which I can't verify is a symptom. As long as he doesn't develop and serious respiratory symptoms, the thing he's most at risk for, I won't be worried.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Bakeman31092's avatar

Wait a minute, which Addams Family are we talking about? I know you said "original," but that could mean the first of the most recent animated films, the original theatrical version from the early 90's, or even the 60's TV show. This is critical to understanding Simon's actual condition.

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