SFGAM 6/23..never again. NEVER!

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PointMan said:

So yes, when you encourage people to jam the bridge exits on shoot the chute rides, you are encouraging foolishness. Other people don't do it because it's dangerous and it's against park rules.

I don't think people standing on a bridge for more than one splash constitutes "encouraging people to jam the bridge exits". I think you're being a bit extremist to try to emphasize your viewpoint.

BGT also has a flume ride with a splash bridge as their exit, and I have never seen a sign there stating that you could only be there for one splash. And since Anheuser/Busch has some of the most well-known and well-received theme parks in the country, I doubt they would promote what you claim is "dangerous".


Please point out where PaulD only mentioned one splash. I am not talking about people who only stay for one splash. It's considered acceptable for people exiting the ride to remain for one splash. I'm talking about people who enter through the exit and loiter there until they get cooled off. This is a totally different matter than what your talking about. Is BGT promoting that people should enter through the exit and remaing as long as you like?

I think you just broke a world record for the number of times typing the word "stupid."

Proud CB club member

Actually, at BGT, you don't have to enter through the exit to get to the bridge. You can access the bridge from the entrance OR exit path, and I have yet to see BGT either have a time limit for standing on the bridge.....or have I yet to see anyone getting hurt by having people on the bridge. Most people only stand there for 2 or 3 splashes at most, anyway.

It might just be me, PointMan....but in your argument against people standing on the bridge, you make it sound as if 60% of the park's daily crowd stands on the bridge for the majority of the day, blocking the progress of riders. That just doesn't happen. At least not at BGT. And I'm sure people would need a lot more cooling off in Tampa, FL than they would ever need in Gurnee, IL. ;)

Gee, it just amazes me how many people here don't think that rules are for other people and not for them. It also amazes me how offended people get when it's suggested that consideration for others should be shown. The people who should get a life are the ones with the die hard "screw the rules, I'll do what I want" attitude. It's too bad, you don't know how rude and stupid you look. By the way, 100 people standing on the typical shoot the chutes bridge is all it would take for people to start pushing each other.

stoogemanmoe said:

You don't make a very good point there. You saying my fiance's kid and us are stupid. Well, it was really very stupid to make the above comment.My fiance's kid nor my fiance, nor I are stupid.

are you marrying a man or a woman?

Man...two monitors in two days. Hogfat, that slayed me.

Also, strictly speaking, stoogemanmoe, you called your "fiance's" kid stupid.

Can't we all just get along (TM Rodney King)?

Proud CB club member

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