SFGAM 2003 Construction Photo's

it is not placed any further from the park than Shockwave...it is in the same place shockwave was! Don't you people listen? Do you look at the renderings???


"a person who had to deal with too many people who don't listen today..."

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...
Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

Can't you people wait until the park opens for the season to see what the queue house will look like? Everyone with the complaining about the new ride. Just wait! The park will open eventually and you will be able to see everything new.
Iam sorry redman I started all this.

we must choose our fate: freeze or burn

Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003

Well, hope fully they will have everything working and done by May
I drove past the park to take a look at it today, It looks like it will be Awesome! Add some trees in and some grass in and you will be in for one hell of a ride! But imo it has to be the ugliest coaster I have ever seen, but that won't really matter when your flying :-)

The Demon He's gonna getchya!

BullGuy's avatar
I don't understand. How can you say a B&M ride is ugly? *confused look*

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

Vekomas are ugly.

B&Ms are art. :)

Sorry, but nice red X's on the site...

PKI, check
Universal Studios, check
CP, check
whats next? MM!!!

I sorry ugly wasn't the right word to use, more like out of place. But thats just my screwed up opinion ;-)

The Demon He's gonna getchya!

No, no, no. Vekomas are pretty nice looking. You've just got to love that "Classic ARROW" style track. Beautiful! B&Ms, on the other hand, are very utilitarian looking. They have a beauty of their own, but it's much less graceful than your standard Arrow or Vekoma.

Which is pretty ironic, considering the kind of ride the two types give, isn't it?

I hear America screaming...

The first park with 4 B&Ms!!!

66 days...

Kev, actually, to be completely accurate ;) , both SFGAm and SFGAdv will have four. And seeing that GAdv opens the first weekend in April and GAm opens the first weekend in May, then SFGAdv will be the first park with 4 B&M coasters. (That is assuming both S:UF's are ready for their respective opening days.)

EDIT: Highlighted "Completely accurate" since some people missed my subtle humor...

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...
Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)
*** This post was edited by redman822 2/25/2003 11:54:36 PM ***

Redman - I didn't know Gadv was opening this weekend ;)

SFGAdv is actually opening the first weekend of April... The 5th is the date, I think.

"his rod and staff comforts me" - and catholics say that gay's are bad! :)

Please, lets not start this argument again. You could even be as picky and say since SFGAm's vertical construction was finished first, that they are the first park with 4 "complete" B&M's (SFGAd being finished 4 days later). I hope you see what I mean.

Things to do in the offseason:
1. Have fun with friends 2. Ski in the great outdoors 3. Not sit in front of the computer for hours obsessing about coasters

I agree with Neg G. they opened the same year, the share the honor. same as the B&M hypers and original flyers. besides, why bicker about who's first when you have a great coaster to ride?

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Matt the mutt 1989-2003
gimmie a hell yeah!

We here at Coasterbuzz argue about the dumbest things sometimes. I guess thats why we are such a unique group. I find myself becoming "coasterly pathetic" myself manytimes.

If you haven't rode Raging Bull in the back row you haven't lived. The feeling on that first drop cannot be explained in words!

Bob's got the right idea, it's a great new attraction to ride, so why fight about it. And BBuller I should expect bickering, and I'll admit that I do sometimes find myself also joining the ranks of the, your words "coasterly pathetic." But I just had to end the possible start of the B&M race argument.

What's that out my window - I see Superman!

Does anybody know if any websites out there have a picture in which you can see the entire ride? Or is it too hard to get that good of a view?

The Beast, at night, Nothing better.

I would think that it would be at least a little difficult. layout pics will come when the park opens and someone gets into the Sky Trek Tower and takes some pics. if you're just looking for a panorama then I'm sure there's one out there, but with all the construction equip and cloudy skies, it probably won't be a very nice pic.

I'll be up there this sat to take pics, but I won't be near a computer until next week and I don't have any place to put them online unless someone wants to host them. I'll see what I can do to get a shot of the whole ride.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Matt the mutt 1989-2003
gimmie a hell yeah!
*** This post was edited by SFGA Bob 2/27/2003 1:19:28 PM ***

Cool, thanks a lot!

The Beast, at night, Nothing better.

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