Progress Reports and Accomplishments

Went BACK to the arcade tonight, because our coupons expire this week and passed two new 9-footers. Justify My Love (with a B), which starts out really easy, then proceeds to kick your butt, and Fantasy (with a C), which was pretty hard.

I also tried Can't Stop Fallin' in Love Speed Mix but didn't pass. Crossovers = blech. I did pretty well throughout the song, but died at the ending crossovers. It was the very last song I played so I was pretty hammered, so I figure I'll try it sometime later when I'm not so tired and see what happens.

I tried Para Eternal again, since it ranked up there on my top 10 (6) list and to my surprise, i did a whole lot better than last time, and pulled off a B. :) I also did Ska a go go, which is one of the strangest songs i've heard and got a B on that, and A'd Graduisic Cyber too.

*edits list*

Rolla coasta lova, and a DDR maniac

Wow, I'm posting a lot lately.

Went back to the arcade once again, our coupons expire tomorrow so we opted to use them today. Funny thing was that my friend was in her Halloween costume.. a big huge stuffed Winnie the Pooh suit. It was quite a sight to see Winnie playing DDR. The looks from other people alone were priceless.

Anyway.. banged out two new 9-footers. Destiny Lovers and Sweet Sweet Magic (I think that's the name) both with C's. Attempted Can't Stop Fallin in Love Speed Mix once again, but didn't pass it. Oh well, at least I have something to work on! :)

Update: I just AA'd Tsugaru. :) So that makes my 4th 9ft. AA with My Summer Love, Frozen Ray, and Legend of MAX on Standard.

I also got a 432 combo on Exotic Ethnic, almost FCing close, yet so far.

Rolla coasta lova, and a DDR maniac

List of 9fters done by me.

Kel, I also just got an AA on Tsugaru today! That part always confuses me with the stream of off-beat arrows on the left and right.

-Sean Newman

I have full-comboed Tsugaru several times but never AA'ed it (in the arcade, at least).

The hardest part for me is the last few arrows before the crossover section starts. It's a L-R jump, then L,R,L very quickly, and another L-R jump. The arrows are so jammed together there that it took me a long time to notice there were even jumps in there.

Anyway, that part is darn hard.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

Great Job, SF! Another update for me, is that i've beaten MaxX Unlimited on heavy! Well...semi beat it...i beat but i didn't have the freeze arrows on, which is what M.U. is known i gotta try it again, with the freezes on n everything, it's just that the freezes throw me off so much, even when i know the pattern of the 1st half of the song.

*sighs* it's frustrating...
Rolla coasta lova, and a DDR maniac

List of 9fters done by me.


Went to the arcade for about an hour. Passed a new 9, Insertion. Also passed Cartoon Heroes on 1.5x, but failed on 1x. :(

Man... you guys are really cruising... I haven't had an accomplishment in forever. I full-combo'd Twin Bee, does that count?

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I got a "B" on Speed over Beethoven on Lite Mode :)

It was only my second day playing the game, I've been bitten by the bug :)

NFS Underground 11/21

I AA'ed A Little Bit of Ecstacy last night. Not a huge accomplishment, but with the tricky tempo changes, it's hard not to get 'goods.' Also got a few new AAs to me... Kind Lady Interlude, Hysteria 2001, Radical Faith, etc.

Sorry, still haven't been to the arcade for a while... I have next Thursday off work partially for that purpose... and partially to rake my leaves. :)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I've just accomplished one of my biggest accomplishments since i've beaten all the maxes...


drumroll please...



...I've AA'd



...Exotic Ethnic. :) just now, too. I couldn't be prouder.

55 greats, 1 good, the rest are perfects.

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Wow! Good job! I still can't even pass Exotic Ethnic!

Went to the arcade for the first time in about 2 weeks. Passed Colors on Challenge, so one new 9-footer for me. Also tried Saints Go Marching and did really well until the ending crossovers which fried me. And I STILL can't pass Can't Stop Fallin' in Love Speed Mix. I can do the beginning crossovers pretty well, and can combo the middle section, but the ending crossovers just destroy me. I think it might be because that song is pretty continuous and doesn't have many breaks so by the end I'm just busted.

Another new accomplisment by yours truly:

I've successfully beaten all the 9fters on EXTREME with a B or better. I had a C left on Dynamite Rave Oni but i got that up to a B. :)

My list is definitely updated ;)

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Played for a little today. Passed yet another new 9-footer, Stay with a C. It's was on our MAX2 machine and was different from the one on the Extreme. It was moderately difficult and had a NASTY jump section in the middle which I surprisingly did pretty good on.

Still haven't passed Saints or CSFiLSM, although I got to see something do the latter, so now I have a better idea of how to conquer those crossovers. *** Edited 11/15/2003 3:24:56 AM UTC by Alligator Boots***

ApolloAndy's avatar
I passed my first 9-footer: Frozen Ray

I then proceeded to pass My summer love (which was surprisingly easy for a 9er) and Destiny Lovers (which wasn't nearly as hard as Frozen Ray).

All were C's and D's, so I'm looking at making those grades a little better.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Awesome and congrats! I remember how excited I was when I passed my first 9's.

My Summer Love is a pretty easy 9-footer, but one my favorites, I play it all the time. I've only played Destiny Lovers once but I recall it being pretty easy. Never played Frozen Ray, though.

Congrats again, and keep going. After I passed my first 9 I was off and kept conquering more and more.

ApolloAndy's avatar
Thnx. I actually really enjoy some of the 8's the most, right now. Freckles and era are some of my favs. The reason I don't particularly like 9's is because I'm mostly hitting all the 8th notes and just skipping entire sections that I can't read/don't "get."

Like in Center of a Heart, one of my favorite songs, I do great up until the fast section where I basically just hammer on every arrow I can as fast as I can hoping to get some "goods" and then continue with the rest of the song. *** Edited 11/17/2003 5:04:50 AM UTC by ApolloAndy***

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Yeah, I'm probably most comfortable with 8's, although I'm getting more and more comfortable with 9's as I pass more of them.

Mini-Update: Play Spin the Disc about 50 times to practice my crossovers, and it definitely paid off! I now *finally* understand crossovers! I A'ed it about 20 times and finally AA'ed DOING most the crossovers and only double-stepping once or twice. I'm so excited to go back to the arcade and try some of those songs that have been giving my trouble!

Nice work, AG! Now you'll start owning those songs that used to give you trouble! Hehe.

As for me, well, i had a pretty good DDR day despite the fact that my Achilles (sp?) tendon was killing me the whole time. (it's that part directly above your heel) I AA'd Rhythm and Police yesterday but i didn't have my memory card with me, so i couldn't save it! >____< But today i AA'd Heaven is a 57', Twin Bee, 5.1.1. and 20, November (succesfully AAing all the songs on EXTREME that start with a #), Sexy Planet oni mix, White Lovers, um...Destiny, and i think that's it.

The only bad in my day was the fact that my foot hurt, I couldn't AA R&P again, and I'm startin to have trouble with Paranoia Survivor...again...

meh, i need more practice ^^;

EDIT: oh! i can't believe i forgot this: I AA'd Stoic also! :) *** Edited 11/18/2003 8:27:01 PM UTC by Kel***

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>

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