Progress Reports and Accomplishments

Be sure to try Stay from MAX2. It didn't make it to Extreme, sadly. It's actually a pretty challenging cata, but it's really fun and it's grown on me a lot. It has one of the nastiest jump-chains I've ever seen. Justify My Love is also a lot of fun, too, although the steps are really, really weird.

And 5th.. my favorite mix. I wish I had one closer to me. :(

I personally think Maxx Unlimited is easier than Max 300. I've passed Unlimited at least 5 times and I've only passed 300 once. I can deal with Unlimited's jumps/freezes a lot better than 300's streams of death. I know everyone thinks it's the other way around.

I actually played on a Solo machine when I was first starting out, too. My first machine was a 2nd Mix so I didn't have very high expectations. I remember not liking the songs at all, except Kiss Me. :) The Solo machine was replaced with some other dancing game that had like 12 arrows, which was later replace with an Extreme. :)

Gaaaah! They took out the 5th! *sniffs* Not cool...but i did get to play Justify My Love. I only played it once. You're right, though the steps are weird. I got a B but meh. I didn't try Stay, though. :( I must've missed it.

I did like the fact that the the 7th was Joint Premium though. :) "No charge to join in!"

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention: The 2 DDR's at James' Games are actually real cabinets from Japan! Had the "Official Konami" sticker on it as well as those paper borders around the screen with a list of all the new songs on the mix. Not only that but the songs had edit steps already implemented into the machine.

I remember playing a My Summer Love and Paranioa Evolution edit. Both were much harder than their original steps. o_o

My Summer Love edit: It was pretty fun since there were more and longer 16th note streams. Wasn't too bad, but wasn't too exciting after a while, since they didn't give me any problems.

Paranioa, on the other hand: Two words to describe this edit: Good Lord...

There are long streams of 8ths that didn't bother me, but long streams of 16ths?! at 200 bpm?! Yup. I barely survived, and earned a C. *** Edited 5/1/2004 4:23:39 PM UTC by Kel***

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
I saw an edit of Paranoia Evolution the other day that was absolutely insane. The first 45 seconds were straight triplets (that's 12 steps per measure, like the ending of Drop the Bomb) at 200 bpm.

Got my second-best SDG last night: 4 greats on Make a Jam! That's such an easy song - I think I'm going to make that one my first heavy AAA. I thought for a while there it was going to be Let's Groove, but I've been getting worse on that one.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Well, latest news from me.

On Saturday I got to go with my friend to the 4th mix machine downtown. We brought plenty of money, but the owner gave us a deal that if we paid him 5 bucks he'd set it on free play.


We played for two hours. I beat my first two arcade 9 footers,Saints Go Marching and Rythm and Police, and beat a 6 footer on doubles play. It was great!

Then.....on sunday I went to my other DDR playing friends house and we worked out two points where we would switch pads on Rythm and police.

Then....Yesterday I got to my school for the Spring Carnival only to find out that my teachers had bought two home pads(metal at least) and had DDRMAX2 on the PS2. Not an arcade machine, but still a chance to show off my mad skills. It rained, so one of the pads broke within two hours from mud all over it, but the other lasted all day(except the right arrow stuck a little bit). The DDR attracted a HUGE audience, must have been 25 people around us every time we played. Lots of fun.

Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!
Those songs were your first two 9ers?! O_o Whoa...way to break into 9ft! I didn't do to much today except:

AM-3P: 5 greats...and 1 boo?! >___<

Syncronized Love: Full Combo with 19 greats. =)

Exotic Ethnic: Full Combo with 17(?!) greats.

And it's weird...i didn't even have my "DDR shoes" on...o_o

My foot did start to hurt a lil bit after though. Not from DDR, but from a Gymnastics class. Oh well.

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Its been a while since I last posted. One new accomplishment:

A on So Deep! I had a 210 combo going until I blew it. My stamina needs some work.

While at CP this weekend when 2-3 rides were down I went to play DDR to burn some time. Right when it was my turn, the machine froze! :( Seems like everything in CP was breaking down at that time. They went to restart it, but when it was checking the drivers something turned out bad and it is down for a while. Just my luck.

YES! My slump is now officially over! What a way to do it too. Look!

D- MaxX Unlimited!! I about died when I finished it, but hey I did it.

Also not so big but:

Tsugaru- A. I don't like the song and the existing B was bothering me.

My hot shower awaits me, can't wait.

Rich, when the DDR machine went down, why didn't you just move over to the other one? Or (crosses fingers) did CP get rid of one of the machines over the winter? :(

Nice work on Maxx! Since I beat Max 300, I've been working on Unlimited, but no luck yet. The runs at the end still kill me. Can't believe you don't like Tsugaru - one of the best songs ever!

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Sorry Den, forgot to tell you they MOVED the machines! They aren't on the main midway anymore. They put the one right next to the skee-ball lanes. No more attention whoring for me... :( They only have one now too. And the way that one is going, they might have none sooner than we think.

A moment of silence for the lost DDR machine. ;) *** Edited 5/11/2004 7:45:19 PM UTC by Rich_Johnson***

WTF?!? Cedar Point was the *best* place to play DDR! Why the heck did they move them? I can't think of anything that would attract people into the arcade more.

Maybe they moved the other DDR machine to one of the other arcades? Did you go into the other ones?

And why do you say they might have no machines soon?

/looked forward to DDR at CP as much as anything
//crowd whore

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I looked everywhere for that second machine. I think it is gone. As for the one left in the arcade near the entrance, I think that one is going to go because of a bad card. I don't know how dedicated Cp is on getting their arcade games back up, but I don't think they are dedicated enough to buy a new card. Only time will tell, lets hope for the best.

As for the crowds, only DDR players watch you. You may get a few peeps, but nothing like the amounts of veiwers you got on the main midway.

DDR, the new TTD of arcade games. ;)

Haha, nice analogy, Rich! But i've never been to CP so i'll have to say DDR is the X of arcade games (since it is a one of a kind arcade and all. ;))

Sorry about the DDR problem there, tho. I've wanted to visit CP just because of the nice DDR atmosphere......and the tight-as-hell coasters. :D

Nice job on MaxX! I still have problems with it. >_> I can beat it, it's just i'm not where i want to be on that song...

I am where i want to be on MAX300 though. :) I'm getting better at my PA, and i KNOW i can AA it soon. It's coming. =)

And how could you not like Tsugaru? has the best step chart! =D

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
I don't know why CP wouldn't work hard to get its DDR back up. It's got to be one of the most popular arcade games available today.

As far as accomplishments, I got a couple more SDG's last night:

Cutie Chaser
Let the Beat Hit 'Em (R&B Style)
Think Ya Better D

And I decreased my number of greats on Genom Screams from 8 to 5. Also, I got 17 greats on Make It Better heavy, first time I'd ever tried that song. Also also, I passed my first doubles 8-footer, R3.

In addition, I *finally* passed a 9-footer that's hounded me for months - Leading Cyber. Now I never have to play it again. :)
*** Edited 5/12/2004 1:36:52 PM UTC by Den***

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I played DDR Max 2 at SFStL on Saturday. Nobody else would play it. I attracted quite a croud. I felt so special! (lol, j/k)
I HATE Leading Cyber. Whoever made that stepchart was on drugs, honestly. Just had to express my dislike for that song. :)

I've never gotten a SDG, but I ALMOST did. Yesterday I got 13 greats on Freckles, does that count?

I full-comboed Stay (the 9-footer from MAX2) but no AA for me cause I had like 70 greats. I also AA'ed Saints Go Marching and Trip Machine Climax. And I got SO close to full comboing So Deep but I screwed up at the end. I had like 430 combo or something when I lost it. I also comboed Broken My Heart when I got in on nonstop.

I have a feeling that Genome Screams will be your first AAA, Den. First it was 14, then 8, then 5...almost there. =D

I'm not even gonna try doubles now...not really interested ^^; wanna pass the Trick Oni Course though...but i have to get past Exstacy first. >_>

Devin = crowd the rest of us. :)

And i know how you feel on Leading Cyber, AB. No where near AAing that yet. Good job on the 9fters! I still have to try Stay.

My accomp:

2 greats on AM-3P. Almost there!

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Yeah good luck with those AAAs guys, I will never even try to attempt something like that.

Something big for me, A on HV: Angelic Mix. I've waited a long time for this. Seems like the Bs would never end.

When I look at the step chart for HV:AM, I notice there are alot of "turn-around" opportunities which would make the steps easier. have you guys ever noticed this? I can't do it, I fall every time, the beat is just too fast for me.

Just so everyone knows when I was at CP on May 9th i was talking to one of the arcade peoples and she said, that the second machine had to be sent back to where it was rented from to be fixed and that it would be back in approximatley 2 weeks!!! And also the other Extreme Machine broke down on sunday when i was about to start my final stage and it just broke lol! I was pissed. But yea Cedar Point is still going to have their DDR machines so have no fear!! There just getting some well needed reapiring in before the main part of the season kicks in!! It is sad that there not at the front of the arcade anymore but maybe when they get the other one back they will move them back there! *** Edited 5/15/2004 5:21:45 AM UTC by ByMyslf18***
Nice! I'm glad CP's gettin' their machine back. I NEED to go sometime soon, but me living in Cali, i really don't have many opportunities. Hehe ^^;

Anywayz, good job, on HV:AM! There are times when a B sneaks in there for me too ^^; I would like to learn the spins also, but i need to really study the chart and practice. I tend to get a whole lot more greats when i double-step.

Yesterday i played a couple games, and i've noticed an improvement. Most of the greats i get are from stepping to soon on the arrows, but i was a lil more careful, especially on Vanity Angel, and i AA'd itwith 20-something G's. 2nd time playing the song.

I was mad about blackflagging Spin the Disc...grr, i thought i had that AAA. (Blackflag = 1 great) Oh well, i still have practicing to do. :)

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
I reached a couple of and the freinds decided to have a sort of "DDR Day". We started off at his house with Ultramix. After desprateily trying for about 45 minutes, I got an AA on Ready Steady Go heavy, which constantly failed me because of the 15 seconds of constant 16th notes. After his house, we decided to go out to Aladins Castle and play some Extreme. There wasn't many people there, and the machine was open when we got there, so I ran up and put in my tokens that I had saved with my last visit. We stayed there for about 3 hours. Some notible accomplishments would be AA on .59 heavy, AA on A heavy, A on Legend of the Maxx "", and AA on DaiKenKai "".

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