Progress Reports and Accomplishments

Haven't been here in awhile. Anyway tonight I my friend and I finally beat Maxx Unlimited. I know its probably not too good for you guys but its good for me:)
If you are talking about Maxx Unlimited Heavy, it's an extremely good accomplishment. That's one of the top 3 hardest songs.

If you're talking about Maxx Unlimited Standard, well that's still pretty good. Even though it's an 8-footer, it's harder than at least 75% of all 9-footers.

And if you mean Maxx Unlimited Light... lemme just say that when I first passed that song, I celebrated just like you are now. :)

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Beating MaxX Unlimited on ANY mode is quite the accomplishment. ^_^ Congrats!

Recently i've tried light again (because it's too much fun. :D) and i AAA'd Seniorita and Cartoon Heroes. So i think i'll work my way up when it comes to AAAing. Start on light then standard, then heavy. After that, i'm done with DDR. ^^;

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Yeah it was on heavy. I passed it with a D. I think once you get past the two stops its pretty east from there.
So you think passing MaxX on heavy is "not too good"???? That's incredible! I've only seen one person do that ever.

I can pass Sakura, Bag on x3 and half of Max 300, and that's about it for me as far as 10-footers go. I get a C on MaxX standard most of the time. (stupid jumps)

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I didn't mean it that way. I meant because you guys are soo good. I didn't think it was that hard. I can usually beat any song but not with A's and AA's the way you guys do.
Don't be so modest. I've only got eight AA's in the arcade. And only one of them is a 9-footer.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Man...MaxX is VERY hard! Being able to pass that means you're real good, no matter the grade. Trust me, you should consider yourself very good. I know i consider you good.

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Thanks guys. Anyway I was playing and I accidentally turned it off and it lost all the locked songs. Do you know how many points it is to get MaxX Unlimited again? I can't find it. BTW Kel thats carzy how you got all A's and AA's on all those 9's in your signature!

*** Edited 2/6/2004 12:56:22 AM UTC by SFgadvMAN***

I tried a new mix today. DDRMM or - Dance Dance Revolution Mega Mix. It's basically like the 9th mix without being called "9th Mix". It has a crappy header screen, 8th mix graphics, 8th mix style song list (ABC, Speed, Versions, etc). Anyhow, there's nothing really different about the Mega Mix, except for one small detail. Each song can be heard before the unlock. In the 8th mix, that wasn't possible.

Anyhow, I wowed the manager with So Deep (A), Let the Beat Hit Em (AA), and Telephone Operator (A). Nothing much else.

DDR or PIU, hmm. PIU definitely.
No real updates, but I get to play tommorrow night!w00t!

Goal:B Tsugaru Standard.

...I finally passed Heaven is a '57 Metallic Grey on my own. Not much, but I haven't had time to play much lately.

Paranoia KCET is getting easier, too.


All those AA's and A's came with much practice. You're well on your way, Sean.

What's with this DDRMM? O_o;; i've heard a rumor about it, but i never thought it was playable. Was this at work or something, Niko?

EDIT: Congrats to those who progressed. :) *** Edited 2/6/2004 5:46:51 AM UTC by Kel***

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Do you ever have days when you're just "on"? Well, yesterday was one for me. I AA'ed Witch Doctor Heavy, even though it's "only" an 8-footer. Also AA'ed another 9, Justify My Love. Also I may have AA'ed Rain of Sorrow. I say may because I got it as my first song in Nonstop and I full-comboed it, but I don't know if I AA'ed it, which sucks. I also didn't get to see my score at the end because I got End of the Century as my last song, and it's one of the few songs in DDR I can fully say I loathe, so I failed.

DDR Megamix is a bootleg Extreme, that's all. You can order the "upgrade" from shady eBay sellers.

The only differences besides what have been mentioned are different title screens and other skins, and the freeze arrows appear as squares for some reason.

EDIT: I claimed a long time ago that I had beaten all the 9-footers in DDR. Ha! I just went through the DDREx song list, and there are quite a few I've never tried. They are:

Tears, Rain of Sorrow, Fantasy, Dynamite Rave Oni, Luv to Me Disco Mix, Destiny Lovers, Colors Oni and Sync Oni.

I've also tried A Oni once but failed it. Hmph. Guess I've got some work to do next time I go to the arcade. *** Edited 2/6/2004 5:04:53 PM UTC by Den***

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Yeah, sometimes i have my "on" days. ;) Only on occasion, though.

There are tons of 9fters i still need to try, because i haven't played ANY other mix since i've started AAing 9ers.

Stuff like "Somethin-hata's Theme and Conga Feeling, and Wonda, and all those from the old mixes i've never tried.

yeah i still step on those stupid arrows... what? >_>
Conga Feeling is an 8-footer, but should be 9. It's on the PS2 version of DDRMAX2, and I can't get an A on it.

Futurata's (sp) Theme and Wonda are both on 5th mix, which fortunately I have access to. There's also a Korean 3rd mix near my house, and a 4th-plus somewhat nearby, the latter of which I've never played. I think I've beaten all the 9-footers on 5th mix, at least.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I would normally agree with you Den, since that's basically what Mega Mix is, but you're wrong with a slight detail. The freeze arrows are still the same. Different skins and title screens, yes, but as for that, nothing major. And I HIGHLY doubt that's possible with getting the game from a shady EBay seller when a few of our Tilt stores have this game. I doubt seriously that a company would break a rule like that to get something "different" when it's supposedly the same.

Anyhow, I passed Highs Off U with a better grade today - a B. Got about half way through Tsugaru before I failed miserably. Tried Cartoon Heroes again with another fail.

DDR or PIU, hmm. PIU definitely.

Kel said:
Stuff like "Somethin-hata's Theme and Conga Feeling, and Wonda, and all those from the old mixes i've never tried.

Wonda is a 9 foot song? I'd neglected to look the last time I played it and finally passed it.

Woohoo. That's two 9 foot songs :)


Furuhata's Theme is pretty tough. It's probably one of the harder 9-footers.

Some little stuff for me. Today I spun for the first time! It was really fun. I was playing Think Ya Better D on Standard (I got it in nonstop at home) and it had a few turns and right then it just clicked and I did them pretty decently. Then I put in MAX and played HVAM in Training and turned the speed down all the way and just kept playing and moving the speed up till I got it down. I can only do the ones at the beginning though, but still, it's insanely fun. Adds a lot more to the game.

Also played Ultramix for the first time at a friends house. Passed 2 new 9's, Ready Steady Go and Hypnotic Crisis, both of which were pretty easy, except for the tempo changes in Ready Steady Go. Other than those, I didn't see any other 9's I haven't passed before.

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