Ok, im agreeing with most of you that I think this will be a simulator, for the most part. Just hear me out. Kings Island already has the 7th Portal, why would they have another simulator. Unless it was a Hybrid. I am thinking that this ride is going to be a hybrid of Hypersonic XLC and Spiderman. Now, you all are thinking im crazy by now. But I found some context clues on their release on their webpage. And here they are
"Playing off scenes from the motion picture filmed in Cambodia and Iceland, the escape will include rocketing upward for a close encounter in an ice cave with menacing, razor-sharp stalactites and a face-first plunge straight down toward a pit of boiling, red-hot lava. "
and if you dont beleive me.
http://www.pki.com/corpinfo_press_tomb_raider.jsp thats the link, last sentences in the 3rd paragraph that has white font color.
look at the context clues, playing videos from the movies, rocketing upward for a close encounter with stalactites, and a face-first plunge straight down. Now doesnt that sound like Spiderman and Hypersonic XLC? Before this press release the most popular rumor was that PKI was getting a Hypersonic XLC like coaster. Remember everyone? I think that Kings Island is just Using the Tomb Raider "inside" ride to make it "seem" like a simulator but when it really is a thrill ride.
I think Kings Island already gave off way to much information, just most of you didnt realize it.
Dont take my word for it. But thats just my 2 cents.
its_all4_the_nookie@yahoo.com if you want to talk.
Pretend2Care on AIM