Obligatory Beer Post

I don't drink at parks because I don't drink much in life, period. I might go through a six-pack in a year's time....though with the right meal, a good tall draft hits the spot like nothing else.

But if I were to put back a few in a park, I'd head for the passholder's lounge at SFWOA first for cheap margaritas (for an amusement park, anyway) and a view from the deck overlooking the waterpark and the lagoon. Then I'd lean back, slide my cap over my face and sleep it off. Ohhhhhhh yeah.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

I love beer, I love to drink beer and I do it regularly. But I don't get hammered often. People have to realize is that one or two beers (heck even a six pack for some guys) doesn't get you plastered and acting idiotic. It provides a nice little buzz with which to enjoy things, and it's also damned tasty.

But I hardly ever drink at a park because although I am an enthusiast I only get a handful of days riding coasters. I try to make the most out of those days and frankly don't have time to polish off some frosty cool ones. But there are the occassions where I will. When I go with friends who aren't into the rides as much as me, we will usually hit the beer garden for a while. I usually find myself leaving them there while I power ride by myself. I also almost never get really drunk at a park. I have done that once, and here is that story.

It was Las Vegas, it was my last day there and I had lost about as much money as I could afford to lose. I was at the Sahara and bought an all day pass for Speed. So I rode the coaster a few times and then went to play blackjack and drink for free for a while. Repeat this process over the course of the day and I rode that ride completely sober and completely hammered. I don't think i ruined anyone else's time considering I didn't talk to a soul and didn't get sick (I don't get sick on rides regardless of what I'm doing). It was a great day.

Most of the time I prefer to fly high.

Getting drunk at a park is not the problem, not being able to control your drunk at a park is.


I don't like the taste of beer, but if they had mixed drinks I would probably throw back a few.
Lord Gonchar's avatar

Jeff said:

I certainly understand the negatives as the son of an third generation alcoholic, but to write it off because you don't like it is, as Hostyl said, often laced in preachy self-righteousness.

Do what your parents say and don't drink, because they're right. But when you are legal (and that's 19 in Canada, eh), give it a whirl, be responsible and form your own opinions.

Awww, Jeff, you normally win me over with your quick wit and sharp attitude, but you dropped the ball on this one.

Condemning others for their opinion on alcohol at parks when a few posts earlier you got on Helios' case for his Ecstacy comment with this:

"Ecstasy can still turn your brain into Swiss cheese, especially here in the US where it isn't legal. You don't know what you're getting and frankly you're pretty stupid for trying something made in some stranger's basement."

I know this is semi-straying from the topic but I happen to be one of the people that feels drugs should be an all or nothing thing in terms of legality. Cocaine, Beer, Asprin, Tobacco, Tylenol - they can all kill you. Why some are considered ok while others aren't is beyond me. X (the drug not the coaster ) will adversly affect your brain, but to what degree is debatable. (maybe that's Ed Markey's problem, he got X the drug mixed up with X the coaster ;) ) All points of view can be backed up by studies given the right spin. Beer also kills brain cells (it is a toxin) and causes liver damage among other quetionable effects.

Sadly alcohol is another drug that can make people act very differently, you said it yourself - you're a "fun" drunk. Alcohol loosens you up and you become less inhibited and more gregarious and probably are a blast to be around. However it has the opposite effect on people too ("mean" drunks) - I've seen my share of morons at parks who are rowdy, loud, obnoxious and clearly drunk. Whether they would have been minus the acohol I'll never know.

Back on the drug topic, there are test kits you can buy for a nominal fee that will show you exactly what's in the Ecstacy you're consuming. Many raves offer this service for free. With that said, I hardly condone the use of X and it is a felony to possess it in the USA.

What if I told you I smoked a big fat joint in my car before entering the park? People's reactions on this site would most likely range from disgust to flat out hatred. Again, I'm not condoning it or admitting to it, just making a point. But in reality the general effects are the same between marijuana and alcohol consumption and in terms of heath and damage to the body one kills brain and lungs while the other kills brain and liver - your choice, I guess.

I kind of lost track of where I was heading with this. I just wanted to throw some alternative ideas out there. There's was just too many "I drink beer at parks and screw you!" posts in this thread.

How many of you would be on my case if I said "I smoke pot before I visit parks and I handle myself fine. An idiot is an idiot regardless"?

How many of you would be angered by a comment like "I snort cocaine before I go to the park and I handle myself fine. A moron will always be a moron"?

Helios (who's from a much more enlightened country than our USA) commented on his enjoyment of amusement parks while on XTC and was quickly dismissed. But our beer drinking buzzers aren't given a second thought.

To me the line is too blurry to call them different. I don't have a problem with drinking in any capacity, I just tend to partake infrequently. A few too many encounters with clearly drunk guests has soured me a tad on the idea (as mentioned in my previous post in this thread).

Dorney Park visits in 2002: 13

*** This post was edited by Lord Gonchar on 7/9/2002. ***

Jeff said:

Ecstasy can still turn your brain into Swiss cheese, especially here in the US where it isn't legal. You don't know what you're getting and frankly you're pretty stupid for trying something made in some stranger's basement. Shame it's now associated with rave culture and techno music.

Jeff, ecstasy has always been associated with rave culture and techno music. It's just that rave culture used to be underground so people like you were'nt aware of it. If you were to go to a rave 10 years ago you would find just about everyone there under the influence of E. But raves were very "hush hush" and were'nt as publicized as they are today. But to say that ecstasy is just now being associated with rave culture is just wrong.

Drinking alcohol on rides is silly, because it numbs you to the effects of the rides. You cant feel the thrill when you are drunk
Really, I tend to dissagree. I'm not saying it's better, but I definately 'felt' the ride just as much as any other time I rode the same ride. Are you speaking from experience or just preaching?

Im speaking from experience. Im NOT preaching, as anyone can do what they want to do.

I do in fact advocate taking exstacy at amusment parks, it is REALLY fun. I even took LSD once at Cedar point. It kinda sucked, because the park seems so phoney, and contrived(but that is another story).

And being on psycadelic drugs is the ONLY way to enjoy Disaster Transport! When we took e at CP the best ride by far was disaster transport, and frankly that ride SUCKS sober.

Jeff's avatar

First of all, I've been to raves that weren't even called raves at the time, and generally held the "straight edge" belief that you don't need drugs or alcohol to have a good time. That belief is still held by a lot of people who freqeuent clubs and raves.

Second, Gonchar, if you mean to say that I'm contradicting myself, you're way off base. Alcohol = legal. X != legal. I didn't say anything about weed or pain relievers either, so don't blur the issue. Both alcohol and X are drugs yes, and both have been studied to death regarding their effects. X, being illegal, has no oversight, testing or not, and there is conclusive medical evidence that it can cause severe damage with a single use.

Alcohol also has negative effects, but the danger in using it is so ridiculously lower (not to mention legal) that I for one am OK with its use.

You seem to suggest that there should be some absolute in opinions, where you're either anti-all drugs or OK with the use of all drugs. As with all things in life, one has to consider these things on a case by case basis, because life offers few absolutes.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

CPLady's avatar

And Cricket proves a point...that for each person, the effect of whatever (drugs/alchohol) is different.

Incidentalist had a great time riding a coaster after drinking, Cricket did not. Cricket enjoyed CP while tripping on LSD once. I'm a child of the 60's, and I wouldn't touch LSD if you PAID me, even if it would go hand in hand with the 60's theming of DT.

On the other hand, I don't see much of a difference between alchohol and marijuana, except that it's hard to walk when drunk (and it makes you have to pee).

Everyone should know their limits, what they are capable of, what they are not. Anyone who pushes the limits to the point where it adversely affects others (especially children), should be brought to task for it.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Yes, of course there will always be straight edge people everywhere you go. But you made it seem like ecstasy is just now being associated with rave culture, almost like ecstasy is giving rave culture a bad name. When in fact, ecstasy has always been a MAJOR part of rave culture.

It's too bad that all the drug use is ruining the hippie culture too. ;)

Sorry for offending you Cricket, your post just sounded like a little kids post. But just because you don't like riding drunk doesn't make it silly to do so. Just for you. I tried e when I was in Vegas and had a blast, but it's just not for me. But I won't say it's silly to do such, I'm just scared of anything that someone makes in their own basement while wacked in the head. That's why I like to stick to the natural sources of good times, pot and mushrooms. And beer where the first two aren't appropriate.

rollergator's avatar

CPLady said:

Anyone who pushes the limits to the point where it adversely affects others (especially children), should be brought to task for it.

and THAT, my friends, says ALL you need to know about that. If I'm drinking, smoking, shooting needles, whatever, the point at which I do HARM do someone is the point at which society has the moral right, no OBLIGATION, to protect its citizens from my behavior....

Whether or not my moral code allows me to do these things is irrelevant in my book, and I certainly have NO right to tell others how to live, but as the old saying goes: "your right to swing your arms about freely ends at the tip of my nose"....

Illegal or not, it comes down to the misuse of something...do you think more people die from ecstasy or from alcohol, directly or indirectly?
Lord Gonchar's avatar

Well, that's where it starts to get too off topic for these message boards, Jeff. If I dicuss much further I'll be totally off the topic of amusement parks.

I just don't buy into the "it's ok because the government says so" idea. I think it's obvious from my post that I don't have a problem with most (or all) of the substances in question and I don't have a problem with someone enjoying a beer or two at the parks. I guess it does come down to where one personally "draws the line", for some that line gets drawn before beer at parks. For others it's much past that.

I wasn't trying to blur the issues with you specifically, Jeff, I was trying to throw out some alternative ideas for both the folks who think beer at parks is plain wrong and those who think using any mind/mood altering substance (whatever it may be) in public is totally acceptable. Just trying to get people to think and understand that you may draw your line in a completely different place than your fellow enthusiast.

As far as the opening comment in my post I now see where you're coming from and the legality and health issues in questions are enough to make one right and one wrong for you. But in the case of Helios, it is legal (at least he makes it sound that way) to use X in the Netherlands so assuming that's your major issue it must be the potential negative effects that turn you off. That's where I begin to disagree. My personal experiences have been much uglier the day after alcohol consumption than after some of the other substances mentioned here. I've read the stories of kids who have no memory and brain scans that look the same as someone who is two or three times their age (often described as similar to alzheimer's) due to using X, but I've also known people who've died in their 40's from cirrhosis of the liver due to a lifetime of legal alcohol consumption.

This is where we really differ in opinion. While I don't use any of these substances even semi-regularly and some I've never used (thus I'm not worried about the effects) - I'd still take the side effects of a slightly damaged brain over death.

And that's the reasoning behind questioning your comment toward Helios. Thanks for the response, I now understand where you're coming from on the issue.


rollergator said:

"the point at which I do HARM do someone is the point at which society has the moral right, no OBLIGATION, to protect its citizens from my behavior...."

Bravo! Way to sum it up nicely!

Dorney Park visits in 2002: 13

*** This post was edited by Lord Gonchar on 7/9/2002. ***

ApolloAndy's avatar

Buzzo said:
But you made it seem like ecstasy is just now being associated with rave culture, almost like ecstasy is giving rave culture a bad name. When in fact, ecstasy has always been a MAJOR part of rave culture.

It is giving rave culture a bad name. Whether or not it started as part of the culture or not, unless you think rave culture is ONLY about drugs, then you must admit that the vast majority of people associate the non-drug related parts of rave culture with the drug related parts. If I ever told my parents that I went to raves, they'd immediately assume that I did drugs. I love the non-drug related parts of raving (the music and friendly atmosphere) and I don't like the drugs, so, to me, it sure seems like drugs are giving rave culture a bad name.

Wow, kewl. Seems like my little comment got a whole discussion started! To make some things clear; the reason why i did it, was to experience my favorite hobby in a more intense way. I also know how to behave when i'm under the influence of xtc, beeing an 'experienced' user. I know how much i can take and i know how not to make a fool out of myself. I'm constantly aware that i'm under the influence and actually people can't tell whether i've used it or not. There's a differance between the people who totally freak out while using (who should not do what i've done) and the people who regard it as a way to experience more intense emotions and can keep control over themselves.

Yes, here in Holland, the 'use' of xtc, cocaine, speed, ephedra, ghb, lsd, mushrooms, special k, pot, hashies, etc etc is allowed. As long as you don't become a burden to people surrounding you. Fabrication and selling on the other hand isn't legal. The result of this strange law, is that prices are kept very low, so in order to keep your business lucrative, you will have to deliver a quality product. (commenting on the 'swiss cheese' statement) Otherwise customers will turn to another manufacturer. It's as simple as that. I myself have never experienced a bad pill, this is also because most manufacturers know their customers personally and want to keep them loyal to their product. In the end, well see these chems next to the beer shelf in shops, advertised as emotion-enhancers. With a clear description of the ingredients and ammounts of active chemicals. Actually, imho drunk people are more annoying then those who are on drugs.

Regarding the rave culture (which doesn't really excist here anymore, it's all club combined with techno) The use of drugs is commonly accepted in clubscenes. Sometimes it's even promoted, for example, there's a party every sunday-night where managment provides for free pot, accompanied with free drinks and beverages. The atmosphere can be described as chique, relaxed and friendly. Things i can't find in most common bars. I also never witnessed a fight or what so ever in the clubs i attend. This also goes for many others who seem to experience the same atmosphere. In the end, people overhere regard drug-use as a common part of club-,rave-,techno-scenes. Seeing the little negative effects, it creates a more positive image to the 'GP' (lol)

Be a part of it, before jumping into conclusions.

Now excuse me while i'll take another snort of coke ;)

This season:
2 parks
28 rides

We could also take this another route in response to a few here that stated what certain drugs can cause after prolonged use.

Alcohol = liver damage and brain damage

"X" = memory loss and brain damage

The 2 top sentences are repeats of what has been discussed here.

Now lets take a look at the one thing that is perfectly acceptable in society but causes multiple health problems.

1. High fatty foods = obesity, hardening of the arteries, possible diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure. All of these things trigger other health problems and can result in death.

With that said, why do you not hear of people complaining about fast food joints, amusement park food, ect. ?

You dont see McDonalds under a watchful eye with protests to stop serving possibly one of the most unhealthy line of foods in existence.

In conclusion, the problems when it pertains to health expand beyond just drugs.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

CPLady's avatar

Amazing how all the "fun" stuff is bad for you, isn't it?

I may be getting old, but I still like to have fun. That's why I go to amusement parks to ride coasters, and eat corndogs and cheese fries. That's why I'll down a couple beers or margaritas on hot days, or drink warm brandy in front of a fire on cold winter nights.

Can I still have fun without those things? Yes. Would it be more healthy for me? Probably. Will I give up those things? Nope. Because I do all those things in moderation. I'm not hurting anyone else, and the amount of hurt I may be doing to myself is worth it.

As my sig says:

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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