New GravGroup woodie for Texas

Yes. My wife had a disposable camera with about 10 shots left and my digital was not shoot me!!! We took some good shots and I am sure some of them came out. The lot looks like about the size of something like Cedar Point's Blue Streak. That would be in line with the model. It is situated higher up and has a great view of the water. It is separate from the main boardwalk however. I think it would be hard to dispute that a coaster is going up. I plan to take pictures of it as the process progresses since I live nearby.
Can't wait to see them James. Be sure to tie that camera to Yoli's wrist from now 'til she gets to the developer. ;-)

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
I wish there was something better to detail the layout- maybe it's just the angles at which the camera was positioned but something about that first drop makes it look downright wicked. I bet there are lots of interesting details hidden in that layout, going by what GG did with Hades and The Voyage.
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
For sure. What I CAN make of it looks fantastic!

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Hey guys,

I think I might be able to help out.

As the model builder of this project, I know the layout VERY well.

Any questions? I will try to answer them as best I can.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar what is the layout then? An overhead plan view would be sweet. ;) More pictures from different sides of the display case would help a lot too.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

A overhead shot couldn't hurt :)


Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Yeah, the overhead shot would be most helpful.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf


I would like to post some pictures of the model, but not sure how. I'm new to CoasterBuzz , so please bare with me.

Some of the best parts of the ride are hidden inside structure.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Feel free to e-mail them to me. :)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Hey acoustic Viscosity.

Pictures are on the way.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Awesome! Thanks so much.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Acoustic Viscosity - can you post the photos of the model? I am dying to see the layout. I can't figure it out from the other pictures. Other that the first drop, station and lift, I can't tell which direction the train moves. The sucession of hills seems to defy gravity.

Someone please post more photos before I hyperventilate!
A million thank you's in advance.

AV and Scale: I love you.

You forgot one.?!? :-)

And the one you forgot is probably my favorite.

Mamoosh's avatar
HOLY $#!7!!!!
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Oops. Sorry 'bout that. It's there now at the bottom of the list.

Amazing work, Tom! Thank you so much for sharing! *** Edited 12/6/2006 3:28:52 AM UTC by Acoustic Viscosity***

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Ok, friggin amazing, That drop into the low curve under the strcuture should be amazing.

Now a big question for Scale Models. Scale wise, how high, and long is it?, Length of drop, ect?

And again, thanking you and AV Matt for making these views possible!


IMHO, This is TGG's first step into GCII territory, Except IMHO this will feature some of the explosive forces that GCII doesn't seem to want to delve into too much.

Chuck, who'll have to wait and see but looks are AWESOME BABY!

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