KK BIG breakdown?!?!?

Mamoosh's avatar
I shudder when I think of what would have happened had riders been on the train at the time.

CoastaPlaya said:

BTW, most folk in that area have never heard of CP and care even less about your massive inferiority complex.

This may be true the general public here out east doesnt know much about CP. However, I think you'd be suprised how many random people out this way, with a tacit intrest in parks have heard of CP. I've had a lot of people ask me, upon learning that I have a coaster addiction, "Have you ever been to Cedar Point?" It always takes me back a bit because I wouldnt expect them to have ever heard of the place, let alone be able to spontaneously spout its name.

Granted, it's no Disneyland, but I've never had anyone ask me about Astroworld. ;)

lata, jeremy

PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

Just go to SFGAdv with a CP shirt on your back and see how many people "haven't heard about CP". You will get questions all day long!

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

^Yea, I was planning on doing that, my TTD tee. I imagine that if there were riders on, they would be seriously hurt, or even killed. Like I said in the other thread, TTD is now the world's tallest, fastest (operating) roller coaster,once they do the modifications. But for know, MF is! *** Edited 6/16/2005 2:12:20 AM UTC by coastergurl***

Knoebels- 4/28

With all this bad news about the breakdown there is some good news, I just saved bunch of money by switching my . . no wait.

The issue is not directly related to the hydraulic mechanics. So some of the issues that CP had with TTD that plagued it throughout '04 haven't been as apparent in KK. With this being more of an unexpected design flaw or defect it should be easier to reenginer something like this to work. Unlike needing to replace and almost reinvent the hydraulic system like Intamin had to do with TTD.

After reading the story that Peabody linked to above, I was ready to say thanks to SF for telling us what really happened to Ka. Then I thought about what Ms. Siebeneicher said. HellOoo SF...You didn't find the problem during an inspection. You found out when the ride malfunctioned. That statement was a bit misleading, wasn't it? Maybe her statement would reassure the GP, but it did'nt do anything to reassure me. Thank goodness nobody was on the ride.
I spoke with someone at SFNE tonight and this is what they said happened. Due to several days of very hot weather and the heat from the trains launched prior to the last one the track was so hot that it expanded just enough to slow the launch. The computer sencing something wrong deployed the breaks during the launch causing the breakdown. The problem is not repairing the dammage it is finding away to keep the track cool when hotter days are coming in July and August. Since it gets hotter in NJ and the speed is faster than TTD intemin didn't know it would be a problem with KK.
Is it really that much hotter in NJ than Ohio? The speed isn't that much faster either. Sure, it could matter, but that difference seems to be so small that CP would need to look into theirs as well (which seems to be what they are doing).
AJrides: Thats not true at all. The park said exactly what happened. From the last page:


Just goes to show you, don't believe what these people at parks say! *** Edited 6/16/2005 3:24:08 AM UTC by Peabody***

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Olsor's avatar
Yes... the weather. Because being 86 degrees outside (avg. July high temp in Jackson, NJ) as opposed to 82 degrees (avg. July high temp in Sandusky, OH) makes a crucial difference in the track temperature. Not that the friction generated by a train traveling 120 mph over that track has anything significant to do with track temperature. No... it's the air temperature. Ugh.

I don't think you'll have to worry about Kingda Ka running in July and August, Ajrides.

ok here's something that you may think of about temps...

watch a nascar race... the air temp may be 80 but the track temp will be 100+??????

same is probably true with coaster tracks.

Watch the tram car please....
It was not temperature:

"a piece of the liner that covers the trough of the launch track came loose. That caused the train to malfunction and damage other pieces along the track, including the ride's brake fins. Siebeneicher says that the team investigating the malfunction has not established what caused the liner to come loose, but that Intamin and Six Flags will "take steps to make certain it will not happen again. Safety is our top priority"

From above link

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Also take in consideration the humidity there in New Jersey is ridicules compared to Ohio. I really dont get why the CP fanboys are on SF for this problem. The problem is clearly from Intimen and not SF. I mean why else would they have closed down TTD. Enough of the bashing.
Um...who's bashing SF? I see everyone bashing Intamin! (Well, bashing SF for being foolish to purchase the thing and thinking it would be reliable, maybe)

And humidity is NOT a problem for the ride. *** Edited 6/16/2005 4:16:25 AM UTC by Peabody***

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
NO! Peabody, you are wrong. It was temp. The guy who works at SFNE said so! ;)

I trust the guy who said that he talked to a guy who worked at another Six Flags park WAAYYYY more than I believe a news reporter. ;)

The Dip'n Dot's guy told me that the ride would not open 'till next year because the space aliens want to abduct the ride and figure out how it works. ;) (is that too many winkys?)

Why would anyone rejoice that the ride has been damaged? It's a rollercoaster. We all like rollercoasters, right? A setback like this could mean that other parks will think twice before buying a rocket.

I don't want to complain about SF, but here it goes. The day the rode went down, acording to one of the first articles, over half of the parks coasters were down. The park said something like, "We are working hard to get all of the rides back open", or some mumbo jumbo like that. Actions speak louder than words.

Please, God, I hope that SFMM hasn't already signed on the dotted line. Not because I don't like SF, but because I want to see them do better.

dexter said:

A setback like this could mean that other parks will think twice before buying a rocket.

Buying a rocket is one thing. Buying a rocket like TTD or KK is another. I don't think Excelerator or Storm Runner are doing all that bad.

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

At least my favorite, and closest rocket Storm Runner ran all evening. ;) It was giving some great rides today.
That's what I meant, GIGAFORCE01. Sorry, I sould have been more clear.
I wonder, when KK comes back up in forever, how wary will peeps be of riding it. I know the GP doesn't know half as much about everything as we do (and we, for the most part, don't know much, just what we've been told). It would be crazy if it's like RCT when the peeps say "I'm not riding blank, it's not safe" after the ride would crash or something. Then again, peeps were back on S:ROS in SFNE pretty much right after their crash.

"The examined life is no picnic", "but the unexamined life is a life not worth living"Robert Fulgham and The Golden Girls

Hmmm...temperature...humidity...is SF blaming the weather again? ;)

But for real...I'm very glad nobody was on the ride when it broke down. I already got my ride in on it...it's just unfortunate that this had to happen, seeing as how it was supposed to be this big marquee ride and now it's not working. Then again, remember how many problems TTD had in it's opening year? A lot...so don't discount this ride just because it's having problems. Yes, this is a major problem, but at least shreds of a cable didn't fly off and injure riders. Perhaps this will be the only major breakdown of this type on KK...anything more like this, and we may have another Batman (Chiller) on our hands...a ride that is rarely/if ever/open?

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

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