HW Has reported!

rollergator's avatar
If it was at Neverland, it could be "The Boyage"....that rhymes...

I'll be quiet now... ;)

I really love the name. It has a very epic vibe to it which seems so fitting for a coaster of this magnitude.
Paula, we're already planning a trip to HW for next spring/summer. Thanks for all the cool posts, its been great reading and the announcement day was very exciting! I have no worries about this coaster being a turkey, I just hope the triple down doesn't knock the stuffing out of us! ;)

Millennium Force Laps-169 **Vertigo Launches-21** Dragster Launches-53
There is a new update on the holiblog.

I wonder what the 80,000...things are. Maybe parts for the coaster? I guess we'll find out soon. I also wonder if this could be the "new ride" that they never announced.

80,000 bolts / nuts / washers maybe?

EDIT: I noticed she said "hold it together" after I wrote that. So... yeah. *** Edited 7/27/2005 2:49:05 PM UTC by bit0mike***

Raven Maven said:
Jeremy --

What's that from? I can't remember...


Malcolm X said it.

Have Fun

Paul Drabek

Negative-G Amusement Parks and Rollercoasters: www.Negative-G.com

bit0mike said:
80,000 bolts / nuts / washers maybe?

Maybe pieces of metal for the structure?

Negative-G Amusement Parks and Rollercoasters: www.Negative-G.com

Surprised nobody mentioned this already, but the first bent on The Voyage has gone up (see the blog). Sweet!

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!

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